oh, evil terrorist...


Jul 2, 2004
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Ere be a few renders of a character model I’m working on for Reinstatement – a new HL2 mod:




For more info on da mo check out this tread – http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?p=540752#post540752 -you comments would be tolerated… I mean appreciated… :) LOL
The head looks a bit small....but it could just be the perspectives.
Crits, eh?
I'd start by saying his hands/arms are way too tapered and flat. He's almost got blade-arms.
Also, the whites of his eyes are way too bright, and the black bits need some texture detail.

It might just be me, but a lot of the anatomy is 'off'. What did you use as a reference?

Still a better model than I could do.
generally, its quite a nice model and skin ( although photoskins ). yes, the hands are too flat, and theres a lot of unecessary detail on his ear, which acutally detracts from the rest of the good parts ( and uses up polies ). you could use a good photoskin like you have done for the face and get a much better result. the shape of the head is very good, but proportionally, the model is lacking. the torso is too long, and his crotch is way too low. his arms are very...tubular. nice model, just needs some tweaking, welding of verts and a bit of moving the mesh about to get rid of the stretching on the back of the shoulders.

nice though
ya i would jus say that his eyes and teeth are a little too bright.
looks like a Nice start... althouhg, like it was mentioned, he hands and arms are all wrong... they're fan blades >:

For the sleeves: rolled up or all the way down. There aren't cit off camo jackets.

And I perosnally don't like photoskins, but that's not a horrible one.
Looks great! But I wouldn't give woodland to a terrorist :D
Hell lads – you’re not making this easy for me :| – LOL. Anywho – yea the crouch is a little low to the ground although as far as the hands go… Had difficulty getting ‘em to look right from the start but more I thought about it “real people’s” hands seam very flat – when spread out flat I mean. These one’s haven’t been posed yet which should make them look rounder – if ya know what I mean. – I’ll post more screens up with tweaks soon.


Oh, and yea there is a bit too much detail in the ear, its about 110 odd triangles maybe (each) – that has been optomised in the balaclava model though – as you’ll see below.


And yes I cheated like a dog and mapped photos onto my model – why? Well I considered painting them originally (wouldn’t clame to be the best painter though) but I thought of Max Payne which was made up completely of photo textures and how realistic it looked (even with very low poly models and compressed skins). So rather than spend time painting I cut and pasted photos over me model. Muhahahaha
Also I’ve been rigging my character this afternoon here’s a link to a movie I rendered – http://www.redbraecottages.com/example04.mov - the animation is simply made so I could edit envelopes and makes him look like a bit of a prick – but thought some of you might wanna laugh at it.

Anways – if anyones interested in helping out with Reinstatement head here: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?p=540752#post540752

Oh and I worked from sketches - which is why some of his limbs may seem a bit out - these will be fixed! Fixed damn it! :naughty:


I the mean time I'll go and shift a few more verts then - shall I..? :bounce:
wow my first post and crtique in a while.. the model is pretty good the proportions are not bad considering that most character based organic models turn out with long arms and big heads so the proportions are good .
areas taht need work are
1) the render:- u shud try getting the guy fully rigged and putting him in better poses and lightin coz those hands look really crappy and all flattened out.
2) the arms look like they were stretched and they look dangerously thin at the ends this is including the flat hands
3) the textures need a lot of work it looks semi photoskinned and the other half done from scratch..or edited pics ..the texure isnt realllly strong and with such imp models you may want to consider normal mapping , bump mappinf , relctive maps and specular.

but alas u already know about most of these so my critiques are in vain :(

Ps: photoskins may have worked for max payne coz of the shitty rendering the engine used but for hl2 it wont work aswell . if ur using photoskins take some measures to shade areas that are loosely defined and do some editing touches to remove light sources and stuff .. max payne textures were based of off high res , high quality images and also went through some editing work.
u need to figure out whats best for the model not whats the least time consuming.
:bounce: can't really argue with that post - so far I've only worked on him for little more than a week in da evenings (say an hour or two each nite) - don't no if that's fast or not - but I did start from scratch :) To be honest most time was spent on the texturing (that and the inside of his mouth - which you won't see all that often) - making sure it mapped correctly (although there are still issues on his back).
At the moment I'm riggin him up for animation - that should sort out his pancake hands (once the're moved into postion), the textures can be tweaked at a later date though.
I intend to animate a run cycle quite soon - I'll post that up for ya all to criticise... I mean look at... then criticise... DAMN YOU ALL!!! ;)