Okami - PS2


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
I saw a video of some random game while browsing gamespot, and was mesmerized. This game looks really unique, and looks really cool. To really understand how amazing it is, you really need to watch a video clip of it, but reading how it works fills in the blanks.

Initial search on google for the game:

Gamespot's coverage:

Okami (also known as Wolf)

By: Capcom, Clover Studio
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: September 2006 (more)

This nature adventure game sees players assuming the role of a sun god who's attempting to restore life to a world devoid of color.
Screenshots are colorful and artistic, but you really can't appreciate the game until you have seen it in motion. VERY SLICK.

Screenshot index (~255 images):


Hands on review with the Japanese import version (link to a streaming and download-able video here):
Gamespot said:
We recently imported a copy of Okami, which was released in Japan earlier this week, to see how this unique-looking game turned out for its release overseas. Though Okami seems to be fairly heavy on text, we were able to make our way slowly but surely (with help!) through its many puzzles, using the action adventure and brush mechanics together in effortless harmony to progress through the game.

Okami is Clover Studio's most recent visual smorgasbord (the last being the Viewtiful Joe games), ....[snip]

[snip]She'll also begin to run faster after running for a bit, allowing you to breeze through the few sequences of backtracking effortlessly. It's surprisingly easy to switch between the regular camera mode and the painting mode, which makes it that much more useful when, for example, you knock an enemy over, because you can then switch to painting and slice it in half. The combination of regular gameplay mechanics and the unique painting aspect seems to work very well. Add into the mix the game's authentic soundtrack, Animal Crossing-esque conversations, and charming graphical style, and you have a game that so far looks and plays both very well and unlike anything we've ever seen before. We look forward to hearing more about this game and seeing how the translation fares when it comes stateside later this year.

150 screenshots, 57 videos across 15 pages here at IGN

This game screams style. Looks fun and interesting. Never seen anything like it. I want to play it.
Combine Hybrid said:
Another game based on japanese myth shit...
It looks very similar to a Legend of Zelda game to me. :D

Some of the videos are better than others. Some of them have me like D: Holy shit if that isn't the most amazing looking game.
It's from the same people as Viewtiful Joe, it will kick ass. Although the saving system might ruin it for me just like in VJ.
yeah i been keeping an eye on this for awhile since warbie i think first posted about it, looks totally unique, love the art direction..
Actually, I believe a lot of the stuff in the game is just fantasy in general. The creators wanted a game that would appeal to anyone. Much of the mythology in there is unknown to even most japanese people.
jimbo118 said:
yeah i been keeping an eye on this for awhile since warbie i think first posted about it, looks totally unique, love the art direction..

Yup - almost a year ago today :) http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=88273&highlight=Okami

It's going to rock. One problem, my PS2 now lives in the place that all dead consoles go to - which means i'll have to wait untill the PS3 is released to play this :angry:
Ah, the latest vid on Gametrailers looked so amazing I wanted to cry! I have never seen such a beautiful vision in a game before. This and Rogue Galaxy and God of War II have me hooked on Playstation well into next year!