oh great! Gordon's in LOVE!


Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
That's all we need... Alyx and Gordon... together

You know it won't last, it'll be like this:

Alyx: "So gordon, tell me more about yourself"

*Gorden stands there in silence

Alyx: *giggles "So your kind of shy huh?"

*Gordon stands there in silence and strokes gun

Alyx: *sneers "Your a self centered a-hole and only think of yourself! *slaps gordon and storms out door

*Gordon stands there alone, and plays with his manipulator

~~~their in love!~~~ huzza!
I don't know, i mean it seems just... i don't know... out of character for gordon to be in love

Next thing you know Hl-3 will be "Gordon travels to the far away land of the kitchen sink scrubbing the dishes with Zen like patience... then he's off to get the laundry but Alyx has him under house arrest...

Hl-4: Uh oh! Disaster strikes when Gordon accidentally comes home with a red smooch on left his hazard suit! Uh ohh! Stay tuned for state of the art... humor! *typical exited announcer voice laughs... "we'll be right back" *cheesy music plays

$40 million
lol the last 2 lines were the funneh :LOL:

edit: lol omg i got the "All my children" soap opera feeling after reading ur second post.. :|
maybe their trying to evolve gordon's character more or something, it just seemed a little odd in that e3 2004 demo where her father is like pimping his daughter and she's embarassed. Maybe i just don't understand the dynamics of game design when it comes to making them fall in love. Besides i always thought he had a family. Remember in HL1 at the beginning when you go in his locker and their's the pic of a baby (kind of hinting at that he's a father or something) you know, along w/ laidlaws books :-D
lol, goodone! pimping his daughter :LOL:
aeroripper said:
maybe their trying to evolve gordon's character more or something, it just seemed a little odd in that e3 2004 demo where her father is like pimping his daughter and she's embarassed. Maybe i just don't understand the dynamics of game design when it comes to making them fall in love. Besides i always thought he had a family. Remember in HL1 at the beginning when you go in his locker and their's the pic of a baby (kind of hinting at that he's a father or something) you know, along w/ laidlaws books :-D

wow man.. ur on a roll!! :LOL:
at this rate, u will be on HL6 while poor Valve are still busy reaping the rewards of HL2.. lol
Yea then he has to explain to his kid that he just "collects" guns and that all the weapons he has had are in the downstairs gun racks

Gordon's kid is going to be in a school shooting... and look what sort of an example he's setting! And then the g-man will be his next door neighbor and never leaves him alone. Everytime gordon is out mowing the lawn the g-man runs over in his suit and just stands there talking all cryptically to him then runs back inside his house and peeks out the window as gordon just stands there....
Gordon's daughter is a mutant, but can she be transformed into a beauty queen in time to marry the Vortiguant restraunt tycoon? Find out on Half-Life 7: The Swan - Mondays at 8, 7 central.
Next, on Half-Life 8: Watch as 3 unsucpecting alien slaves are put on a island with a group of houndeyes in a desperate fight for survival.. and only the one left will be the next millionair...

Only on Survivor Half-Life *fox logo music plays in background
Half-Life 11 Re-live gordon's past as he went back in time to set in motion the events of the previous 10 games. aka Half-Life 11: G-man is Gordon.
I knew it! Finally the riddle has been solved and the puzzler becomes the puzzlee

You forgot Half-Life 10-2, when gordon traveled to the present and became retarded on what number comes after 10

Half-Life 10-2 : Final Gordon
aeroripper said:
maybe their trying to evolve gordon's character more or something, it just seemed a little odd in that e3 2004 demo where her father is like pimping his daughter and she's embarassed. Maybe i just don't understand the dynamics of game design when it comes to making them fall in love. Besides i always thought he had a family. Remember in HL1 at the beginning when you go in his locker and their's the pic of a baby (kind of hinting at that he's a father or something) you know, along w/ laidlaws books :-D

Gordon's character is you... and me, and him, and him too...
But i don't have a kid that i know about yet :(

They just assumed that the person playing the game had a kid already

Besides if a woman is playing HL2 then technically she would fall in love with Alyx, and i dont think alyx is that kind of girl :(

... i feel so violated!
aeroripper said:
But i don't have a kid that i know about yet :(

They just assumed that the person playing the game had a kid already

Besides if a woman is playing HL2 then technically she would fall in love with Alyx, and i dont think alyx is that kind of girl :(

... i feel so violated!

then, she won't fall in love with Alyx.
Half-Life 12: Gordon's Dozen

After the events of Half-Life 2&3, gordon remembers his legacy left in Half-Life 7, and through the willpower displayed in Half-Life 9, he comes to you in... Half-Life 12: Gordon's Dozen

Watch as gordon takes on the merciless chocolate brownie aliens, and be shocked as your good friend Eli "Pizza Face" Joe is eaten alive by... the supervillian D-Man, made entirely out of glazed doughnuts.

Half-Life taking the suspense and viseral challenge of Half-Life 6, and presenting state of the art, 16x sugar super sampling you'll see Gordon in hi res detail like never before.

Also witness the most immersive chocolately syrup arsonal of pastries you've ever witnessed in a video game.

Pick up your sprinkles, as you are launched into the unenviable role of Gordon in

Half-Life 12: Gordon's Dozen, going gold on september 30th!

Gamespot: Gordon's breakfast will never be the same!
I think Gordan is a bad influence on her.

Alyx is MINE oyu here me MINE!!!!!!!!!!!
dscowboy said:
Gordon's daughter is a mutant, but can she be transformed into a beauty queen in time to marry the Vortiguant restraunt tycoon? Find out on Half-Life 7: The Swan - Mondays at 8, 7 central.

oh my.. that sounds like a Fox ad for one of its series..

did i mention this thread is a bit silly? :imu: :imu: :cat: :cheese:
It is as well.
If the picture in Gordon's locker was his kid that would alienate the player - I reckon it's him as a wickle baby. As for falling in love with Alyx...I think they'll probably leave that part to the player.

Imagine having Gordon Freeman as a father. Very bad influence, probably smokes pot all the time and goes out every night to get leathered with his mates (Shepherd, a zombie, Barney and Walter) leavin Gordon Junior alone to play with his pet Snark.

A Half-Life soap opera would own...
dargs alyx into a barrel then throws her at the ceiling and finally propels her out of a window.
The facts that should be on "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING":

-Gordon has no family ties.
-The baby in the locker was you.
-Gordon is you, hence the silence.
-G-man is your father.
Half-Life 6: the Divorce

Gordon wasted half his life with her and now she gets half of his possessions (ok, lame pun...:p)
aeroripper said:
No, but gordie is

"They're waiting for you...Gordie, in the test cham-[/Walter breaks out in a fit of laughter at how ridiculous it would be to have a main character named 'Gordie']"

Gordie/Gordy sounds like a pet name for someone named Gordon...or a type of gourd or something :p.

Halflife 14: During the many events in Black Mesa, Gordon has begun to suspect something of Barney: Offers of buying Gordon beer, the symbolism of popping rounds into Gordon with his 'glock' (while 'missing' the zombies 2 feet away), the need of Gordon's protection point to one thing: Barney must be gay!

Gordon finally learns one day, when Barney tries to hug him - except...no wait...he's got a headcrab on his head, nevermind, he's just a zombie - our mistake.

...LOOK, over there! A badger, with a gun, can you see? Surely he's going to kill every-[/runs out of room]
Was that whole 'love engine' weirdness last year for real?
Halflife 14: During the many events in Black Mesa, Gordon has begun to suspect something of Barney: Offers of buying Gordon beer, the symbolism of popping rounds into Gordon with his 'glock' (while 'missing' the zombies 2 feet away), the need of Gordon's protection point to one thing: Barney must be gay!

Gordon finally learns one day, when Barney tries to hug him - except...no wait...he's got a headcrab on his head, nevermind, he's just a zombie - our mistake.

Yea they decided to make Barney a little more fruity this time around... they had to change that scene where you are fighting against that combine blockade...

Barney: "Remember when we thought black mesa was bad as it could get silly buns?"

I could clearly see that in the middle of the firefight Barney asks you to cover him because he got a hang-nail when fighting

I hope that Alyx don't get killed in the end, so we will witness a sad ending. That would be to cliche... But I do think that she is no more when the credits are rolling on the screen, I just hope she goes like Sniper Wolf in MGS, where David (In HL it would be Gordon) has to put a bullet in her, to make it quick. Am I sick?
eeuuhh! There are no cutscreens in HL2.....now imagine Alyx and Gordon kissing :(

Anyway....Valve said one of the reasons why theres not going to be a HL movie yet, is because they dident want a movie where Gordon saves a girl and falls in love(and similar filmatik things). Soooo...i dont think we'll see any love sceens in HL2.
ever heard of an Easter Egg? Check the other lockers for Newell, Laidlaw etc.. I've seen simular things in a mod, where the map maker puts his baby's picture in and hopes the world will see how proud he is.