Oh neat, we can burn our money for warmth soon D:

So who is this guy?

Our world is comming to an end anyway, with gas prices going through the roof, and the seamingly more and more serious food crisis that some countries are facing (other than third world countries). I don't see how there could be a bright future even if the world economy wasnt going down the drain
So who is this guy?

Our world is comming to an end anyway, with gas prices going through the roof, and the seamingly more and more serious food crisis that some countries are facing (other than third world countries). I don't see how there could be a bright future even if the world economy wasnt going down the drain

yeah...our generation (of young workers) will have to live in a falling economy. but then when we work our asses off, there will be another wave of baby boomers who'll live in abundance. god damn bastard!