Old games that wipe the floor with modern ones

X-Wing Starfighter, TIE Fighter and X-Wing alliance still wipes the floor with anything Star Wars-related Lucasarts puts out since that franchise ended.
X-Wing Starfighter, TIE Fighter and X-Wing alliance still wipes the floor with anything Star Wars-related Lucasarts puts out since that franchise ended.

Yeah TIE Fighter from '94 ruled, some of the simulator missions were hard as hell though.

From my start menu (missing Blacksite: Area 51 Crysis/Warhead, and some others that haven't been ported to Win7 yet, but the oldies are on there).
Aquanox? Archemedian Dynasty was one of my first and favourite PC games, but Aquanox was utter guff.
Starsiege Tribes, my favorite game of all time... no other game has come even close to the amount of teamwork I experienced in it.
Wasted years of my life on the demo and the full game, it's a shame they killed the master servers and it appears that no one has revived it.
Atleast Tribes 2 lives on.

Jazz Jackrabbit.
Platforming bliss.
Starsiege Tribes, my favorite game of all time... no other game has come even close to the amount of teamwork I experienced in it.
Wasted years of my life on the demo and the full game, it's a shame they killed the master servers and it appears that no one has revived it.

Starsiege(Not Tribes sadly) has a new master server, http://forums.the-junkyard.net/showthread.php/8983-NEW-MASTER-SERVER!

I'd recommend you keep your eyes on The Junkyard, they deal in all things related to the -siege universe(Which includes the Starsiege and thus Tribes series!)

In fact, Google immediately gave me this, http://www.tribesmasterserver.com so seems you can play Starsiege: Tribes if you want.:) Enjoy.
Sim City. Micromanaging has never been so fun. ;>
Starsiege(Not Tribes sadly) has a new master server, http://forums.the-junkyard.net/showthread.php/8983-NEW-MASTER-SERVER!

I'd recommend you keep your eyes on The Junkyard, they deal in all things related to the -siege universe(Which includes the Starsiege and thus Tribes series!)

In fact, Google immediately gave me this, http://www.tribesmasterserver.com so seems you can play Starsiege: Tribes if you want.:) Enjoy.

Holy shit.

I never got into Starsiege unfortunately, mech games aren't my thing.
Definitely going to give Tribes a whirl, even though I haven't played it in years.
How could I forget:
Dark Forces and Jedi Knight(not Outcast)
Commander Keen
YES! My life was devoted to Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 for like 3 years. There were so many mods and player-made maps for that game, it was awesome.

Also, Ultima Online... pre-trammel of course
The Mechwarrior series. Never has piloting a mech been better simulated.
The Mechwarrior series. Never has piloting a mech been better simulated.
At home it has. Steel Battalion.

But in arcades there's no better simulator than the Tesla Battletech 3.0s. Firestorm is complete ass though.
At home it has. Steel Battalion.

But in arcades there's no better simulator than the Tesla Battletech 3.0s. Firestorm is complete ass though.

I own Steel Battalion, you are aware that it's possible to use it on the PC and via custom drivers specifically use it in for example MW4.
Baldurs Gate 2, seriously the best DnD-based RPG ever, maybe even the best RPG ever
Baldurs Gate 2, seriously the best DnD-based RPG ever, maybe even the best RPG ever

Bah everyone knows the Gold Box DnD games are the best DnD-based RPGs ever! J/k.:laugh: They were pretty damned good for their time though.
Oh man, I completely forgot about Steel Battalion. I slavered over that game until I ended up never playing it due to lack of funds. I don't think Steel Battalion had the online community MW has had though.
Kid Chameleon
Dynamite Heady
Cyborg Justice

**** yea.

Side note: I actually beat Cyborg Justice legit once... Most proud moment of my life hands down.
ToeJam and Earl.

Get your ass off your ass and find a way to play this game with a friend by any means necessary.
ToeJam and Earl.

Get your ass off your ass and find a way to play this game with a friend by any means necessary.

Got that original cartride and packaging around here for my Sega MegaDrive, co-oped my way through it with my brother when we were very and I mean very young! Great game.:)
It'll be shit.

Quite the optimist, aren't you.:p

I reckon it'll be quite good, though buggy at release.

The team behind it is quite talented, and develop military-themed software for amongst others the USMC.

Time will tell I guess.
Quite the optimist, aren't you.:p

I reckon it'll be quite good, though buggy at release.

The team behind it is quite talented, and develop military-themed software for amongst others the USMC.

Time will tell I guess.

I'm not optimistic because I know that they'll change the game. Unreasonable expectation, I know, but all I want is the original gameplay with nice, up-to-date graphics.
I'm not optimistic because I know that they'll change the game. Unreasonable expectation, I know, but all I want is the original gameplay with nice, up-to-date graphics.

Yeah I understand what you mean, and I know you're right, they will change.

I know of one fan-made remake that was supposed to be the original only with prettier graphics but sadly it's had no update since like 2007, so I guess it's safe to say it's dead.

Honestly, I'm surprised no indie dev has made an only graphically enhanced remake of it, the gameplay is very addictive and I reckon with modern graphics it could sell very well even amongst the younger generation of gamers.
The fan-made one (if it's the same one) was working on right up to the announcement of this new one, at which point he stopped development. He's said he might modify it and release it in some form.
I think the one I was thinking off was called Carrier2 or something like that, last time I checked it was late '08.

Anyway it's a shame to hear that guy stopped development after the announcement.:\

The optimist in me hopes he might release the source for it for others to continue working on it but I guess that's unlikely.