Ok ok ok - So NOW what will happen with HL2?


Oct 3, 2003
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So now what is going to happen? Is Valve still working to finish the game for a November release? Or has everything been put on indefinate hold?

At this point I don't care about the source code theft. I want to know what Valve is doing right now and if their release schedule has been catastrophically altered. Will Valve be halting their Beta testing until they rewrite new code to compensate for the compromised code? If so, how long will it take Valve to re-code the HL2 source so that it's not hackable on the internet?

As I mentioned before, I would rather just have the Single Player game right now. Then Valve can re-code Team Fortress 2 so hackers won't have a field day with it. Would Valve be willing to give us the Single Player game first?

Or will we all have to suffer a lengthy postponedment due to those hacking a--holes?
They have to rework the entire game. Expect to wait another year.
lol the game will be released at 30october or 4november (holidays) i hope so :)
Originally posted by CptTrips
They have to rework the entire game. Expect to wait another year.

That's commercially unexceptable. People have already, or plan to buy new ATI cards with HL2 vouchers - some for the sole purpose of playing Half Life 2. Is a new 9800 XT owner going to wait a YEAR to have their voucher redeemed?

ATI just paid around $6 million to Valve for this whole bundling deal. I wonder if there was any stipulaiton in the contract about a mandatory 2003 release? If Valve has to delay to the game to 2004, ATI could declare a conflict of interests - ATI was banking on big holiday sales of it's new XT cards, with the HUGE incentive of getting HL2 for free via voucher.
Originally posted by CptTrips
They have to rework the entire game. Expect to wait another year.

nah they wont do that.

it shoud be "on schedule" whatever that means....

personally, i think the reworking that will have to be done to avoid source-leak-related cheats can be fixed in a patch.
I would say they plan to release it this year, but they'll take advantage of Steam and will be constantly be making amends to the code, especially that of steam and the multiplayer aspect of HL2. I doubt Valve want another delay either.
I can't beleive this. If they rework the entire game they just lost half their fans...
Originally posted by Typhon
personally, i think the reworking that will have to be done to avoid source-leak-related cheats can be fixed in a patch.

True - but this would not affect anyone if Valve just released the Single Player game and excluded the internet functionality. I wouldn't even put an auto-updater in the Single Player game - make everyone have to download patches/updates using an End-User file. Keep everything between Valve/Steam and the End User until everything is re-compiled for internet functionality/security.
If they re-code, I dont think re-coding will stop hackers cheating when the re-coded game comes out. It will simply bin the work they've done trying to build cheats for the code that has been leaked. Theres no sure-fire way of eliminating cheaters, just minimalizing them is all we can do.

Yeah, like Netherscourge says, quite unacceptable financially. They would not risk doing that. If the game is almost done and considering the theft of the source code they would "only" need to do some reconfiguring of the code itself which they presumably started doing the instant they realized this.

Presumably this is the main reason for the delay. I don't know, but i would think that this was a major reason. Thus postponing the game until the holiday season. If I'm not completely out there with this, the work that they do by altering the structure of the source code, would invalidate the stolen one to some extent.

I would not worry too much. Lets just wait and hear what Gabe says the next couple of weeks or so. And besides, Max Payne 2 has gone gold, (WOHOO) for those of us that are fanboys, this would keep our minds preoccupied for a couple of weeks as well.
Originally posted by Netherscourge
That's commercially unexceptable. People have already, or plan to buy new ATI cards with HL2 vouchers - some for the sole purpose of playing Half Life 2. Is a new 9800 XT owner going to wait a YEAR to have their voucher redeemed?

ATI just paid around $6 million to Valve for this whole bundling deal. I wonder if there was any stipulaiton in the contract about a mandatory 2003 release? If Valve has to delay to the game to 2004, ATI could declare a conflict of interests - ATI was banking on big holiday sales of it's new XT cards, with the HUGE incentive of getting HL2 for free via voucher.
Yeah, I agree, I dont a larger delay than a few months is an option...

Better just release it now and clean up what is left, the damage is already done. They have already said they can release very small patches over steam constantly... I dont care if the MP part will take another month to make safe from hackers, I'll just play SP and mod it :)
I admit it sucks in alot of ways that valve is gonna lose out on alot of potential profits because of the leak. But seriously.. the damage is done, what is re-coding going to do? Maybe delay the ease of creating cheats for a while. Changing the code isn't going to make any of their secrets suddenly a mystery again.. its out in the open.

I hope this won't affect the release date too much.. i'd like to see a november release.. heh, also because I ordered a Radeon 9600XT
Originally posted by Netherscourge
True - but this would not affect anyone if Valve just released the Single Player game and excluded the internet functionality. I wouldn't even put an auto-updater in the Single Player game - make everyone have to download patches/updates using an End-User file. Keep everything between Valve/Steam and the End User until everything is re-compiled for internet functionality/security.

damn, i didn't even think about steam. is steam vulnerable now too? I don't know how steam works, is it hard-coded to HL2 or is it just like a launcher?
Think of all the people who have spent their hard earned dough on hardware just for this game. For the game to not come out and these people to waste their money is bullshit! Also, it would take a lot more money to work on the game (which is already done mind you) for another year or so. They can't afford this. Not even Vivendi can afford this. This is bullshit people. BullShit.

Peace out.
How good would it be if Valve faked the HL2 resources, and made them easier to get hold of than the HL2 Source and the resources contained a nasty virus. LOL, who ever was to hack in and get it would get a nice suprise, and everyone who spreaded it and downloaded it would get exactly what they deserved!

They were at the "A few bugs" stage in finishing the game. As with HL1, most of the team was probably sitting idle waiting for the one or two people who can effect the game to complete their bug fixing.

My hope is that the groups that were idle were the people needed to patch the new concerns due to the source code theft.

not even that wasnt for the hacker we would b playin the gtame rite now.
i dont think it will be delayed till '04. its down to the crunch and this is where money is a big issue
Originally posted by silent
Think of all the people who have spent their hard earned dough on hardware just for this game. For the game to not come out and these people to waste their money is bullshit! Also, it would take a lot more money to work on the game (which is already done mind you) for another year or so. They can't afford this. Not even Vivendi can afford this. This is bullshit people. BullShit.

You bought a new vid card for Half Life 2 which was supposed to come out on the 30th. What's the big deal if it's delayed for a month or two? You would spend the same money for a vid card when the game comes out anyways. The price for the hardware won't drop that fast.
I spent £1200 on a new PC (that's like 3 months pay for me) - More than anything to play HL2. ;(
:dozey: LOL, double post and :rollseyes" isn't on this forum. Doh!
Originally posted by silent
Think of all the people who have spent their hard earned dough on hardware just for this game. For the game to not come out and these people to waste their money is bullshit!

Why people would upgrade their hardware without a benchmark first is beyond me. As far as I'm concerned, that's an "at your own risk" operation. Next time, wait until the game is out. With all of the delays games go through, you would think the community would have learned this by now.

Originally posted by silent
They can't afford this.

How do you know? Do you have Valve's financial reports and analysis?

Originally posted by silent
Not even Vivendi can afford this.

How do you know? Do you have Vivendi's financial reports and analysis?
Originally posted by JavaGuy
Why people would upgrade their hardware without a benchmark first is beyond me. As far as I'm concerned, that's an "at your own risk" operation. Next time, wait until the game is out. With all of the delays games go through, you would think the community would have learned this by now.

They did do a benchmark test (see Shader Days event). Several gaming sites also did the benchmark test (see Tech Report, Gamespot, etc...). They all showed the ATI cards running the game at full specs. Valve even endorsed ATI as the #1 card manufacturer for HL2.

How much more proof did people need to decide upgrading to an ATI card was worth the investment?
Use your head Javaguy. don't be an ass. Would you want to spend a whole assload of money on something that's already completed? Think about it. No company in the world except a fine few would be happy to pay more money to work on what doesn't need to be fixed. Also, Nobody needs a forum ass to wonder around and try to be negative. What I said makes sense and if it doesn't make sense to you then say so, and then shut your mouth, because obviously nobody cares.

Peace out.

(I'll probably eat shit for this but Hey, my opinion is just as important as anyone elses... Which basically means it isn't important!)
Originally posted by Netherscourge
They did do a benchmark test (see Shader Days event). Several gaming sites also did the benchmark test (see Tech Report, Gamespot, etc...). They all showed the ATI cards running the game at full specs. Valve even endorsed ATI as the #1 card manufacturer for HL2.

How much more proof did people need to decide upgrading to an ATI card was worth the investment?

My point is, until the game is out, only an idiot would by new hardware. Just because the shader event took place doesn't mean the game is coming out before a better piece of silicon hits the market.

Originally posted by silent
Use your head Javaguy. don't be an ass. Would you want to spend a whole assload of money on something that's already completed? Think about it. No company in the world except a fine few would be happy to pay more money to work on what doesn't need to be fixed. Also, Nobody needs a forum ass to wonder around and try to be negative. What I said makes sense and if it doesn't make sense to you then say so, and then shut your mouth, because obviously nobody cares.

Peace out.

(I'll probably eat shit for this but Hey, my opinion is just as important as anyone elses... Which basically means it isn't important!)

Such an intelligent post. No wonder you've found yourself is such a rediculous spot. Half of it doesn't even make sense, and the other half is just petulant babbling because you're pissed off about a game delay. Grow the fuck up, get a life, and quit yammering on about how this is going to break two companies. Please.


And by the way, just because I called you on two very wild speculations (that two companies can't afford this) doesn't mean that I'm being negative. It just means I disagree and I have good reason to. If that hurts your feelings, then you need thicker skin.
Hey, you said ****, you must be a cool person. Actually no, you're not, you're an ass who need attention and how do you get it? You tell people their immature on forums. Good for you man.
Originally posted by SFA
I spent £1200 on a new PC (that's like 3 months pay for me) - More than anything to play HL2. ;(

Didn't know you bought a whole pc.
I have a gforce mx 440 which probably is a piece of junk. You can buy one for 50 bucks (about 75 pounds). Can't find the pound symbol on my American keyboard lol. I'm just gonna wait and see how well the game will work before I spend money on a new card.
Originally posted by silent
Hey, you said ****, you must be a cool person. Actually no, you're not, you're an ass who need attention and how do you get it? You tell people their immature on forums. Good for you man.

LMFAO - you've resulting to critisizing me for swearing... yet, in your first reply to my post, you did quite the same. The fact of the matter is that unless everyone agrees with you, you're a whiney little bitch. My original response to you maybe have been short and to the point, but it certainly wasn't rude. Next time I take part in a topic in which you're already participating, I'll be sure to sugarcoat everything I say since you're obviously quite fragile. I'll also be sure to integrate all of your beliefs into my own belief system, since your quickness to flame anyone who disagrees with you MUST mean that you're superior to the rest of us.

Originally posted by Netherscourge
WHy do all my threads turn into flame fests?


Probably because people like Silent come unglued when their opinions are challenged.
The fact of the matter is that unless everyone agrees with you, you're a whiney little bitch

Well, I don't quite see anyone agreeing with you either... whiney bitch.

Let's keep this up by the way, I love talking with morons - It amuses me ;)
Originally posted by silent
Well, I don't quite see anyone agreeing with you either... whiney bitch.

You've missed the point (surprise).

People disagree with eachother all the time - but there are a select few such as yourself who, for whatever reason, cannot tolerate it. You're the lucky ones who get to entertain the rest of us. I didn't agree with Nether, and he didn't agree with me - but you don't see us screaming "wtfomg !!11 you forum aZZ how can U b so St00pid!?!11".


One day you'll realize that not everyone has the same opinion. There's a general theory among psychologists that states that the reason two-year olds cry so often is because it's the point in their lives at which they begin to realize that mommy and daddy don't necessarily share the same views of what should be as the child does. Based on this, you're either a) two years old, or b) hitting that state a little late.

Since you'll obviously argue with a signpost over just about anything, there's little point in continuing this.
Originally posted by silent
Let's keep this up by the way, I love talking with morons - It amuses me ;)

Does it make you feel smarter?
When people say, "Valve can't afford to spend another year working on the game," what they mean is that Valve can not afford the potential of lost sales. Gabe, being a financially independent multimillionaire, could probably afford to finance another year's worth of developement, but the problem is, the time to release the game is now. Putting the game release off much longer could cause the bubble to burst resulting in a significantly less profitable game as competitors get their product out the door first.

Right now, the field of next generation FPS titles is wide open with Valve poised to draw first blood. Delaying the game into 2004 could have a large, negative impact on their profitability. Gamers are a fickle bunch, and the last thing Valve needs is for their customers to become distracted by the next shiney thing from their competition.
There is another state in childhood Javaguy (you're messing with someone who knows psychology :)) where the child realizes that parental beings don't love the child as much as the child wishes, so the child gets attention by giving himself an authority over others (particularly younger siblings). The child may continue on with this behavior his whole life (you're a prime example). This can happen as early as 16 months old.

Oh, and yes I do feel silly bickering with someone (you should too) over the internet but it is a natural human instinct to defend his opinion and seeing as we're not talking face to face, this gives me an open confidence to defend even harder!