"Oh no, I bought a computer and now HL isn't finished! VALVE SUCKS!"



I don't get it. Why do people buy computers/upgrades before Half-Life 2 has gone gold? I mean, if in fact they are doing it just for the purpose of playing it. Isn't it common knowledge that release dates get pushed back?
Srekel said:
I don't get it. Why do people buy computers/upgrades before Half-Life 2 has gone gold? I mean, if in fact they are doing it just for the purpose of playing it. Isn't it common knowledge that release dates get pushed back?
I don't know. Yes.

- Yellonet
What are you going on about? Whats wrong with upgradeing a comp before hl2 goes gold, and whats with the thread title, I've never seen anyone say that before, ever.
There's nothing wrong with upgrading a computer before HL2 goes gold. But it's stupid to complain about "I could have waited a month before buying my computer", because then you obviously got the hardware for HL2 and if so, why didn't you just wait until you could get the best hardware for your money?
(this isnt directed at you, The Mistress)

I'm sure noone has said those exact words, but I have seen PLENTY of posts along those lines, people complaining about HL2 not being released and thus making their upgrade a dumb decision.
Srekel said:
I don't get it. Why do people buy computers/upgrades before Half-Life 2 has gone gold? I mean, if in fact they are doing it just for the purpose of playing it. Isn't it common knowledge that release dates get pushed back?
Generally it's about the September 30th thing. The answer is pretty simple, they trusted Valves dates and feel like the trust has been broken. If Valve had not given false dates a lot of people would have held off on upgrades and could get hardware twice as powerful today for the same price.

Yes they would have had PCs capable of running Half-Life 2 now, but in a few years when Valve have beefed it up the system requirements for it and the mods would have significantly increased making the computer they bought to play hl2 seem extremely crap.

That's the issue!
Very True.

I think most people who say things like that are actually more angry at themselves for buying the stuff. But yes, people feel betrayed when valve misses a release date.

(although the only date they actually missed was september 30th)
They would have upgraded anyway. I don't believe HL2 is the only game of their lives. I bet they have played at least one of the last generation first person shooters.

jabberwock95 said:
(although the only date they actually missed was september 30th)
HL1? CS:CZ? HL2 SDK? Hello, hello?
Couldn't this be posted in "Complaining and praise about VALVe goes here" thread? Just wondering, because this could be applicable to all the whining about HL2, delays, and anything else anyone can come up with to bash Valve. Not saying that anyone in this thread is, but the topic of this discussion, i.e. "Oh no, I bought a computer and now HL isn't finished! VALVE SUCKS!"
jabberwock95 said:
(although the only date they actually missed was september 30th)

They have delayed everything they have ever said would be out, at least once, this includes dates about RC of games, games themselves, the beta, screenshots/blinks, the mod makers tools.

They have missed alot of dates.
If hl2 gets pushed back again I'll be mad AND happy because my pc only runs cs:s at 20-40 fps if im lucky. If I mange my lunch money for 2 months and keep a steady flow of cash from my chores I'll have enough for a somewhat good video card. Hopefully hl2 won't be out before then because my computer will be all laggy and crap while playing it.
The Mistress said:
They have delayed everything they have ever said would be out, at least once, this includes dates about RC of games, games themselves, the beta, screenshots/blinks, the mod makers tools.

They have missed alot of dates.

Well, only one solid date for the release of HL2. I admit they have 'slipped' on nearly everything they said they would release.

I wish Valve would just stop announcing dates, they suck at keeping them.
Well I dunno, maybe it's because on September 25th last year, Valve were still positive of a 30th release. I would certainly understand people believing that there's no way Valve could mess that one up. Then again, this is Valve we're talking about.
Gee jabber, that's funny, I seem to recall three dates missed. September 30, "April," and "summer."

Just because the other dates are vague doesn't mean they aren't real dates.
Yeah, I agree with the poster of this thread. Next time they'll learn that games aren't always released on time.
iamaelephant said:
Gee jabber, that's funny, I seem to recall three dates missed. September 30, "April," and "summer."

Just because the other dates are vague doesn't mean they aren't real dates.
funny, i thought Vivendi made that "April" date. not valve. and summer aint over yet.
It's no secret that Valve have missed a number of estimations. The problem is how you deal with it. People shouldn't focus so much on one video game, so you can avoid getting so annoyed like some people are.
The important thing is that everyone learn't ... right? ;)
KagePrototype said:
It's no secret that Valve have missed a number of estimations. The problem is how you deal with it. People shouldn't focus so much on one video game, so you can avoid getting so annoyed like some people are.

ill drink to that. just chill guys, hl2 IS coming. if we can wait a year, then we can wait another month surely???

im dying to play it myself, but cs:s has me occupied till then.

upgrade your computer to make it future proof not 'will run hl2 perfectly' proof. you wont play it perfectly unless your exceedingly rich and can afford the latest gcard and hardware :E
The Mistress said:
What are you going on about? Whats wrong with upgradeing a comp before hl2 goes gold, and whats with the thread title, I've never seen anyone say that before, ever.
People say it all the time. It's so boring - as if their machinery is now, a few months later, completely obsolete and will be unable to play HL2 or Doom3 or the shiniest games on the spangliest settings for months and months to come. They have nothing worth whining about but they just need something to whine about. Anything.
el Chi said:
People say it all the time. It's so boring - as if their machinery is now, a few months later, completely obsolete and will be unable to play HL2 or Doom3 or the shiniest games on the spangliest settings for months and months to come. They have nothing worth whining about but they just need something to whine about. Anything.

I've been under the impression that somehow they bought a machine that could ONLY play Half-Life 2, it would be the only thing to explain why they are so pissed off that Half-Life 2 isn't out when they wanted it to be.
To be honest, I don't even know to what extent the current version of HL2 takes advantage of the latest generation of video cards. I know the game will be updated as new hardware becomes available, but I don't see any reason to throw away my six month old 9800 Pro...

Has Valve ever released any comment on that?
no because only fools would worry about it, the first demo was run using a 9800 XT (or something of that gen) the later demos were run on X800's, these were the best cards at the time and so that is what was used, the game ran just fine on the first setup, in fact bin ran incredibly, the only reason people get bent out of shape is becuase they don't have the latest gen hardware and that just sucks, i'm off to uni so i am getting my new comp parts delivered tomorrow, i did go for the next gen hardware, I ended up with a Geforce 6800 for £13 more than a 9800 pro i was gonna get but that was 13 quid, to pay the extra 160 for the X800 XT would be a joke, this thread is pathetic and if people are as shallow as to care that a games release has been delayed and decide that their comp is useless on that basis deserves nothing but bullying and shame.
Srekel said:
I don't get it. Why do people buy computers/upgrades before Half-Life 2 has gone gold? I mean, if in fact they are doing it just for the purpose of playing it. Isn't it common knowledge that release dates get pushed back?

I are five yaers olf.
i bought a 9600 pro back in the days before sept 30th 2003. Im kinda kicking myself now, because i could have gotten a 9800 pro now for the same prices, but i dont blame valve. Next time i will wait till it goes gold to buy a 3D card and any other upgrades for that matter.
so you bought the card in case the game came out....

...right. So it wasn't an informed decision where you had decided it was time to upgrade, it was a knee jerk reaction.

How is this anything to do with Valve.
Rupertvdb said:
so you bought the card in case the game came out....

...right. So it wasn't an informed decision where you had decided it was time to upgrade, it was a knee jerk reaction.

How is this anything to do with Valve.

Valve said sept 30th for months.

They never once said any other date up until 6 days till release.

and right up until then they where letting people upgrade their machines solely to play HL2 on full settings knowing fine well that the game would never see the light of day in that year never mind the 3rd quarter of 2004.

Of course though, using fanboy logic valve can never be wrong, or a bunch of ****s so theres no point even responding is there.
Dougy said:
and right up until then they where letting people upgrade their machines solely to play HL2 on full settings knowing fine well that the game would never see the light of day in that year never mind the 3rd quarter of 2004.

Of course though, using fanboy logic valve can never be wrong, or a bunch of ****s so theres no point even responding is there.

They 'where' letting us upgrade 'where' they. (sorry that's a low blow, could be a scottish thing ;))

I just upgraded my comp and i didn't have to check with Valve about anything, funnily enough i could upgrade completely independently from them.

If you upgraded on the basis of a game that hadn't come out yet then more the fool you, i nearly did but then sat back and went, hang on the game ain't out yet and my comp has probably still got a bit left in it, why don't i wait.

Now i'm off to uni and so i'm upgrading my computer, note how i upgrade on the basis of need as opposed to a game.

The fact you went and spent mum's money on a toy that isn't the shiniest anymore because you wanted your friends to see how cool you were is not Valve's fault. Add to that the fact you will ahve got satisfaction regardless with other games, you may also want to drop in the fact the system you probably got will still be good enough to run the thing just fine.

You kids are making a lot of noise about nothing, quit bitching, it's pathetic.
Oh Noes, I Bought A New Alienware And Now Hl2 Isn't Finished And Not Going Gold Right Now why God Why Why Lolol Omg This Suxors Valve Suxors My Nutzors And They Are All Jerks! Hell Yeah! Hell Yeah! Owned Owned Owned You Noob.

I wonder if anyone will get it my attempt at satire. Wish it stayed all caps.
You have to realize Half-Life 2 isn't the only game in the world....sheesh
I don't know about everyone else, but I upgraded a year ago because i NEEDED to. I was running a GF2 MX400. Most games at the time ran like crap. Granted, I should've researched more and gone with ATi, but I absolutely cannot complain with my 5900, seeing as it was a birthday present for me.

I'll probably be upgrading my motherboard and CPU later, but that will definately be after HL2. IMO, I think it may be a little sweeter to play HL2 on moderate settings, and then upgrade and feel the sweetness.
sHm0zY said:
Srekel said:
I don't get it. Why do people buy computers/upgrades before Half-Life 2 has gone gold?QUOTE]

Why not....?

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. With this:

"I mean, if in fact they are doing it just for the purpose of playing it.",
I meant:
"if in fact they are upgrading their computers solely for the purpose of playing HL2.".

I'm not mad at people who aren't upgrading for HL2, and I'm not mad at the ones that want to upgrade for HL2, I'm mad at the ones that have done it and then complains at VALVe for not releasing the game (even though they did mention dates). Of course "mad" is probably an overstatement because I don't REALLY care, but it does bug me from time to time. :)
If you bought a new computer in sept. last year, when it was going to be released, you will still be able to play HL2 on top settings.
Srekel said:
I don't get it. Why do people buy computers/upgrades before Half-Life 2 has gone gold? I mean, if in fact they are doing it just for the purpose of playing it. Isn't it common knowledge that release dates get pushed back?

So very true, People who bash valve suck. People think that Valve owes them, they owe us nothing. They're taking so long so that when the game is done you will say, "oh holy ##$@ that is amazing!" and not say, "oh well the graphics are ok and these bugs are driving me nuts!"
Srekel said:
Maybe I wasn't clear enough. With this:

"I mean, if in fact they are doing it just for the purpose of playing it.",
I meant:
"if in fact they are upgrading their computers solely for the purpose of playing HL2.".

I'm not mad at people who aren't upgrading for HL2, and I'm not mad at the ones that want to upgrade for HL2, I'm mad at the ones that have done it and then complains at VALVe for not releasing the game (even though they did mention dates). Of course "mad" is probably an overstatement because I don't REALLY care, but it does bug me from time to time. :)

well turn that frown upside down, no one really cares that you are mad.
I got my new computer in June 2003, mainly for HL2, but I bought it because my sister needed a new computer for University..so I got a new one, she got my old one.

Only way I could have gotten one then most likely.