"Ohhh, Shakey Breaky!" -Wtf?

Might be old, but it was new to me.


Of course, given the complexity of such AI, we had our share of problems and general weirdness. During early development and testing of combat intelligence, one stalker went mad and began to consider himself as an enemy, trying to dispose of this "enemy" as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, our good-for-nothing animators did not plan for the possibility of putting your own gun to your temple, so the poor stalker had to instead shoot the only part of the "enemy" body he could reach - his own feet. Laughing For a good 10 minutes the entire design team, while rolling around on the floor from laughter, watched as the stalker-wannabie desparately battled with his own limbs. In the end, having used up two full magazines, the NPC died, submitting the diagnostic "Enemy successfully terminated" before terminating. Embarassed
Well, thanks to this thread I gave STALKER a reinstall with the latest Oblivion Lost mod (2.1.1?) - and wow, what a difference that mod makes. The game just seems to be polished and improved in almost every single way. Not to mention it's now shit scary to boot. I barely even play the game at night now (unless there's a full moon). It's just so dark, I usually end up using the sleeping bag for 10 hours and continuing in the morning. :o

Earlier I got a warning message telling me there was a bloodsucker sighting in Cordon, so I decided to go hunting for it in the pitch black. I nearly had a heart attack when I got jumped by a weird zombie instead. The bastard took two shotgun shells to the face, and after a little while - GOT BACK UP and scared the shit out of me again when it's screaming face suddenly appeared in my torchlight. Never did find the bloodsucker though.
just find a suit with nightvision and the OL mod isn't so scary...once you find nightvision suit the flashlight is useless though.
Grabbing this game tomorrow. Sounds pretty good =)
I haven't been getting these warning messages. Is this in a newer version of OL? I have 2.0...
Just might redownload it on Steam for this Oblivion Lost mod, sounds and looks awesome from what I've seen.
I found a bunch of crap in a mining apparatus (AFAIK) in the Dark Valley, including a guitar and a hand radio.

Im guessing this is what I need in order to receive warning messages?
I found a bunch of crap in a mining apparatus (AFAIK) in the Dark Valley, including a guitar and a hand radio.

Im guessing this is what I need in order to receive warning messages?

I think they're a new feature of Oblivion Lost 2.1 actually. Looking at the 2.1 features, it adds faction wars - which gives you messages telling you who's attacking where.

It's pretty cool, as you'll get a message saying that Freedom have attacked Duty at the bar or whatever, and if you get there in time you'll be able to see the fight and join in if you want. Otherwise if you're too late you can just loot all the corpses that've shown up instead. The warning message I got was in the same format so I'm guessing it's part of the update.
Hold up there. I'm not sure if you can use mods with the download version.

You can, I used a weather and sounds mod with it before.
Granted I had to track down a version of the mods that came out for the unpatched version of STALKER, since they STILL haven't released the latest f*cking update for the game.
Oh god, it looks awesome, very atmospheric.
The only thing I didn't like was the action music that started at 17:00 or 21:00. :\
Glad to see the bolt has a use now. Also, inventory system is much cleaner. ;D
Well I'm stuck in the middle of a whole bunch of people fighting and I just don't want to miss the action if I choose to run back to the bar to resupply.

You can go back to the bar, nothing will change. It's excellent to be duty's ally at this time, you will see why as soon as you get in Pripyat.
You can go back to the bar, nothing will change. It's excellent to be duty's ally at this time, you will see why as soon as you get in Pripyat.

Haha, srsly. I did it without being anyone's ally. I was walking around, looking for a good sniper's nest to take out the guards on the main building, and walked into a room with 8-12 people in it. Dropped a 'nade and ran.
Reading this had made me reinstall the game and try out the OL mod. Just built my new computer so I can play everything on full this time round. Also, will the Float32 mod work with the OL mod? The readme says that it might not work with any side mods but the Float32 is just a graphical improvement.
I've got Float32, Oblivion Lost v2.1.1 and the sharper textures pack all installed with the 1.005 patch without any problems so far. So you should be good.
I never even knew there was such a weapon. :|
Alright, so I just figured out I screwed up the continuity, thusly I never recieved a key from a Scientist at the Agropom Research Institute or whatever, thusly I could not go into Strelok's Hotel room later, thusly I could not decode that thinger, thusly I could not have one of the two real endings.

So I saw all the endings, but they don't make much sense, read something about the C-Conscious Project, was vague.

So can someone just fill me in? What is the C-Conscious project? What's the revelation with Strelok? And what other info do you find out about the zone?
Alright, so I just figured out I screwed up the continuity, thusly I never recieved a key from a Scientist at the Agropom Research Institute or whatever, thusly I could not go into Strelok's Hotel room later, thusly I could not decode that thinger, thusly I could not have one of the two real endings.

So I saw all the endings, but they don't make much sense, read something about the C-Conscious Project, was vague.

So can someone just fill me in? What is the C-Conscious project? What's the revelation with Strelok? And what other info do you find out about the zone?

In the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster, the Soviet Union decides to use the Exclusion Zone, often referred to in-game as ?The Zone?, for special research into the human mind. Results include enhanced ESP, psychic weapons, and the eventual formation of a hive mind known as the C-Consciousness.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the self-aware C-Consciousness takes control of the Zone and autonomously continues its research. It attemptes varying degrees of global mind control in an effort to bring about world peace. However, these attempts result in the unintentional twisting of the physical properties of the Zone and the mutation of resident life forms.

In an attempt to hide its existence from the outside world, the C-Consciousness erects a Monolith in the center of the Zone and brainwashes many people into worshipping the Monolith as an artifact of extra-terrestrial origin. In a further attempt to insulate itself, it constructs a device, known as the ?Brain Scorcher?, that traumatically interferes with brain-wave patterns, rendering anyone who approaches the surrounding area a mindless "zombie". As reports of valuable "artifacts" disseminate from explorers who venture into the zone, whispered rumors of a Wish Granter housed in the Sarcophagus of the Chernobyl NPP begin to spread.

A group of four Stalkers, Strelok, Ghost, Fang, and Doc, travel to the center of the Zone in an effort to reach the Wish Granter. After encountering the fanatical Monolith faction, the brainwashed guardians of the C-Consciousness, they are forced to retreat. Strelok is knocked unconscious and loses his memory. The others are able to escape the Zone, though Fang later dies of his wounds, and Ghost is killed by psi-emmisions.

The unconscious Strelok is discovered by the C-Consciousness, who, unaware of his identity, mistakenly brainwashes him to kill the stalker known as Strelok and his allies. On the way out of the Zone his truck is destroyed, and he is discovered, unconscious, by another passing stalker.

He is reunited with Doc who helps him piece together his past, prompting Strelok to return to the Zone and the Monolith. When Strelok eventually confronts the C-Consciousness, he is faced with a choice of joining it in its attempts to repair the Zone and bring about world peace or trying to stop the C-Consciousness from continuing its experiments. If the player chooses not to join the C-Consciousness, he is forced to battle the worshippers of the Monolith. When they are defeated, he destroys the equipment that sustains the C-Consciousness. Strelok is then seen standing in a grassy field, the Zone seemingly gone.

YOU are Strelok

I kept thinking "Hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if I am Strelok"
Anyways, I really like that revelation, that's pretty cool. Too bad I couldn't unveil it for myself.

So does anyone know what was with those weird mutant hallucinations while going to turn off the scorcher? Just another weird Monolith mind game?
Oh good god zt, use spoiler tags, I thought I was safe since everyone was using them.

But oh no. :3
heh, duty.

Seriously though, can someone explain to be the concept of a "blowout" in this game? What is being "blown out." Is it something to do with blowing the prevailing winds (of radiation) in a direction that is away from any forms of civilization?

I may have missed the reasoning, since it has been quite a while since I've played it, but either way...
In the OL mod, Blowouts were implemented that aren't in the vanilla game as far as I can remember. They occur every 3-4 days and, depending on how deep you are into the zone, vary in intencity. They start when you her a deep moaning sound and the sky turns red. Earthquakes then occur and a huge storm breaks out followed by more screams and hoaling. You have to run for cover in buildings or go underground otherwise you'll get fried from the radiation (or psi-emissions). All other stalkers and enemy NPCs will run for cover too. The mutants will try to hide but get hit by the radiation, though it's usually never enough to kill them. Once it finished more of them will spawn in the area.
Where do I get this cool mod you guys are talking about? Do I need anything else besides Stalker for it?
Don't they do that in Clear Sky?

I believe it does but I'm not sure if they're the same. This mod implements a lot of stuff that was cut from the game so maybe Blowouts were originally going to be implemented but for whatever reason they took it out.

Where do I get this cool mod you guys are talking about? Do I need anything else besides Stalker for it?

The mod I'm using is this one:

ugh, i dont understand this installation crap, why cant it just be simple like steam mods :(
This mod implements a lot of stuff that was cut from the game so maybe Blowouts were originally going to be implemented but for whatever reason they took it out.

What actually got released as STALKER wasn't even a tiny bit of that which was promised in the beginning. While they were developing they had an FAQ on their site which listed all features and possibilities the game would have and you could read it again and again and still not believe how awesome this game will be. After the third (or so) delay THQ put a lot of pressure on the dev team to release the game without any of the things they promised (which was just a realistic move on their part) and that's what we got to see: a pretty cool but watered and dumbed down ego shooter.


(I don't know but if someone has the original FAQ could he / she post a link?)