OH LOOK AT ME! i'm the matrix trilogy...


Aug 4, 2003
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i just watched the last two of the trilogy the other day. lets just get this out the way...i enjoyed them. now thats established, i can be a ****

what the **** happened to the last 2 though seriously...did they write the stupidly retarded dialogue and scripted the bone achingly cringey moments themselves or get ****ing belemy from heartbeat to write it. i remember watching the first film and thinking to myself...WOW this is deep. i watched the other two last night and thought to myself...WOW this is balls deep. balls deep in kangaroo cock

OH LOOK AT ME...i'm matrix revolutions. i'll have hardly any moments set in the actual matrix itself and dissapoint doppelgofers facial hair. i mean don't get me wrong, i'm just ripping it apart cos i'm bored cos to be fair i prefferred the third film to the second but still it'd be nice to see neo kicking the **** out of a horse in super slow-mo

i know what loads of you are going to say AHAHAH YOUR 2 YEARS TO LATE or whatever it is. oh well maybe i didn't pride myself in seeing the other ends of the story until a bored saturday night cos i'd rather watch more intelligent films such as suburban commando

that felt good
Doppelgofer said:
OH LOOK AT ME...i'm matrix revolutions. i'll have hardly any moments set in the actual matrix itself and dissapoint doppelgofers facial hair. i mean don't get me wrong, i'm just ripping it apart cos i'm bored cos to be fair i prefferred the third film to the second but still it'd be nice to see neo kicking the **** out of a horse in super slow-mo


Quote of the day. :thumbs:

The sequels were worth making for the critic commentaries on the DVD. I'm surprised that idea hasn't latched on yet, it's the ultimate film-geek special feature.
Oh i love the Matrix i liked the last 2 because i remember watching the first and thinking "What the **** are they going to war or what?"
I HATED the second one. Third was almost as good as the first.
It could have been better if they had keep out all the Matrix Versions, the doors, the 7 neos, the powers inside the real world out of the story. It would have been simple and fun.
Adrien C said:
It could have been better if they had keep out all the Matrix Versions, the doors, the 7 neos, the powers inside the real world out of the story. It would have been simple and fun.
Neo’s 6 predecessors and the other Matrix Versions where irrelevant (But in a way explained more of the story) and I thought it made everything more interesting.
Noone was as surprised as I was when I first heard there was a sequel planned for the Matrix (the first one). There's no sense in continuing the story once Neo attains omnipotence at the end of the first movie - I thought it ended fine there.

But all of a sudden he has to carry on flying around beating people up? Despite being able to dive inside their very code and destroy them? And he can stop bullets in mid air, but has to physically block every punch?

As for the world outside the matrix, who CARES.... who cares about a bunch of sweaty, ugly, ugly troglodytes in their underground Ibiza? Let them all die.

It would have been a lot tidier just to end with the first movie and let people imagine the rest. It certainly would have made a lot more sense than the actual ending to the trilogy, where the machines suddenly decide to grow a heart and honour the ceasefire promise because....well, why exactly? What happened to needing the humans as a source of power? Bullcrap.

In other news, SUBURBAN COMMANDO FTW!!!!!!!!
I really wanted to see Zion, so the sequels were required IMO.
Laivasse said:
where the machines suddenly decide to grow a heart and honour the ceasefire promise because....well, why exactly? What happened to needing the humans as a source of power? Bullcrap.

In other news, SUBURBAN COMMANDO FTW!!!!!!!!

I said, They cashed in. It was poorly executed film and horribly rushed -scriptwise anyway.

99.vikram said:
I really wanted to see Zion, so the sequels were required IMO.

That's what was so good about the first Matrix, it left a lot to the imagination and made you think.
But however much they pale in comparison to the first, the sequels were better than most movies that came out in those years.
Laivasse said:
There's no sense in continuing the story once Neo attains omnipotence at the end of the first movie
The movie is not about Neo it's about Zion and the War and how it started, Neo just plays a big part in saving Zion.

Laivasse said:
the machines suddenly decide to grow a heart and honour the ceasefire promise because....well, why exactly?
Because Neo stoped Smith who was taking over and would have Control of everything.

Laivasse said:
What happened to needing the humans as a source of power? Bullcrap.
Neo made peace with the machines to save Zion and the rouge programes and the ones who know about the Matrix, not to free all Humans.
"The machines are coming and there is only one way to defeat them...LETS GET JIGGY WITH IT!"
I almost cried at how awfully terribly SHIT the third film was. I didn't mind reloaded too much, but both fail compared to the first film.

EDIT: Hated Naiobi. Absolutely hated that character. In fact, the entire cast of Zen (Xen?) irritated me. GYARARARARARAR!! I'm aggrivated now. >: (
Cormeh said:
but both fail compared to the first film.
Cormeh said:
EDIT: Hated Naiobi. Absolutely hated that character. In fact, the entire cast of Zen (Xen?) irritated me. GYARARARARARAR!! I'm aggrivated now. >: (
Zion not Zen, I liked Naiobi, did you know she did the voice of the hippo in Madagascar :p
Crap. I thought I had that wrong. Zen.... heads full of broken biscuits.

I don't mind Jada Pinkett Smith at all, she's generally alright. It was just that character.
^^But do you know what the Key and the Train Station is all about?
I thought they were all equally good i dont even look at them as 3 movies. Its all 1 long movie to me.
I've not seen the third movie. The Second put me completely off :/
Samon said:
Well I won't go out of my way to certainly, but I'm not going to get up and walk out if I just happen to end up in the same room :p
I liked the second the most. First was a big dissapointment, and I still don't see what all the fuzz is about. Eveything interesting about the movie was allready spoiled in the trailers, and even that wasn't anything original or deep. The actions was also spoiled completly and when seeing the movie it was allredy old.
The little twist that happend in the movie with them beeing betrayed seemed to be there just as a setup for morpheus beeing captured, it lacked as mucj logic as it lacked imagination.

Second was a decent movie, had a couple of interesting twists. Introduced a more interesting matric then the one in the first part. Had nice action to.

Third, meh. The machines honoring the truce could make sense if it was set in a world closer to us, where most people who fear machines forget that unlike us machines have no joy no sorrow no instinct to survive, no ambitions. Beeing dead is the same as beeing alive. But in the matrix universe, they rebeld, they wanted survival and by allowing a species like us to rebuild our civilazation thye are screwing themselves.
Bound was better than the Matrix

Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly going lezz > Guns
Grey Fox said:
Third, meh. The machines honoring the truce could make sense if it was set in a world closer to us, where most people who fear machines forget that unlike us machines have no joy no sorrow no instinct to survive, no ambitions. Being dead is the same as being alive. But in the matrix universe, they rebelled, they wanted survival and by allowing a species like us to rebuild our civilization they are screwing themselves.
That doesn't make any sense.
They were already "screwed" as they were going to "die" or run out of energy sources and their super advanced AI, which made them think they are alive, made them want to continue existing.
Enslaving the humans was the only option, and the only way to extract the energy was to keep them alive and moving around.
If you paid attention to the first movie Agent Smith explains the first Matrix was a utopian society but the humans were constantly waking out of the Matrix due to it's unrealistic, dream-like....ness. :/
As far as civilization is concerned, I don't think you understand at all because it was not rebuilt in any way aside from appearance and social structure.
It was all under very strict control of Agent Smith, whom went out of control himself.
Neo freed Smith and in turn Smith was the negotiating factor in freeing Zion from threat of destruction.
The second and third movies were pure shite. I thought the first was great and also enjoyed The Animatrix.
Warbie said:
The second and third movies were pure shite.

Agreed, and it's a shame they could of made such a great story but instead they ruined it. If they didn't have any imagination for what to do next then they should have left just the first film.
_Z_Ryuken said:
That doesn't make any sense.
They were already "screwed" as they were going to "die" or run out of energy sources and their super advanced AI, which made them think they are alive, made them want to continue existing.
Enslaving the humans was the only option, and the only way to extract the energy was to keep them alive and moving around.
If you paid attention to the first movie Agent Smith explains the first Matrix was a utopian society but the humans were constantly waking out of the Matrix due to it's unrealistic, dream-like....ness. :/
As far as civilization is concerned, I don't think you understand at all because it was not rebuilt in any way aside from appearance and social structure.
It was all under very strict control of Agent Smith, whom went out of control himself.
Neo freed Smith and in turn Smith was the negotiating factor in freeing Zion from threat of destruction.

His point, I think, was that in a world where machines are self-aware (ie. the world in the films) it makes NO sense for the machines to stop the attack on Zion just because 'they promised'. And it's true. It was a balls ending. So Neo killed Smith for the architect, so what? What's to stop the machines carrying on and wiping out Zion - a guilty conscience?

They wachowski (sp?, who cares) bros. just realised that they had no idea what the hell had been going for the last 2 films, but they needed to receive their shiny £'s so they stuck a sunset on the end and hoped people wouldn't ask too many awkward questions. Questions like 'excuse please, what the f*ck was all that about?'
Laivasse said:
His point, I think, was that in a world where machines are self-aware (ie. the world in the films) it makes NO sense for the machines to stop the attack on Zion just because 'they promised'. And it's true. It was a balls ending. So Neo killed Smith for the architect, so what? What's to stop the machines carrying on and wiping out Zion - a guilty conscience?
The answer should be obvious.

Smith > architect

Neo > Smith, therefore, Neo > Matrix and all machines.

It wasn't a negotiation, it was a demand leading into compromise. Neo allowed the machines to continue existing, it wasn't the machines allowing Zion to exist out of guilt or some emotion.

Self preservation = top priority. Machines win by elimination of their threat by treaty/cease fire.

I do think however the scope of Neo's power, how it's almost akin to a Supar Saiyin, is kind of ridiculous.
_Z_Ryuken said:
The answer should be obvious.

Smith > architect

Neo > Smith, therefore, Neo > Matrix and all machines.

It wasn't a negotiation, it was a demand leading into compromise. Neo allowed the machines to continue existing, it wasn't the machines allowing Zion to exist out of guilt or some emotion.

Self preservation = top priority. Machines win by elimination of their threat by treaty/cease fire.

I do think however the scope of Neo's power, how it's almost akin to a Supar Saiyin, is kind of ridiculous.

But at the very end of the film, Neo and Smith are both DEAD. There is nothing left but the Architect and a defenseless Zion. The situation is exactly the same as it was at the beginning of the first film, with the machines needing Zion crushed, and Zion wanting humans out of the Matrix, except there's no Neo any more. The idea that the machines would stop the attack just because they made a promise to a dead human who did them a favour is ridiculous soppy crap. They still NEED humanity enslaved in the Matrix, and humans will still want out of it.

And like you say, the scope of Neo's power IS stupid - too ridiculous to have bothered carrying on with 2 more films. At the end of the 1st one he's made out to be basically omnipotent within the Matrix - what happened to being able to see the code itself and dive inside Agents and destroy them fundamentally? All of a sudden he's knocked back down to the level of a slightly stronger Zion-bandit, still needing to engage people hand to hand, and still needing the back up of other ugly Zion-trogs when inside.

What happened to the 'system error' - which if they'd left the story there, could have meant whatever anyone wanted it to mean?

There was just very little about any of the latter 2 films which made any kind of sense other than in a vague, indefinite, pretentious way. The idea of rogue sentient programs was kind of cool but not worth the price of admission.
I forgot he died. Yeah now it doesn't really make sense, but according to history there have been multiple Neos, so with the resistance no longer needing a hero, there will be no more Neos, and no more threat.
Really, it was their best chance to survive.

Concerning hand-to-hand combat. Smith was getting stronger as well. As should be most apparent, diving inside Smith only made him stronger and more aware, more dangerous. He's not exactly omnipotent. He is still bound by the laws of the Martix's coding. He can just bend them a bit. Gravity and air resistance is pretty much out the window, but for example he can suffocate, bleed, feel pain, get tired, die.
I really enjoyed the movies. The action, the characters, many of the ideas, but one thing really annoyed me.

The machines farmed people for their energy.

Why would they do that? You couldn't get any more energy from that than what you put in. They would be better off burning whatever they feed the people.

Also in The Second Rennaissance, why on earth would the humans scorch the sky? People need and feel an emotional bond with the sun. Machines however have nuclear energy, fossil fuels, probably the capability to launch orbiting solar generators which beam down the energy via microwaves. \

As much as all that annoys me, apparently instead of sequels, a prequel (The Second Rennaissance) was considered. That would have been so much more awesome, and utterly owned. The story behind that is just so cool.
1. he got his eyeballs melted out of his face, and his only reaction was "i think you better drive"

2. "Neo, I believe"

worst movies of all time. and the first one was so good as well.
Bull Goose Loony said:
1. he got his eyeballs melted out of his face, and his only reaction was "i think you better drive"
And what would you have said or done in that situation?
spookymooky said:
I really enjoyed the movies. The action, the characters, many of the ideas, but one thing really annoyed me.

The machines farmed people for their energy.

Why would they do that? You couldn't get any more energy from that than what you put in. They would be better off burning whatever they feed the people.

Also in The Second Rennaissance, why on earth would the humans scorch the sky? People need and feel an emotional bond with the sun. Machines however have nuclear energy, fossil fuels, probably the capability to launch orbiting solar generators which beam down the energy via microwaves. \

As much as all that annoys me, apparently instead of sequels, a prequel (The Second Rennaissance) was considered. That would have been so much more awesome, and utterly owned. The story behind that is just so cool.

I agree with you. That doesn't make sense, why would they use humans for energy when they have so many other sources, nuclear energy for instance, duh. Like you said even if the machines were dependent on sun power so the humans scorched the sky they still could have launched satellites to collect sun energy, so they still wouldn't have needed humans. So if you think about it the story has many flaws and I agree a prequel showing the beginning of the matrix would have been much more interesting than these two shitty films.

_Z_Ryuken said:
And what would you have said or done in that situation?

ARGHHHH!!! I can't ****ing see DRIVE BITCH!!! Whahhh....:cheese:
_Z_Ryuken said:
And what would you have said or done in that situation?

what any person would probably do, scream and writhe around for a while, then go into shock and die.
Laivasse said:
But at the very end of the film, Neo and Smith are both DEAD.
Prove it. All we saw was Neo being carried away on a ship and you instantly assume he's dead?