oh great winter...just great

Nov 22, 2004
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so every winter our water freezes to the kitchen and bathroom sink every few days, and the line from the hot water heater to the house freezes, only cold water makes it in O.o iknorite? why doesn't the hot water stay unthawed and the cold freeze? i've no freakin clue...

this sucks
Got out from work at half past four in the morning the other night. Not only was every window frozen over but one of my doors was frozen shut.
how cold does it get in europe generally?

Here around january-february avg is -20C with windchills a lot of the times it gets -30-35C
Yeah the water freezes in our kitchen during winter. Have to keep the tap slightly running (just enough for a drip) overnight so it doesn't freeze.
Yeah the water freezes in our kitchen during winter. Have to keep the tap slightly running (just enough for a drip) overnight so it doesn't freeze.

we did that...still froze. thawed now but no hot water still
It is a solid 70 F here in Cancun! But it will be -20 when I get back home.
I left my apartment with the heat off for two weeks for Christmas break. Going back Tuesday. I really hope the water didn't freeze. I just kinda assumed the rest of the apartment building would keep it from freezing. Never lived in cold places before so I have no idea how that works.
how cold does it get in europe generally?

Here around january-february avg is -20C with windchills a lot of the times it gets -30-35C

Here in November - December it averages at -10, but this year it got to -3 once, and snowed for a half day. The second half of the day it rained all of the snow out. I was a sad panda.
We got a ton of snow last night. -12C and still snowing. Why couldn't this have come a week ago :(
The snow isn't really bothering me too much since most of the streets I drive on are properly plowed and salted, so it's no big deal. However, my friend lives on a pretty steep hill so every time I drive there I either get stuck at the bottom squealing my tires or slide by thanks to the city being a bunch of assholes and not bothering to salt smaller roads.
I left my apartment with the heat off for two weeks for Christmas break. Going back Tuesday. I really hope the water didn't freeze. I just kinda assumed the rest of the apartment building would keep it from freezing. Never lived in cold places before so I have no idea how that works.

depends on which floor your on...i've found that despite the fact that heat rises, it's the floors below that get affected by the above apartments heat. weird i know
It's nice living in Texas, it still gets to 60 and 70 F semi-regularly in the winter.
Got out from work at half past four in the morning the other night. Not only was every window frozen over but one of my doors was frozen shut.

I'd rather have my doors and windows frozen shut than what has been happening to me. I can get my doors open fine, but they won't close shut. Its mainly because I don't drive my car around long enough to get it warm enough to thaw out. My car sits in the driveway getting colder and colder. tonight I had to drive home yet again holding my driver side door shut. Also GLOBAL WARMING MY ASS!!
Got out from work at half past four in the morning the other night. Not only was every window frozen over but one of my doors was frozen shut.

BAWW. That shit happened to me every day starting in novemeber and ending in march. God damn Irish don't even know what cold is. I thought you guys had freezing weather all the time, but if you're complaining about your car having iced windows and frozen doors, then I was wrong. Move to the northern parts of New England and then you'll find something to complain about, such as not being able to breath for the first five minutes after walking outside a warm building because of how shocking the cold is.

so every winter our water freezes to the kitchen and bathroom sink every few days, and the line from the hot water heater to the house freezes, only cold water makes it in O.o iknorite? why doesn't the hot water stay unthawed and the cold freeze? i've no freakin clue...

Insulate your pipes bitch. Our pipes froze once years ago, and we completely insulated our plumbing system afterward. 10+ winters later we've still not had any pipes freeze.
depends on which floor your on...i've found that despite the fact that heat rises, it's the floors below that get affected by the above apartments heat. weird i know

I'm on the 3rd (top) floor. On the energy company's website, they also estimate higher heating bills for the top floor, which did seem weird to me. Maybe the lower apartments are just better insulated by having a room above it? I dunno.
Is this thread title anthropomorphizing winter and addressing it directly, or is it missing a comma? (Oh great, winter.)
BAWW. That shit happened to me every day starting in novemeber and ending in march. God damn Irish don't even know what cold is. I thought you guys had freezing weather all the time, but if you're complaining about your car having iced windows and frozen doors, then I was wrong. Move to the northern parts of New England and then you'll find something to complain about, such as not being able to breath for the first five minutes after walking outside a warm building because of how shocking the cold is.

Insulate your pipes bitch. Our pipes froze once years ago, and we completely insulated our plumbing system afterward. 10+ winters later we've still not had any pipes freeze.

you wanna do eet? have fun crawling under our house

Is this thread title anthropomorphizing winter and addressing it directly, or is it missing a comma? (Oh great, winter.)

yes i was addressing winter directly...that bitch.
It is -10 F tonight. Midwest USA here. About -23 C. Not factoring wind chill.
Luckily there isn't much wind right now. Otherwise it would be terrible.


Where the **** is my Winter.
how cold does it get in europe generally?

Here around january-february avg is -20C with windchills a lot of the times it gets -30-35C

its gets colder where you live compared to places like France and Germany.
also I want to move somewhere warm. also warm weather=more sex
A half an hour ago I was walking from one lecture to another and I slipped and fell on the ice. My boyfriend helped me up; however I immediately slipped again and HE FELL ON TOP OF ME:angry: Ice is stupid.
I just got back to my uni house to find the pavement outside with a thick layer of very slippery ice on it. Got in to find a note from my housemate/landlady saying "boiler's broken, sorry"

So yeah, cold house. Got an electric radiator warming the hell out of my room.
A half an hour ago I was walking from one lecture to another and I slipped and fell on the ice. My boyfriend helped me up; however I immediately slipped again and HE FELL ON TOP OF ME AND RAPED ME :angry: Ice is stupid.

Much more interesting story.
Winter sux and Vegeta should know about the lake-effect snow, and if he disagrees he is no brother of mine.
I just got back to my apartment. Temperature's been continuously below freezing since I left. It was really cold inside since I left my heater off, and there's 8 inches of snow accumulated on my patio, but I opened up my freezer and everything was partially defrosted. I just lost like $30 worth of meat. I would've been better off putting it all in a plastic bag and leaving it on the patio over break. :|
It is nearly 80 degrees Fahrenheit here.

No cold shenanigans for me.
You do know that frozen pipes tend to burst right? So if you really got frozen pipes thats a problem you might want to address in real life instead of just posting about it on the internet before your house gets flooded.
Theres been a blanket of snow across the UK. Chaos has followed it. Please send aid!
A half an hour ago I was walking from one lecture to another and I slipped and fell on the ice. My boyfriend helped me up; however I immediately slipped again and HE FELL ON TOP OF ME:angry: Ice is stupid.

That's called an "accident". Emphasis on the quote-unquote. ;)

Theres been a blanket of snow across the UK. Chaos has followed it. Please send aid!

Snow? What snow? I <3 the gulfstream.
You do know that frozen pipes tend to burst right? So if you really got frozen pipes thats a problem you might want to address in real life instead of just posting about it on the internet before your house gets flooded.

thx captain obvious
A half an hour ago I was walking from one lecture to another and I slipped and fell on the ice. My boyfriend helped me up; however I immediately slipped again and HE FELL ON TOP OF ME:angry: Ice is stupid.

I haven't fallen this winter yet but I have slipped many many times. no matter what shoes i buy they never have enough traction, or maybe its just the face pace that i walk that makes me slide to much. also i fixed my car door problem. i just needed to heat my car up for a longer amount of time than I usually give it. I tend to just get in the car and go and lately I've only been driving for 15 mins or less and ice tends to freeze my doors shut if i'm not careful enough
One time I and then but we however thanks to but all of a sudden all in all !
You people are all winter n00bs. I haven't fallen once, and we have a shit load of ice.