Okay I think THIS deserves a thread.


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Earlier today I was playing CS:S and someone threw a grenade at me while I was shooting at him. In mid air, one of my bullets hit his grenade and sent it back. Unfortunately, it didn't kill him, but it did take considerable damage.

I knew a lot of things were possible in CS:S, but that?

Did that REALLY happen or did some bug in the game cause it?
This has happend to me too... and it really pissed someone off cause i caused him to tk himself and a teammate. I think it is the bullets hitting the grenades (like when you shoot a Turtle toy on Tides)
It's the games magical physics engine in the works. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for grenades that already hit the ground or C4 explosives on the ground. The C4 shooting would be cool so if a T drops the C4, you can shoot it and hide it! :D
Yes it's possible to do. Wonderful thing the source engine is. :)
ray_MAN It's the games magical physics engine in the works. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for grenades that already hit the ground or C4 explosives on the ground. The C4 shooting would be cool so if a T drops the C4, you can shoot it and hide it!
[SARCASM]Yay lets make the game last 2 minutes that will be fun![/SARCASM]
Uni-Ball said:
[SARCASM]Yay lets make the game last 2 minutes that will be fun![/SARCASM]
Not many people realize it, but when you are on the terrorist team, the bomber and the dropped bomb appear on the radar in accordance to your position. Finding it is just a matter of looking at the radar. I still don't understand your sarcasm after 2 minutes of examining it.
ray_MAN said:
Not many people realize it, but when you are on the terrorist team, the bomber and the dropped bomb appear on the radar in accordance to your position. Finding it is just a matter of looking at the radar. I still don't understand your sarcasm after 2 minutes of examining it.
Well it would be good for CT when the bomb is dropped (I think he thought you meant AFTER planting), but still, generally, and don't attack me with shotguns for this, but USUALLY when you shoot a pile of C4, it blows up... :upstare:
I've been a huge CS:S's slave and I never knew that the souce engine had that ablility,but its really no use,by the time you shoot it back you willl be kissing the ground.
dekstar said:
Well it would be good for CT when the bomb is dropped (I think he thought you meant AFTER planting), but still, generally, and don't attack me with shotguns for this, but USUALLY when you shoot a pile of C4, it blows up... :upstare:

yeah like in that film with the crazy black guy who shoots the car with that guy off resevoir dogs in it! ive a bad memory ;(
dekstar said:
Well it would be good for CT when the bomb is dropped (I think he thought you meant AFTER planting), but still, generally, and don't attack me with shotguns for this, but USUALLY when you shoot a pile of C4, it blows up... :upstare:

Actually, dekstar, I'm pretty sure that C4 will not ignite unless it is triggered by an electrical charge. The same goes for dynamite.
dekstar said:
Well it would be good for CT when the bomb is dropped (I think he thought you meant AFTER planting), but still, generally, and don't attack me with shotguns for this, but USUALLY when you shoot a pile of C4, it blows up... :upstare:
It needs the charge from the corresponding device for it to explode. :dork: If it were real however, I think that the bullet would go through and make a harmless hole. Anything is better than the current thing that happens when you shoot it. It sparks and makes a metallic sound. It's stupid.
sHaDdoW said:
no you can light dynamite with a flame


Also...since we're all talking about shooting nades back, wouldnt you all think that it would be more physics-based for it to blow up instead?
C4 is impervious to bullets, flame, and cold weather. Shooting it won't blow it up, but wouldn't shooting a nade blow it up?
MysticalMrBob said:
C4 is impervious to bullets, flame, and cold weather. Shooting it won't blow it up, but wouldn't shooting a nade blow it up?

Yep...what I meant
Don't think shooting a nade would set it off. Not sure. C4 wouldn't go off as you guys said. Needs an electrical charge of some kind.
I have a question, where you just spraying and praying, or was this like a test with your friend?
same happens with guns mate, if you shoot someone and they die, when they chuck their gun in the air u can usually shoot it whilst its falling and send it flyuing off somewhere. pretty cooll
I've done that many times, shoot the grenade back. You cant do it while its on the ground but if its still in the air you can. Whats even gayer that happened is when I was running down this thing at the begninning of round, 100 armor 100 hp, some dude threw a nade and got a HEADSHOT on me with a GRENADE and I DIED. LOL. 1 hit kill grenades... =(
most explosives are triggered by shock or heat, including c4 and dynamite
well i know. i was referring to the false information that was typed earlier
Yeah.. I know, i have already made one treat about this but.. I wanna see those tracers so i can see where is my bullet flying..!! It would be so cool, and ofcourse, it would make aiming much easyer.

Well. . This got nothing really to do with original subject but it would be easyer to aim in those nades if we would have tracers... Not every gun need tracers but, maybe in m249, ak-47, pc90 and m4a1 should have tracers.

Sorry.. I really know that my english sucks bad :(
Hmm. Tracer bullets sound interesting. It could be a special equipment to buy with some weapons, like pistols, rifles (not sniper) and few smg:s.
Sorry, but what is a tracer bullet? Is it like those on movies that leave a light trace behind them (usually on shootouts taking place at night). Or is this trace visible behind every bullet when it's dark?
stinger.aim92 said:
Sorry, but what is a tracer bullet? Is it like those on movies that leave a light trace behind them (usually on shootouts taking place at night). Or is this trace visible behind every bullet when it's dark?

tracers are a type of bullet. the tracer's projectile leaves a glowing trace behind it so you could see where its going.

personally i dont see how may it enhance gameplay.
Glo said:
tracers are a type of bullet. the tracer's projectile leaves a glowing trace behind it so you could see where its going.

personally i dont see how may it enhance gameplay.

And u can see where a bullut comes from...
so when u are watching a gun fight u can easy spot the opposite team.. just follow the tracers :)
It would be too easy for snipers to find out where people are who use silencers. ( imo )
Glo said:
most explosives are triggered by shock or heat, including c4 and dynamite

True about the shock, you can set off C4 by stamping on it, and semi true about the heat. However, you need a MASSIVE amount of heat to detonate to (i.e, more than a bullet could provide).

You can set C4 on fire and it will not explode, unless its a massive pile of it (20lb's+), but it will burn rather hot and bright orange.

I'm not going to say electrical charges won't detonate C4, because I don't know, however, when use in demolition etc, the electrical charge from the "plunger" (Thats what that does btw, it creates power and sends it down the wires) sets off "blasting caps" embedded in the C4. These are small tubes filled with gunpowder, which do explode with an electrical charge, and give enough of a shock blast to set off the C4.

But all of that is rather irrelivent, as a bullet would give more than enough of a shock to set off C4 :p
I already forgot what this topic was about orginally... :dozey:
I've never seen a grenade get shot back, but I've seen 2 nades hit each other and bounce back. That was pretty cool.
stinger.aim92 said:
Sorry, but what is a tracer bullet? Is it like those on movies that leave a light trace behind them (usually on shootouts taking place at night). Or is this trace visible behind every bullet when it's dark?

To answer further upon Glo's (the other Glo) answer, tracer bullets leave the trail because they are painted with a paint that is visible in the daytime and nighttime because the paint burns very brightly at the temperature at which the bullet is.
Source engine magic my ass first of all the nade is supposed to bloow up when u shoot it (other games have mastered this for years)
Second in real life if u shoot a C4 it wuldnt explode cos its just powder and it explodes cos the detotnaor passes a voltage of electricity making it blow up
Kalasri is right about the c4.

But I think if you shoot a grenade, there is a good chance you'll just render it useless.

I mean, if you wanted total realism, bullets would not make sparks on anything because they are made of lead.
i think it would be a good time to apologize for the similarities between our names. if i knew you existed before i registered i would have picked a different name. i think i was called "glocker" before the forums died a few years ago and i thought id have my name shorten once i reregistered.

oh. and i bet none of you dared to shoot a c4 pack to see if it explodes.
Glo-Boy said:
Kalasri is right about the c4.

But I think if you shoot a grenade, there is a good chance you'll just render it useless.

I mean, if you wanted total realism, bullets would not make sparks on anything because they are made of lead.

Well.. i dont really know what u mean, but bullets do leave "tail" and u can clearly see it(even in daylight) if bullets are tracers bullets.
Source engine magic my ass first of all the nade is supposed to bloow up when u shoot it (other games have mastered this for years)
Yes but in order to make it blow up you need code. That code is not in there.

We said Source Physic Engine. The fact that the nade bounced back is due to the physic engine.
the way i undestand it, tracers are usually placed every 5th or so bullet in a magazine, and theyre composed of phosphate, which burns extremely bright. I'm pretty sure only heavy machine guns used them though, as you generally don't aim directly down the sights of a machine gun emplacement the same way you'd use an m16, so it gives the machine gunners a way to see exactly what they're shooting at. I don't think it would be realistic to put them in an ak, or m4, or submachine gun, but i could be wrong. m249 for sure though.
Arathiel said:
the way i undestand it, tracers are usually placed every 5th or so bullet in a magazine, and theyre composed of phosphate, which burns extremely bright. I'm pretty sure only heavy machine guns used them though, as you generally don't aim directly down the sights of a machine gun emplacement the same way you'd use an m16, so it gives the machine gunners a way to see exactly what they're shooting at. I don't think it would be realistic to put them in an ak, or m4, or submachine gun, but i could be wrong. m249 for sure though.

Yeah.. I think it would be good if u could buy them in any gun u want, so guys who dont wanna use them, wouldn't use. Price shouldn't be high tough, maybe same price that defucial kit haves.

And u r right, usually they use tracers in heavy machineguns like m249..

but then again, in HL2 every gun has tracers, and CSS isn't really that realistic game. Try to play Americas Army, now there are realistic game. Btw, in AA only m249 haves tracers and it has worked great. m16 doesent have tracers in AA. Americas Armys m249 every 5 bullet is tracer, and let me tell u; it looks great, espesially in large maps _)
not only heavy machine guns use tracers.
unless youre a specialized sniper you cant really tell where a bullet may end, regardless of gun type.