Old People


Sep 4, 2004
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I carnt stand Old people, today and other days when go into town, mainly today which totaly peed me off was that i was walking and this old person saw me and i saw him, he started to walk but he walked infront of me but i wouldnt have minded if he kept on walking but no he stopped exactly where i was and if i hadnt have stopped we would have walked into each other. But the thing is I dintnt say anything to him because he just turn it round and it would have been my fault. It just not old people but mainly is but some younger 1s do it as well, I mean if i didnt have this dialasis tube in me i probably would given up by now being considerate to others and to me.

When i got on the bus to come home this morning I fort Damn I wish i said something now but you no how it is. Im glad my docter said that ill probly want live to see old age like because people whos on dialasis live alot less they say about 20 to 30 years, another 25 or 30 would do me fine ill be 55, 60 then.

Sorry just my view what do you think?
Old people suck. Lets burn all old people. Let NO ONE LIVE PAST THE AGE OF 50!!!
Yeah old people are ***holes

i work in retail and all they care about is their nuts, toliet paper, and how bush is "pro-life". Period.
old people are kool, leave them alone. you said yourself that other people stop infront of you, especially young women with prams and kids. so shush.
Jesus f'in Christ in the ass, whatever happened to 'respect your elders'?
MadHatter said:
Jesus f'in Christ in the ass, whatever happened to 'respect your elders'?
Doesn't exist on this forum, otherwise most of you would do what I tell you ;)
Hold up!. I'm almost there and sooner than you think you'll be there too. In a blink of an eye people will start calling you sir and you won't understand why people like that stupid song on the radio. Then you'll start saying things that your parents said! Every moment that passes, your ass passes with it.
Doesn't exist on this forum, otherwise most of you would do what I tell you
You tell us to look at boobies :O.
/me looks. Hey mine arnt any bigger then before :( bah!

Jesus f'in Christ in the ass, whatever happened to 'respect your elders'?
Well tbh, it depends where your living. There are working class old people middle class old people and upper class old people just like middle aged people. Not all old people are the same :O shock and horror!
Most teenagers are complete bastards.......and then there is me , loved by all :D
Jesus f'in Christ in the ass, whatever happened to 'respect your elders'?

Old people treat me like garbage even when i have done nothing to them. The other day at work a old woman walked by and said "he needs a attitude adjustment", because of "my facial expressions" and the way i carried myself. I didn't even see\look\or say anything to this person and didn't even know she existed until the girl who helped her told me she said that.

And i'm gonna be a "old fart"... i'm 21 and i don't like all the crap they play on the radio.

It is a overgeneralization that all old people are ***holes... but it seems quite a few are. I've met some really nice old ladies but also a lot of crappy old men that are ****s about anything and everything. The ones that seem the worst to me are business woman in their 60s. Just untolerable!
Without old people, we wouldn't be here. ;(
The Dark Elf said:
Without old people, we'd be the old people.. scary thought.

Oh noes! Paradox!

Without old people, we wouldn't be here..but then we'd be the old people that weren't here! :O
The Thing said:
Oh noes! Paradox!

Without old people, we wouldn't be here..but then we'd be the old people that weren't here! :O
12 pages later and I bet we still wont have come up with an "answer" to that neither :)