Old lady... killed by a banana

jerkasaur said:
6million? wow...
You can't be serious. You can't.

You've never known about the Holocaust until now?






Erestheux said:
Are you suggesting that if the oppressed during WWII were armed, there would have been no Holocaust?


Also, falling death bananas are hilarious. I hope that's how I die. (With a terrible skin condition that makes every day tasks extremely dangerous and difficult.) :angel:
It sure as hell would've been better to go down fighting and crush them internally. See: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, where a handful of starved Jews with handguns made ASSES out of the Nazis.

You see this uprising in the popular film "The Pianist"

Many Jews in ghettos across eastern Europe tried to organize resistance against the Germans and to arm themselves with smuggled and homemade weapons. Between 1941 and 1943, underground resistance movements formed in about 100 Jewish groups. The most famous attempt by Jews to resist the Germans in armed fighting occurred in the Warsaw ghetto.

In the summer of 1942, about 300,000 Jews were deported from Warsaw to Treblinka. When reports of mass murder in the killing center leaked back to the Warsaw ghetto, a surviving group of mostly young people formed an organization called the Z.O.B. (for the Polish name, Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa, which means Jewish Fighting Organization). The Z.O.B., led by 23-year-old Mordecai Anielewicz, issued a proclamation calling for the Jewish people to resist going to the railroad cars. In January 1943, Warsaw ghetto fighters fired upon German troops as they tried to round up another group of ghetto inhabitants for deportation. Fighters used a small supply of weapons that had been smuggled into the ghetto. After a few days, the troops retreated. This small victory inspired the ghetto fighters to prepare for future resistance.

On April 19, 1943, the Warsaw ghetto uprising began after German troops and police entered the ghetto to deport its surviving inhabitants. Seven hundred and fifty fighters fought the heavily armed and well-trained Germans. The ghetto fighters were able to hold out for nearly a month, but on May 16, 1943, the revolt ended. The Germans had slowly crushed the resistance. Of the more than 56,000 Jews captured, about 7,000 were shot, and the remainder were deported to killing centers or concentration camps.
Wow, you survive the Holocaust and a ****ing banana gets you...that's ****ed up

Dalamari said:
Wow, you survive the Holocaust and a ****ing banana gets you...that's ****ed up

Yeah that's everyone's reaction in a nutshell, really.
I knew about the holocaust didnt know it was worlwide called the holocaust
I hope you all burn in hell for laughing at the poor person's death.
Danimal said:
I hope you all burn in hell for laughing at the poor person's death.
Well it's not as if she died in a tragic way and she didn't die young....
She had humor before her death so i can't see why other can't after her death.
Ok, I don't know about anybody else, but I was just laughing at the fact that they made the tasteless mistake of calling her life "fruitful". I mean, I appreciate the irony in that she survived the holocaust only to die at the cruel hands of a banana, but... I don't find that particularly funny. Just the word choice.

God, I hope this doesn't end up like that damned firearm poses thread from a while ago...
Where on earth do you leave and how old are you, jerkasaur? I'm not trying to make fun of you, I'm curious.
Actually, I've just thought about this situation...It's this old woman, right, of course. She's old, so it probably already hurts to move around and stuff, and it's hard just to get around... add to that, you've got this condition that gives you weak skin. Suddenly, this banana flies out of nowhere, hits you in the leg. Not only have you got the initial pains of being old AND getting hit, your skin has just split open, nd you're bleeding all over the place. It hurts, it stings, and you fall over. Being old, this is not good. So you'er stuck laying on your side, leg split wide open, getting wider, losing a lot of blood... your vision is getting darker, your leg stings, your hip hurts where you landed, and now, the ambulance is coming up with its siren on full balst, and your hearing aid got bumped during the accident and is now up to full volume, and you're getting a headache. So when this old gal died, she died in a lot of pain. Or a least a lot of discomfort.
73 is NOT old. If that banana had tried to lay the smackdown on me I would've sliced it into a dozen pieces and made a fruit salad.
73 is indeed old (that's why those people are wrinkly).
73 is old, and death by banana is funny as hell.

I really hope I die in an equally comical manner.
bvasgm said:
73 is old, and death by banana is funny as hell.

I really hope I die in an equally comical manner.
...falling into an open manhole :laugh:
I just don't want to die :(

But atleast she got to see the wonderfull land wel call Australia!
She was seeing the comical side and thus she died being able to say goodbye.
73 should be nowhere near death. You should have at least another 30 years. Maybe that's just me though (it shouldn't be).
You never know when you're going to go, and if I were you I wouldn't count on having another 80 years.

Just a few months ago I saw a 19 year old guy drop dead of heat stroke on a run. I'm sure he expected another 80 years to do everything he had left on his list, but all it took was a little bad luck(and a lack of hydration) and now... well, hes dead. I'm not saying go out and live like you expect to die, and I'm not saying don't look forward to and plan for tommorow, I'm just saying don't let yourself have regrets. Because you never know how or when you're going to go, and there really is no coming back.
Homer said:
You never know when you're going to go, and if I were you I wouldn't count on having another 80 years.

Just a few months ago I saw a 19 year old guy drop dead of heat stroke on a run. I'm sure he expected another 80 years to do everything he had left on his list, but all it took was a little bad luck(and a lack of hydration) and now... well, hes dead. I'm not saying go out and live like you expect to die, and I'm not saying don't look forward to and plan for tommorow, I'm just saying don't let yourself have regrets. Because you never know how or when you're going to go, and there really is no coming back.


Sulkdodds said:
No shit. Conservative estimates put the total death toll at around 10-13 million and high-but-not-considered-implausible estimates at around 20 million.

they claimed 5.4million died in Auschwitz,then they toned the number down 4million-now its like 1.4.......

If 20million jews died, that would mean all jews in europe would have been killed

edit: Rakurai back in 1933 a jewish newspaper declared war on Germany ever single jew was to supossed to rise and fight against Germany.I will also post that tomorow.

btw the whole number thing is argueble anway imo.
btw thats why jews have beef with the Red Cross,they have a whole differnt esitamate of how many died.I will look up that report tomorow and post it.now its time to sleep -_-
Short Recoil said:
You may as well have no rights unless you, or someone else can protect them.
What good is it saying "No, it's my right to live here" to someone who can just turf you off and you are unable to defend your "right"

My point was that it didn't matter. They had no rights at all anyway. They weren't technically citizens. Even if everyone else was allowed to have guns, they wouldn't have been allowed to anyway so it wouldn't have made much difference.
LMAO :laugh: Best death ever, like reading an un-intentional darwin award
Spicy Tuna said:
they claimed 5.4million died in Auschwitz,then they toned the number down 4million-now its like 1.4.......

[SIZE=-1]By 1945, close to two out of every three European Jews had been killed as part of the final solutionhttp://www.ushmm.org/wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005151,

[SIZE=-1]The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

JNightshade said:
The generally accepted figure in the US is 6 million.

For Jews only, yarr. I was talking total figures. But ANYWAY!
dekstar said:
AHAHAHA! My sides are peeling!
oh gosh yes

And you guys are just being jerkoffs if you just have to say "Stop laughing at death, you people are dirty!" People can laugh at irony and bizarre happenings. Nobody here knew her. Sure, its sad that she died, but some of you just have to be so "perfect."

Well... It is kind of sad I guess. Another frail life has fallen from this strange world and we shall all suffer for it. On the other hand...

"Quick! I need a bananoscopy, stat! All right people. We'll peel this problem one tender, ripe layer at a time..."

I almost fell off the chair when I read "bananoscopy", and it just got better from there :D
What? You guys didn't know that banana's could be fatal? o.0
*goes back to playing worms*
I oughta drop a durian on all of your heads for laughing at the old lady.