Oh Lawd At Last!


Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
THANK GOD! My ban's been lifted after 3 months of waiting....God, I missed not being able to post...

Awesome win. But yeah, while ive been away ive emigrated to Australia from Britain. Only problem is we didnt realise there was bugger all to do in WA, especially in Mandurah so we're moving back to Britain on Tuesday. Anyone else from Mandurah or nearby..?
Dude, you should have visited the Gold Coast in Queensland, theme parks, mountains of tourists and... Theme parks.

Anyway since you've not been able to post, we have overthrown Munro and are now fighting for independence. Join the fight!

Welcome Back.
Dude, you should have visited the Gold Coast in Queensland, theme parks, mountains of tourists and... Theme parks.

aye we were gonna try and stay for at least 6 months to view all that but my mum wanted to go home and nobody could convince her so we're off home soon. I gotta say though i won't miss the birds waking me up at 5am every morning...

Although we have been to Marapana Wildlife park which was quite good cos we got to pet and feed the kangaroos...and my dad got to annoy the parrots...

Cole said:

Anyway since you've not been able to post, we have overthrown Munro and are now fighting for independence. Join the fight!

Welcome Back.

Poor Munro, oh well, at least I have a fan :p
I gotta say though i won't miss the birds waking me up at 5am every morning...

Just yell at them after each chirp. It doesn't stop them, but at least you're getting even.

Also, BB guns, burning down the forest, poisoned bird seed, anti-freeze water bowls, throwing sticks into the trees...

.. or, if you're like me, you can just play some music quietly to drown the sound out. That worked good for me. Also, ear plugs + sleeping pills + alcohol.

Anyway, welcome back.
Just yell at them after each chirp. It doesn't stop them, but at least you're getting even.

Also, BB guns, burning down the forest, poisoned bird seed, anti-freeze water bowls, throwing sticks into the trees...

.. or, if you're like me, you can just play some music quietly to drown the sound out. That worked good for me. Also, ear plugs + sleeping pills + alcohol.

Anyway, welcome back.

Why thank you :p yeah i think alcohol and sleeping pills will work great, I doubt anything could wake me up then....not for a while...a long while...

But yeah Forest Fires start themselves and i dont have a BB gun or enough poison to make the Australian Crow extinct...
Who are j00?
It's helpful to have people that actually know you when you make a "I'm back, lol!" thread.
Why do you still have your Christmas avatar?

EDIT: I just noticed I have it too D:
me too. together we should strive for christmas all the time!
^ Yeah, we should start a commune where we celebrate Christmas 365 days a year. Would get a little dull after a while, though.
Did I ban you? I can't remember. What was it for?