Ok Can any of you help me with this...


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
I want to make it so the player just wakes up.

Like in the original hl2.

when gordon gets hit by the metro police. It goes black..and then you hear alyx shooting them..


when the screens fades in again.. You are laying on the floor and you get back up to your feet...How can i do this in my level?

would be great if anyone knows.


does anyone know how i can make the player in one area...Then the screen goes black...then when it fades in, he ends up somewhere else ??
Try posting in the mapping section, as that's a map question.

The answer could be that...nobody actually knows how.

-Angry Lawyer
try emailing valve, they may be able to help! :D
This could be quite simple with env_fades and point_viewcontrol. Try playing with those.
Yeah, the env_fadel works. I used it today to test. Just set it to a trigger like a trigger_once and tell it to trigger it only once.

In regards to going black and waking up somewhere else.

Just use a trigger_once to trigger a fade to black, and then after it has faded, trigger a teleport??

Should be easy enough to do
What I cant figure out is, I can get it to fade OUT, how can I get it to fade in ???
