OGL or d3d



OGL or d3d

Will hl2 only run on one of the 2 or will you be able to choose....... If you can choose wich one does what differently
No OGL. Period. As far as I know. They have tons of DX9 specific features.
All cards that exist are both (and especially all cards that HL2 can run on) :)
When Gabe was asked if HL-2 runs on OpenGL or Direct3D, he answered, "Neither, we use DirectX".
thats bizare but gets me exited maybe they have found a way to make things run real smooth and keep up polys or somethin
Originally posted by alb1221
thats bizare but gets me exited maybe they have found a way to make things run real smooth and keep up polys or somethin
What's so bizarre? Morrowind could play at 15-25 fps with 100,000 polys on screen, and that was on my old Geforce DDR. Think on what modern hardware can do with a better engine :)
Originally posted by $pazmatazz
When Gabe was asked if HL-2 runs on OpenGL or Direct3D, he answered, "Neither, we use DirectX".

uhm...DirectX = Direct3D, he didnt say "neither, we use directx" i defy you to point me to that exact quote.

i do believe he said "We use DirectX(Direct3D).

directx is a way of communicating with not only video cards, but sound cards as well, direct3d is the video part, theres also directsound.
Actually, if the question is "What does HL2 run on" then DirectX is more accurate that Direct3D. It runs on the DirectX base, which as said is all parts, sound/graphics/math/everything, not on a Direct3D base.
just about every 3d game runs on a directx base...

but i believe Half Life 2 is going with Direct3d, almost sure of it
erm hl2 displays with direct x, d3d is juist one of the subsections used in direct x, opengl, but more specifically d3d is quite old and has been superseeded now. Maybe not opengl, but d3d has.
HL2 is gonna be DirectX i believe yes..... Doom3 however will be OpenGL since Carmack just loves that platform :D

Quote from Q&A board:

FoxHunter: Hi Gabe (I hope I may call you so),

I just have a very simple question regarding Half-Life2:
Does the Source-engine use OpenGL or Direct3D for rendering?

Gabe: We use DX9.

Fairly specific it seems.
I guess this is why valve aren't porting HL2 to any unix platform, they would have to rewrite the graphics engine in OpenGL. Doom3 will be easy[er] to port as OpenGL will run on MS windonws and just about any other OS.
When I was learning DirectX7 and used DirectXDraw I was pissed when DirectX8 came out and they scrapped DirectDraw for 2D and used Direct3D and forced me to learn 3D and turn it into 2D.

BASTARDS!! That's why I'm so behind in coding because everything I learned is useless.
Hmm... i wish they would stay with opengl. it always worked so much better for me. direct3d always felt sluggish. or, as "they" want us to call it, directx
They probably said DX9 instead of Direct3D because Direct3d provides a complete rendering pipeline whereas in DX9 you can program your own pixel shaders which go into the pipeline and hence it's not really Direct 3d but a custom built graphics pipeline.