Official Time Zone Activation Chart

Ruben said:
"So i suppose its some island like Samoa that gets to play first?"

Even if you live in places like Samoa you wont get to play the game before they activate it at Valve (or am i completely missing the point of time and space?) The time NOW, as in present time, is the same everywhere. The present somewhere else is not before my present here. The present is NOW everywhere.

When Valve is opening the valves (ehehe) at a certain time in the space time continuum they aint doing it to you before they do it to me. So you.. living somewhere else wont get to play before me (not taking into account computations, netspeed and computer savvyness).

Present time...that sounds FUN!!!!!
funny that other people still live a day behind and will play it the 15th :D
who even says that it will be released on those given times? u ever think of that? i heard its gonna be released 9am pst.

what the hell are you talking about? Valve said it would be unlocked at 12pm PST

Does anyone have any good excuses to get outta work for the day?

I would use "But i have a tummy ache" one, but I kinda killed that at school...umm...maybe i'll just get my mum to call in sick for me - that sounds like a plan...MWAHAHAHA
I've got plenty of beer and I'm on leave all this week. Game on!!!
Why is everyone getting excited about 0001 AM PST? The only official word we've gotten is November 16th. Nothing about what time on Nov. 16th. Can anyone prove me wrong and point to a statement from Valve or Viviendi about what time on Nov. 16th?
I think I speak for us all here when I declare: "W00t."

If you feel my point does not quite work for you, then I have no choice but to say I am a better person than you. You make baby jesus cry. Leave HL2 alone.. it's for the warkers.
nahhh hl2 is for the big kids...little brats under 17 shouldnt play :E
Tropico said:
8 AM here in sunshine land.
So i suppose its some island like Samoa that gets to play first?
Anyone from there?

Wow. It's unlocked at the same time for everyone, just so happens, the sun is in a different part of the sky, depending on where you live.

well, sadly i'll be in starting work (8am GMT) by the time you lucky folk start playing - that said this is one hell of a good week - WoW has just stolen my soul, so HL2 is going to have to kick some serious undead ass to reclaim it - WoW is just sooo addictive. ;) If anyone can confirm that Vampires:Bloodlines is released this week in the UK, then it's simply 'The Best Week for a PC Gamer Ever'.

Good luck kicking Combine and Strider ass!!!
i'll wait till the evening, cant get into an epic game at 8 in the morning
Excuse me while i run around my house overflowing with excitement. Then i will pee.
mmm unlock at 4pm for me, great time. hope there are more of these world-wide releases.
has this been verified to be the release time by valve? or is the entire internet HL2 community asuming, just to be in a frenzy with it is not out at that time?
Ok, I made a thread so someone could tell me wtf time zone im in if I live in Illinois, but I guess I should have just posted here.

wtf time zone am I in if I live in Illinois?
central. 2 am your time. but be aware that valve has not officialy given an unlock time, only a date. it could happen any time on the 16th.
yeah i doubt thed delay it.

if they had there way it'd be unlocked once it went gold...
GMT-8: Midnight (16/11/04) ...for Pacific if I remember correctly
But remember from where? Again, valve has never said anything about what time on the 16th.
So that means I have to wait until that time, to unlock HL2?
Dublo7 said:
So that means I have to wait until that time, to unlock HL2?
Yeah but it's already unlocked :p

CoreyGH i sincerely hope that you're not one of the "Valve lied to us" kind of people, cause then you are infact just a person making it own opinion regardless of facts.

The release at midnight the 16th november was official.

I'm in the UK, I have purchased the DVD Half life 2 package, it installs to the point where it says 'open web page to register' and the page WILL NOT LOAD.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Is it just they are too busy maybe?
FISKER_Q said:
Yeah but it's already unlocked :p

CoreyGH i sincerely hope that you're not one of the "Valve lied to us" kind of people, cause then you are infact just a person making it own opinion regardless of facts.

The release at midnight the 16th november was official.
I'm not sure how to respond due to the fact that your sentance structure is nonsensical. I'll just say this: I'm pleased as punch it got unlocked at midnight. That doesn't mean there was any official word before then that it would be unlocked at that time. The only thing we had been told up to that point was a date, not a time. I actualy wanted to avoid all the "valve lied to us" people that would have surfaced if it had NOT been unlocked exactly at midnight. We were already getting some of them from other time zones.

As far as "own opinion regardless of facts": just because YOU or some forum moderator or another fanboy keeps SAYING that midnight was official doesn't MAKE it official. The FACT of the matter is Valve never gave a time, only a date.
no one will ever read this post. so i have this to say. ooga booga!
CoreyGH said:
I'm not sure how to respond due to the fact that your sentance structure is nonsensical. I'll just say this: I'm pleased as punch it got unlocked at midnight. That doesn't mean there was any official word before then that it would be unlocked at that time. The only thing we had been told up to that point was a date, not a time. I actualy wanted to avoid all the "valve lied to us" people that would have surfaced if it had NOT been unlocked exactly at midnight. We were already getting some of them from other time zones.

As far as "own opinion regardless of facts": just because YOU or some forum moderator or another fanboy keeps SAYING that midnight was official doesn't MAKE it official. The FACT of the matter is Valve never gave a time, only a date.
Vivendi said it. And in the end Valve has little to do with the date itself.

That's why i was saying you were some kind of idiot. Since you're relying on Valve for your info when the fact is that Valve doesn't exactly make those decisions.
wow there's still a purpose for my thread? lol

ewwwwww its all sticky! :-P
FISKER_Q said:
Vivendi said it. And in the end Valve has little to do with the date itself.

That's why i was saying you were some kind of idiot. Since you're relying on Valve for your info when the fact is that Valve doesn't exactly make those decisions.
Once again you are saying that SOMEWHERE vivendi said that HL2 would be unlocked at midnight. Show me where. The only release info we got before Nov 16th was a date. Not a time. Also, I was never relying on Valve for info; everyone who was claiming "midnight" would usualy claim that Valve had said a time. I was always pointing out that was not the case.
CoreyGH said:
Once again you are saying that SOMEWHERE vivendi said that HL2 would be unlocked at midnight. Show me where. The only release info we got before Nov 16th was a date. Not a time. Also, I was never relying on Valve for info; everyone who was claiming "midnight" would usualy claim that Valve had said a time. I was always pointing out that was not the case.
Well if you had backtraced ANY of the posts saying it would get out according to time zones, you would know it ends up at where they're quoting Vivendi for a release on 16th november, 9:00am GMT+1 time.

But i guess that's too much to expect from you. Do some digging, i'm not doing your dirty work.

And that it was released as said proves it right as well.
I did plenty of research. Just because none of it supported your argument doesn't mean I didn't do any. Asking you to back up your meritless statements with actual facts and sources isn't my "dirty work", it's yours. Otherwise, I get to continue to make the claim that your argument is completely baseless. You can't even link to the article at boomtown that supposedly supports your argument. Why? Because it's not there. I searched for any article containing the word "vivendi". Out of 113 documents returned, none of them give a release time for Half-Life 2.

Just because it came out at midnight PST doesn't mean they had said anything about when it would come out PRIOR TO that time. That proves nothing.