Oh Noes, Not Another: "Show Us Yer Pic" Thread!!!


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
It's been a while, so get to posting! :D

Here's one of the only halfway decent pictures of me ever taken. You had all better be damn grateful.

Here's another one of me wearing my new, ohsosexy sunglasses. I'm...almost all the way in the picture. Boner inspiring though they may be, they cost almost as much as my 2GB of ram. :x

edit: Try not to recycle pictures from old threads.

Don't know what sort of a pose that is


3/4 of Hatfield College JCR Exec. 2006-2207 at zee lion in winter ball

Far left, don't remember the picture being taken (drinky drinky) but it's hillarious.


That's the latest I could find on my PC since the last picture thread I posted in. Here's some old ones I guess





edit: sorry most are scans of actual pictures from disposable cameras.

[23:17] If you're not wasted the night is!: post in the pictures thread in off topic
[23:17] Danimal: Nah
[23:17] If you're not wasted the night is!: why
[23:17] Danimal: Because I don't have a pitcure to post
[23:17] If you're not wasted the night is!: well take one then
[23:17] Danimal: I don't know where my camera is =(
[23:17] If you're not wasted the night is!: I will end you
[23:18] Danimal: I will BAN you D:
[23:18] If you're not wasted the night is!: lol not from life
[23:18] Danimal: =(
[23:18] If you're not wasted the night is!: I'll sue you on the internets
[23:18] Danimal: I'll sue you for damages!
[23:19] If you're not wasted the night is!: **** your clique
[23:19] If you're not wasted the night is!: I'll rape them.
[23:20] Danimal: =(
[23:22] Danimal: If you excuse me, I have a certain elephant that requires a large stick to be inserted into it's left eye to release the pressure witihin, the hard obstacle of this feat is that the elephant does the hokey whenever this situation occurs.
[23:23] If you're not wasted the night is!: all you gotta say is you're masturbating damn
[23:23] Danimal: I wasn't D:
[23:23] If you're not wasted the night is!: It's to the post your pictures thread isn't it
[23:23] Danimal: ...No.
Moi, taken yesturday:


Monday night, pre-drinking

Monday night after lots n lots of dancing:

Glirk Dient said:

You look like the main character from HOSTEL.


God knows...

I was pulling the face, Dont even try to say "LOL YOU GOT CAUGHT!" Because i will shoot you down like dogs.
*Rubs thighs*
Mmmmmm. Burnzie.
I mean... Erm, what?


I can't remember if it was the wine I was disgusted at or something else. Who knows. Although the fact that I don't remember bodes well.
Daw you! I love the very MySpace straight-on pic :D I'd hit it.
Murray_H said:

Don't know what sort of a pose that is
It's an "I look like Ricky from Kaiser Chiefs" pose is what it is.
el Chi said:
*Rubs thighs*
Mmmmmm. Burnzie.
I mean... Erm, what?


I can't remember if it was the wine I was disgusted at or something else. Who knows. Although the fact that I don't remember bodes well.

Chateau de la shite?
Oui, c'est possible. Mais j'aime le vin rouge plus de temps, donc je ne sais pas qu'est mal.
Ahhh, je déteste le vin, sa trop de dispute, je préfère la bière.
smoke said:
You look like the main character from HOSTEL.


God knows...

I was pulling the face, Dont even try to say "LOL YOU GOT CAUGHT!" Because i will shoot you down like dogs.

!!! C H A V A L E R T !!! W A R N I N G !!! C H A V A L E R T !!!


edit: seriously though, i hope it's just a weird photo of you looking and acting like a chav. The repursions for Chavs caught on here are extremely serious, i hope you're aware of that.
Shodan said:
Ahhh, je déteste le vin, sa trop de dispute, je préfère la bière.
Erm, excuse-moi, mais common-dit "dispute" en Anglais? C'est ne pas la meme comme le mot en Anglais "dispute" ou non?

Sur sujet! J'aime beaucoup la bière aussi, mais de temps en temps je préfère le vin, avec mon dîner, en particulaire. Surtout quand c'est le vin de mes parents, parce que c'est plus bien que la pisse de rat j'achat d'habitude.
Ugh, why do people feel the need to take pictures of their muscles?
Everytime I see that on myspace I just laugh and laugh and laugh
Speaking of which, I'll just post a link to my myspace, since pretty much everyone uses it anyway
I'd look better in ascii art than picture.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Ugh, why do people feel the need to take pictures of their muscles?
Everytime I see that on myspace I just laugh and laugh and laugh
Speaking of which, I'll just post a link to my myspace, since pretty much everyone uses it anyway
The lady on the far right of your profile pic is sexy. As is the one in the middle. As are you. Giggety. Menage a quatre?
That is all.
short recoil said:
I would post an up to date picture with my new skin IF the T1000 didn't have my computer in his room quelling human resistance on it.
So here is an old pic of me with my "metal face"



-Angry Lawyer


Qonfused.. youre a fatty... thats why i love you like crazy hahaha

now.. back to being a nerd...
el Chi said:
The lady on the far right of your profile pic is sexy. As is the one in the middle. As are you. Giggety. Menage a quatre?
That is all.
*reads post*
*checks link*
*sees pic*

Shes fine IMA. ;) nice tune too.
I would like to point out that i am not a chav, for a start, that is not a gold chain, it is silver. Gold is the choice of chavs, and is tacky in appearence, my sexy silver chain never leaves my neck, not even when i`m pulling a face.

As for the blazer, thats the blazer of glory, the mantle of manliness. All who pass by me are stopped in awe of it.

And i`m pulling that face, the guy taking it tried to ambush me for a dumb pose. He failed, i took pity, and allowed him to take a picture of my godlike face and body, he was amazed.
