Oh come on...actually why am I even surprised >_>

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I said the same thing in another thread...damn shame.
Where's the confirmation? I don't see why Valve would tell anyone something like this.
As long as I see a trailer this year or a few screenshots, I will be okay.
I'm much surer now that it was canned in its current form, because the episodic model wasn't working out.
Why doesn't Valve come clean. This is a rather large break.
I'm much surer now that it was canned in its current form, because the episodic model wasn't working out.

The more time passes, the more I am expecting a full-length game. HL3, not just Episode 3. This time Valve has gone too far with all the waiting.

EDIT: And what about Portal 2? Silence...
Oi'd loik to hear that from Valve themselves.

I called HL3 about 6 months ago btw. I wonder if I was right.
INB4 L4D3.

I can't imagine them working all this time on Episode 3, and deliver a game of the length of Episode 2. It must be epic.
I think they've had many heated arguments over the plot of EP3 and thus work is rather slow; A red line draw across the Valve offices.
I did some digging and this is the quote:

"How Long For Half-Life?

Everyone wants to know when the next installment of Valve's Half-Life is coming out, but answering that question isn't easy. Loose Talk [the section of the magazine this is posted in] has learned that there won't be any game from the franchise in 2010, and what will finally come out is still unknown. Will it be Half-Life 2: Episode Three? Or will it be a full-on Half-Life 3? If it's the latter, we suspect it might be a few years."

So no real sources are quoted.
If true then:

Sad if true. On the other hand I hope they update some of the resources for EP3. After the variety of infected in L4D it seems silly to back to identicle whiteshirt zombies. If Valve are so slow making it it's because they're carefully crafting each second of it, or they're having massive arguements over the direction and it won't get made until the company splits into two seperate teams, greatly dividing the talent :)
Where's the confirmation? I don't see why Valve would tell anyone something like this.

Valve should talk clearly about EP3-HL3 (and other projects). Honestly, the time for secrecy is over. Keeping such low-profile in 2010 means that something is going, or has gone wrong with the development of the new Half-Life game. Also, keeping the fans in the dark, speculating for months, is kind of
From my personal point of view, I think that Ep3 has been put on stasis during the development of Left 4 Dead 2.
Didn't the team of Episode 1 start on Episode 3 right after it was finished?
I can handle games taking their time in development as it's nothing new, but it is a little odd they haven't released a single screen shot yet.
these forums are going to have about 8 active members by the time this ****ing game comes out
Ummm... I think whoever wrote that is probably trying to get VALVe to come out with something to squash the rumors, and they're hoping that it won't be Gabe saying "Uh... yeah, we're still making games and shit."
I don't trust game informer for a moment. They're the kind of people to buy Ep3 on the 360 by preference.
From my personal point of view, I think that Ep3 has been put on stasis during the development of Left 4 Dead 2.
Your personal point of view is still pretty retarded.
If the information that Insano posted is what they're going by, thats not confirmation, just speculation.
I can't say I'm that fussed. I'm happy to wait, there is always plenty of other games to play in the mean time.
I still haven't played through Episode 1/2. I really inexplicably cannot tolerate the character Alyx or any plot mechanisms associated with her.
Its all speculation. There is no legitimate source cited, and frankly its probably just GI talking out their ass.

But I agree with them. I said before that I didnt think a 2010 release was likely, and I see no reason to think otherwise.
Your personal point of view is still pretty retarded.

In that case,so is mine because I agree with him.Something IS going on with Ep3.It is not just classical development.

I'm thinking Half-Life 3 and that the events of Half-Life 2 Episode Three will be the prologue.
I still haven't played through Episode 1/2. I really inexplicably cannot tolerate the character Alyx or any plot mechanisms associated with her.

Well, Episode 1 you pretty much spend all your time with her. In Episode 2 you get quite a bit more time to yourself, so if you grit through 1 you can move along and enjoy 2.
In that case,so is mine because I agree with him.Something IS going on with Ep3.It is not just classical development.
Clearly you havent been a Valve fan for long enough. This is just another day in the disappointment-filled life of a Valve fan. L4D2 was by far one of the fastest turnarounds we've seen from valve from time of announcement to when it was released. This length of a wait is very much "classical development" for Valve.

I'm thinking Half-Life 3 and that the events of Half-Life 2 Episode Three will be the prologue.

Wait, so you're saying they're working on episode 3 and halflife 3 at the same time? You crazy.
There are not many things in the world that are more frustrating than being a Half-Life fan. Of course at the same time, there are not many things as rewarding.

It literally saddens me everyday when I check this site and see no real news posted about Half-Life. Articles like this only make it worse. I really just think Game Informer is intentionally making shit up in hopes that Valve will come out and say something official to clear the current rumor cycle.

The crazy thing about it... is that people can hate Valve and be pissed for years and talk mad shit about them... then Gabe will come out randomly one day and say something like "We are still making Episode 3. That is all."

And magically... everything is forgotten and I'm ****ing stoked again =)
I'm a patient person, there is no need for a mediocre HL3 or Ep 3. Also the game will look very photorealistic this time. I bought a new rig last time around for HL2 and I'll probably doing the same for when the new game hits.
Well Valve did say they were trying something new with the Episodic idea, so we just have to sit back and wait. Personally i hope Valve are taking there time because if i'm honest i was disappointed with the Half-Life 2 Episodes as they followed to Half-Life 2 formula to much. It felt like too much of the same spending more than half the game being re-taught everything then following the standard HL2 gameplay, i want to feel wowed again like i did when i first played Half-Life 2.
Valve should talk clearly about EP3-HL3 (and other projects). Honestly, the time for secrecy is over. Keeping such low-profile in 2010 means that something is going, or has gone wrong with the development of the new Half-Life game. Also, keeping the fans in the dark, speculating for months, is kind of

Why should they? When Valve are ready to talk they will, they don't owe us anything and we should learn to trust them. Trying to force them to talk about it before they are ready is not what is needed. It's only a game stop thinking about it and look to other games until this is ready. God how long did we wait for HL2 and TF2 without any info, it will come in due time.

From my personal point of view, I think that Ep3 has been put on stasis during the development of Left 4 Dead 2.

Oh yes, because Valve only have one development team right. Doesn't matter that Left4Dead 1 and 2 was made by Valve South does it.
Please, elaborate on the matter.
Again? -.-

Valve have a long well-established history of concurrent game development. See: HL2/CS:S/DOD:S, Ep2/TF2/Portal
To assert that they stopped this trend for L4D2 without giving any reason as to why Valve would suddenly change their strategy reeks of hysteria and dumb pessimism.