Ok, so am I really a loser?



Well, I'm just like many of you. I've been waiting to play Half Life 2 since I heard it was in the works. The problem is that I came onto these forums looking for the answer to a question. What i found scared the shit out of me. I saw one person talking about what they can do when they finish HL2. First of all, enjoy the game, don't worship it. Seriously people, play it, play it again maybe, then delete it. ****! are you really that pathetic? The second thing I saw was a post regarding how to skip the intro which, to most people, is highly straining for their PC. Think about it people. A lot of these die hard fans are going to be playing this sequel on the same computer that they struggled to play the original on. Not everyone can afford or even want to buy a high performance PC just to have it outdated someday. In the responses I see people who respond simply to brag about their computers performance. Need I say more? OK I will. Bragging about your PCs performance is the epitome of absolute sadness and makes me not only sad for you but makes me almost want to end my own life because at some point in my venture through life i might actually make eye contact with someone who has been on these forums braggin about their computer and how well it performs. Seriously....get a life or kill yourself please. God damnit. Ok with that said, I AM TRYING TO GET PEOPLE TO RESPOND TO THIS THREAD BY ATTACKING ME PERSONALY AND MAKING RUDE REMARKS PROVING THEY ARE MORE OF A MAN THAN I AM. With that said I'm sure I'm still going to get some duchebag replying to this tread trying to make some stupid point that I'm never going to come back and read. Peace, enjoy Half Life 2 and if you're too into this game that you're suffering from it.... Refocus your life.
As you wish..

You smell bad and you're probably left-handed.


so your tellin ppl to get a life because they enjoy the game and like to discuss their performance and pc specs?

i think with ur opening post you've answered the question in the title to ur thread
thanks schematic. At least one person got it. Although I'm wright handed and I find that very offensive.
Mate i personally agree with what you're saying for the first half of your post, but dude, you didn't have to get all super evil asking people to kill them selves etc etc. :flame:
If you left out the second half of your post then maybe i could have given you some credibility but now i think of you as a gothic satan worshiper out to hurt people.
Next time act more civilised and leave out the killing part fool.
Wow that was moving...no really, it was.

Wheres my goddamn bong???
Sorry Bwdevil.....you're completely right. I understand what you said and ust realized that me and my friends tell each other to :go kill yourself" way too often. Point taken. Peace
rofl! telling people how to live over the internet, thanks for the laughs :thumbs:
I thought you said you were not going to come back and read the replies. What are you? A saddo?

p.s. I bet you have a shit PC.
LOl no worrys as long as you didn't mean it, but dam u made some fine and true points in ur post, which also make me sad for alot of people in these forums...
I just don't see anyone with the balls like u to speak the truth about, dare i say it "nerds" or "geeks" where games are their LIFE goddam they need a reality check.
Haha I bet his does too! but we really shouldnt spoil his little tantrum
lol, i couldnt stop laughing when i read this. Mainly because you seem like such an angry, angry man. Dont get me wrong, im not mocking you, you brought up some pretty valid pionts. However, i guess we just have to accept that people like to brag and gloat about their computer specs, mainly because computing ( if you could call it that) is now a fully fledged hobby.

My Tip: If you find yourself whiter than an albino person, for the love of god, go out in the sun, and into the real world. Play the game, play a mod or whatever, and then resume normal living conditions. ( This applies to the insanely hardcore fans only)
Welcome to the Internets, Sir. May I take your jacket?

And NO Im NOT doing this to get your attention, after all I will not reply to your posts.
Your god has spoken.
You know...I said I wasn't going to come back and read the posts but after last night I couldn't resist. I wrote my first post out of irritation BUT if you check out my status it was indeed my first post ever. I wanted to get a feel for the forums and the type of people who post here. From what I've seen, everyone here has a pretty good sense of humour, although I was serious about what I said about bragging about your computer and living for video games. I understand that "gaming" is a hobby and it is obviously one of my hobbies as well, but it's just that. I go to college full time, I work full time and when I'm at home sitting in front of my computer I do enjoy gaming. When it becomes more than a hobby, then it becomes a problem. For the dude who said I probably have a shit PC, you're partially right. I have a half decent PC, if you were to go pick up a new one it would probably blow mine out of the water, but I can play HL2 without issues, and like most PCs I can easily upgrade things that need to be upgraded ie: RAM, Vid card etc...So, that being said, I guess I'm not a loser after all. Peace
well I dont like when the people talk about theyr great PC's whit lots of mb,RAM,etc cuz they make me feel poor :(
also cuz they think that everibody in the forums is a expert on PC like they,when IMO nobody in this forumis a expert in PC and dont even hav enough money to upgrade theyr PC everytime a new game is released
I choose between upgrading for hl2 of buying food.... who needs food anyway... HL2 here I come!!! :thumbs:
Spectrum said:
I wrote my first post out of irritation BUT if you check out my status it was indeed my first post ever.

Before you become irritated and post on forums, It's best to always read for a while, keep that in mind for future (I hope) forums.
When you made a thread like this one, you seem to have upset a few people, generating what we call 'flames' -an angry, non constructive post.
Basically, making a thread that incites these 'flames' is considered a bad thing, and you should think about your wording better in future, that way, discussion will be more civilised and contributive to the community.
Also, try to accept that people are allowed to live their lives however they want, and you shouldnt put them down for the choices they make, even if they vary with your opinion.

A discussion about computer fixation/addiction is fine, but if this continues on its current path, its going to be closed.
Seriously people, play it, play it again maybe, then delete it.

You obviously dont understand what the real meat-and-potatoes about this game is [going to be].
The MODs, man!

Half-Life spawned Counter-Strike, the most popular FPS of all time. I expect nothing less from the sequel.
Fair enough Bliink, I was just trying to relate to my first post, not carry this one any further. I completly agree that people should have the opportunity to live their lives the way they see fit. Part of this right includes free speech. In my own personal experience there have been times where I haven't realize what was going on in my own life until another person pointed it out to me. Most of the time it's in a civilized manner but sometimes it isn't. There have been times in my life where someone has "flamed" me and it was because of the manner in which they told me that made me re-evalute certain aspects of my own life. In any case, everyone has the right to live their life and in postin here I was simply trying to prove a point, which, in my opinon, was proven. Anyways, I respect everyone who has posted in response to my original thread and hope they enjoy their lives in whichever manner they choose to live them. I just hope they realize the impact that those choices are going to have on them and others around them.
Seriously people, play it, play it again maybe, then delete it.

I also work full time and go to school full time, along with working out at the gym preparing for my lacrosse season. Having a computing hobbie is no problem, even spending a large portion of your money to buy a new computer like i did. Now i am poor, but have something that will run all the next gen games as well as graphic editing and such.

P.S. 500 gigs of space = never deleting anything ever.
Spectrum said:
thanks schematic. At least one person got it. Although I'm wright handed and I find that very offensive.

...wow just...wow
Some of your post does make sense, I'll give you that. But most if it should be deleted to be honest. As there are people are who brag about their PC's (and yes, I'm probably one of them, then again I did have a shit PC), there are also people who whine to much. That's you.
I don't want to be to offensive, and maybe I have completly missed the point of your post (if I have do correct me) but I'm just trying to offer another point of view.
And yes, you are a loser. ;) Oh and schematic, I'm left handed. You tosser (j/k) :cheese:
Your whining that people on a Half Life 2 forum are happy? Was you born slow or just smacked round the head with a baseball bat?
Thanks CptTobie...I swear I alwayse screw that word up, it's either wright or write.....The worst on for me is 'until', I always type untill.
In response to Spectrum you seem to miss the point why HL fans are raving about the game. I find your comments outdated and narrow minded and you obviously need to refocus your own life, so what are you really into that we can pull to bits? Perhaps how fast your car goes or how good you are at golf, if you don't like what people are saying on here why come back again?
Poster can't be bothered to use paragraphs breaks. I can't be bothered to read the post.
Mountain Man said:
Poster can't be bothered to use paragraphs breaks. I can't be bothered to read the post.
wow, you must be so superior. can i be you ?

just for a bit
Spectrum, I think you need the medical help of a good shrink..fricking head case!

