Ok, Now I am pissed! HL2 No Go On Second Computer!




I knew this would happed. If someone has griped about it before here then sorry for the repeat post. I purchased HalfLife 2 Installed it on my game rig and beat it. Ok fine. I got this great Idea of installing it on my HTPC(home theater PC) and I knew this was going to happen. I finished the install, logged into my steam account(my game rig was logged off), entered my CD key and got told it was already used once for this account. SO now I don't get to play HL2 on my HTPC unless I either buy another copy, use a CD key gen. and after I reg stay offline, or dig around online to find a crack for the whole dam thing(I don't want to do that but if pushed I will). Also if I format my Game Rig ( this happens often sometimes) Will I get the same message. At least with Windows XP a quick call and a reason why I need to be reactivated is all it takes to get going again.

Well any help would be great.

Be Cooolll

Not sure if this will work, but I'd start by removing HL2 from that Home Theater PC. Then I'd Install steam on that PC and start it up. Log into the account you already have set up and see what happens. In the HL1 days, I didn't even have to use my HL CD to install it on my computer. I'd just install STEAM and log into my STEAM account. STEAM would do the rest...

No idea if it will work for you, but it's worth a shot....

Perhaps you should give others a chance to respond before going through the uninstall process.

That is what I did first trying to think ahead. It was a no go. HL2 would not even start. I don't want to mess around to much to the point where Steam closes my acount. I might E-Mail them after I cool down a bit. I understand about copyright protection and why they are doing what they are doing but what about the people that have a computer but no internet. They are out there I know of a few at my work place that have a computer but want nothing to do with the internet. I guess they don't get to play.

Thanks for the help

Eric :bounce:
Wish it was actually help. You can't be the only guy who wants to put the game on another of his private computers for his own private use...
ive put halfelife2 on both my computers no problem. it said that the account had been used but it still installed and worked.
I have, in my home, a network of seven machines. An eighth unit is used to connect to the internet and is NOT part of the network. When I installed HL2 on my machine I created a tempory wireless network, setup Steam and loaded the game. Other than an issue involving my Plextor 712A I had no problems. Kid want to play. Samething. Setup a tempory wireless connection, Steam said I already had a valid account, didn't need to reactivate or anything. ( Kid finished HL2 in 3 days!) No issues with his DVD drive, NEC 1300a. Since only three of my machines are capable of running HL2, I wonder if I should attempt loading it on the third?