Oil leak in Michigan River

Ah dang, since there are residents involved, hopefully (1) the company will actually pay people who get sick, and (2) residents won't be stupid and stick around. As the article briefly states, they should be a little worried about benzene. I don't care what the company says -- if they are constantly smelling fumes, that is probably not a good thing. Just because you don't feel sick now doesn't mean you won't get cancer from it in 10 years. It always makes me facepalm when people are like "I can smell fumes, but it's probably ok." Or with pictures from the gulf spill: "There's tar all over the beach but I'm gonna have vacation anyways and take my kids out to play in it and walk around barefoot."

If you're not helping with the clean-up, don't go there and play in it fools.
Do they use the oil once they catch it from all this shit or throw it away because "the ecosystems ruined it."
I feel like I need to move out of this country before the bombs start. de-population program has commenced!
Bitch I'll kick your ass with my shotgun.
Oil ain't got shit on Michigan. We'll just send the Militia over there.
Hey Chase, ride the river down to the oil slick then you'd slip all the way to South America and I wouldn't have to put up with your bullshit anymore ****er.
it's michigan, like an oil spill is going to make it any dirtier
So by saying he'll have a quick response, does that mean he'll cripple the cleanup crews for 60 days before declaring an official start to the cleanup process?
Man people need to stop rippin on Michigan. Detriot is not Michigan!! Grand Rapids is the fastest growing city in the country mofos.
Man people need to stop rippin on Michigan. Detriot is not Michigan!! Grand Rapids is the fastest growing city in the country mofos.

Rule 0 of the internet;

Never let facts get in the way of a good bash thread
Man people need to stop rippin on Michigan. Detriot is not Michigan!! Grand Rapids is the fastest growing city in the country mofos.

yeah, the fastest growing ghetto
Michigan is shit, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
No, I was being sarcastic earlier. Michigan is a shithole of a state. There's no money anywhere; to the point where we have been taking Canada's trash for money for awhile now. Most of the big cities are turning into boarded-up ghost towns. And it's ****ing cold in the winter goddamn.