Old English Malt Liquor in 40 ounce bottle


Dec 17, 2003
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Anyone here drink Old English malt liquor? If you could scan the label and the top of the cap of a 40 ounce bottle I'd appreciate it, need it for my mod. I'd go out and buy one but I've got noooo money and I gotta do a lot of driving later, so I'm stayin sober :p Thanks, hope someone else out there drinks this putrid shit besides me!
I drink a lot of liquour, but I've never really seen the brand "Old English". Scotch is great for you.

And you could get in trouble using a copyrighted logo in your mod . Just get inspired by the label, and design your own, otherwise you could have a smackdown administered to you by some malt liquour lawyers.

-Angry Lawyer
Well the most they could do since its a free mod is give me a cease and desist to stop using their logo and shit, and if that happens I'll do that and design my own, but in the meantime I'll use their logo :p

Anyone got the label and cap? (Please no more posts about legality, but i appreciate and respect your post Angry Lawyer)

Oh, and this is old english:


Malt liquor, not real liquor. Its like beer but tastes terrible and more potent alcohol content.
I avoid drinking stuff that takes like shit :x
Ha, just looked up that it's the American equivilant of Super-Strength Lager. Nice.

Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor, DAAAAMN!

oi morgan (this is guevesaui on aim).

this forum's chock full of lazy bastards, good luck trying to get them to do something :p
Ennui said:
oi morgan (this is guevesaui on aim).

this forum's chock full of lazy bastards, good luck trying to get them to do something :p

Tut, well I have neither a scanner of access to this "Malt Liquor".
Eurgh, that stuff looks disgusting. I thought you meant something like a bottle of malt whiskey.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Eurgh, that stuff looks disgusting. I thought you meant something like a bottle of malt whiskey.

-Angry Lawyer

My favourite Whisky is Black Bottle. It's from the Isle of Islay, and it's lovely.
I'll drink any form of Whiskey, but flavour tends to improve with price. I've not got a favourite, but Bells tends to be my most bought, because it's within my price bracket.

-Angry Lawyer
Since we're on a liquor discussion, I feel confident I can contrubute. I most like Johnny Waker Black chased by Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Mmm, good. Or if I'm doing mixed drinks (like at a club), then I'll do Long Islands Iced Teas.
Mixed drinks? That's blasphemy! Scotch/whiskey/burbon is best served on the rocks. Nothing else. Damn good.

I might have to take a trip down to my local supermarket to pick a bottle up now, but that'd be giving in to my cravings.

-Angry Lawyer
If its fermented from potatoes I drink it. If it isn't...well I'l consider it, so long as its strong. This malt liquor had my interest until someone mentioned it was like super strength lager :|

They always say the quiet ones are more prone to be alcoholics. :D (Don't let my post count fool you)
I'm not quiet. I just like alcohol. Being half-Polish, I've also got this genetic thing that makes me able to drink Vodka without a mixer.

Super strength lager is for under-age chavs that sit in underpasses drinking cheap alcohol and smoking narcotics. It's not good.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Mixed drinks? That's blasphemy! Scotch/whiskey/burbon is best served on the rocks. Nothing else. Damn good.

I might have to take a trip down to my local supermarket to pick a bottle up now, but that'd be giving in to my cravings.

-Angry Lawyer

Well, when I'm dancing at a club, I do not want either

A: Beer, it sloshes too much.
B: Hard Liquor, because I would probably vomit on the breasts of some chick I'm trying to get on.

Not pretty either way.
I'm not polish...but I've always drank vodka without a mixer. Its not unusual for me to drink a medium sized bottle in the space of half an hour. That does me quite happily for the night ususally. I binge drink to an extreme when I do drink though... fortunately, these days I don't drink any more than about once every couple of months.

I do have some viking ancestry, and they did make vodka before the eastern Europeans so that could be it. Or maybe I'm just used to it. Everyone thinks i'm crazy, and I suppose I am. For every messurement of beer they have, I have about the equivalent liquid volume of half that in Vodka :|

If anything kills me early, its going to be alcohol poisening. But nothing will so :D
Hard liquour is great. Nothing says "intellectual" than a tumbler of Scotch and a few cubes of ice. It also says "uptight", "lonely", "callous", and "alcoholic", but it's worth it.

-Angry Lawyer
I hate american Whisky, but started to like scotch in the last time :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
If anything kills me early, its going to be alcohol poisening. But nothing will so :D

My cause of death is going to be a combination of liver faliure and heartbreak. Not good things to combine.

-Angry Lawyer
Liver failure coming as a result of heartbreak? (Due to drinking away the sorrows of one)
Angry Lawyer said:
My cause of death is going to be a combination of liver faliure and heartbreak. Not good things to combine.

-Angry Lawyer
Well drink a whole bottle of jack daniels...it'll make it quicker. :D
How big a bottle we talking? Because I've drunk quite large amounts in a single night before.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, I could do it, given a long enough night and good enough company.
I'd have the worst hangover on the planet the following day, though.

-Angry Lawyer
Its cool that we can all speak a semi-universal langauge here :p May out livers cry out in UNITY!

So super strength lager is malt liquor? Here in the US theres all sorts, the popular ones are basically Colt 45, Old English 800, St. Ides (never had that but I hear its very strong, 8.0%), Hurricane, Magnum, Country club, and my personal favorite Steel Reserve 211 (8%). Steel reserve gets you the most ****ed up for your buck.

They sell regular beers in 40 ounce too, like Budwieser, Labatt Blue, Corona etc. but I think their just trying to market to the 40 ounce alcoholics like me and my friends :p

I'd rather be drinking 151 & coke. Skotch whiskey doesn't sit well with me, somethin about the taste and the feeling you get in your stomach when you feel it drop in. Although I have had my nights with Johnny Walker and Jim Beam.

Oh and remember kids, never put Jose Cuervo and Jack Daniels in the same room at the same time (your stomach), Jacky boy is a racist from Tennesee, and Jose is a mexican who fights dirty :p They'll tear the house down (along with your stomach lining)

Anyone have a bottle lying around, or making a trip to the corner store tonight? Neeeeeeed the label and cap :p
I don't drink alcohol, but when i did like 3 years ago i used to enjoy jack daniels.
I was an expert cocktail maker, i could just think about tastes together and make something that would work........or that might have been the fact i was probably too drunk to tell if it was bad.

Life without alcohol is good.
Here is the king of all bourbon:


I have to say that because I live a 10 minute drive from the distillery. :E
yeah for my 22nd me and some friends all bot 40 oz old english (we never had it before) and they had exactly the right number left in the cooler at the liquor store, so we drank them in the little brown baggies and listened to snoop dogs greatest hits (deathrow record era), and it almost made us sick lol.. Then we finished with a fifth of early times, and makers mark