Old Xen lifeforms

There were also robots for the german version. And wtf? I'd never seen that charger fugger, and I thought i knew everything in the HL universe. Hmm... Xen would've been a much better place with all of these cut out life forms :(
The chumtoad is goddamn cool, look at all it's animations :) Friendly little guy... though Mr. Friendly himself is creepy
Yes the friendely person is cool, I seen him in the attack form and flaps up and then wacks you with his tentacle
Its best attack is when it sicks up all over the place. Classy stuff :p

-Angry Lawyer
all of these cut off monsters are shit im glad they didnt use them for h-l :D

hmm yea in the german version there were robots instead of grunts , very annoying stuff :(
Well, that's not true. I happen to like the Kingpin very much :)
Ohh, I also missed off the Floater. Whoops.

-Angry Lawyer
I wouldn't have minded seeing the Charger and Diablo/Panthereye...

Is it just me, or does it seem like they cut all the really colourful creatures out?
The floater didn't even seem like a creature to me, it's more like that wierd alien mounted gun in HL, or the strange structures which look like oil pumps.
The floater was actually a form of true Xenian - it had a third arm, and everything. I think it would move through levitation, or something.

-Angry Lawyer
Doh, of course it was, I was thinking of the gasbag.
Are there any (Fan-made?) High-Definition versions of the unused creatures?
Uh, I think there are a few high-definition models with SC, but the only unused creature I remember them having is that grunt with the minigun.
SC = Svencoop.

Svencoop made a high-definition version of the minigunner, replacing his weapon entirely.

-Angry Lawyer
Boot up Worldcraft, and put in a Monster_floater (or it could be monster_bloater, I can't remember which). You'll see the Floater in all its glory.

-Angry Lawyer