older or younger

do you prefer older or younger guys/girls as your bf/gf

  • older

    Votes: 35 48.6%
  • younger

    Votes: 37 51.4%

  • Total voters


Mar 22, 2005
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do you prefer older or younger guys/girls as your bf/gf
Doesn't really bother me, but I like mabye 1 year older like my current GF.
all depends on the age you are, I mean, if I was 16, I wouldn't go out with a 14 year old although if I was 24, I wouldn't mind going out with a 22 year old.

I think older is better though.
My age group for possible relationships tends to be 18-40. Nothing wrong with an age gap, as long as you're both consenting adults.

-Angry Lawyer
There needs to be the option "I don't care". Either way is ok, not too young else ill get arrested, not too old else I wouldn't be able to work it out.
I don't mind, but generally I get along a lot better with older girls.
I don't mind, but generally I get along a lot better with older girls.

Exactly. I'd like my girl about a year older though :p
A few years older, younger girls just seem to be after sex and are so immature.
You can say the same about younger guys.

In anycase i'm too young and nerdy for a relationship yet. Wait 'til the acne clears up...
I prefer same age, or what bliiiiink said.
Heh, I don't think age really matters at 15, no-one seems to date anyone out of their year group, mostly because you get to know them better than people younger or older. There's a few girls in the year below who are pretty hot...
Same age or give or take a year. In school, only people in my grade. Ugh at grades below mine.
Enough of the sick innuendos please.
I'm 22, the girl I have my eye on is 26. Meh, but I'll never have her. ;(
My wife is 10 years older than me...
diluted said:
I'm 22, the girl I have my eye on is 26. Meh, but I'll never have her. ;(
i'm 14 and the girl i have my eye on is 15. I've never fallen for anyone younger, it's always my age up to four years older (18;) )
As long as she is smaller than me, then I'm happy. I like to feel like I am the one protecting her, and not her protecting me :p

So I guess, generally, younger.
Razor said:
A few years older, younger girls just seem to be after sex and are so immature.

awww....Sternie wants huggles and kisses after secks huh? :naughty: :LOL:
lol...i do understand what u mean tho...hehe
Dr. Freeman said:
awww....Sternie wants huggles and kisses after secks huh? :naughty: :LOL:
lol...i do understand what u mean tho...hehe
That's not CptStern
A year older, like my current gf.
I'm 16, and in my grade, all the girls are immature and (to put it bluntly) stupid. Also, at this age dating anyone younger is a bit... weird. Hence, I only date older girls. But for most people, I say date whoever you want! As long as she's legal...
6 years younger is good: age difference between my wife and I ...guess who'll be taking care of whom when we're both old? :E
Same age.

1 year older and younger maximum. None of this 18 year olds dating 15 year olds perverted crap.
most of them have been older but a year or two younger is fine, I don't like a big gap.
Dr. Freeman said:
awww....Sternie wants huggles and kisses after secks huh? :naughty: :LOL:
lol...i do understand what u mean tho...hehe

I am not having sex with Cpt Stern and even if i did, i wouldn't kiss and cuddle him afterwards.
Well, with the life expectancy difference in the USA being a little over 5 years in favor of women... I'd think in the long run it would be favorable for both sides if men dated women that were a few years older (if you intend for it to become serious). If a man dates a woman that is 5 years younger, statistically speaking, that means the man will die on average around 10 years before his wife.... whereas if a woman dates a man that is 5 years younger they are more likely to go at about the same time. I also prefer someone that is at least somewhat emotionally mature. So, I guess that means I prefer older women.
so far..the only 2 girlfriends that mattered to me were younger than me. Shit..I'm gonna be that 45 year old guy chasing those 18 year olds. I'm sooo goin to jail for something.
Hard to choose, older girls are more mature and nice to talk with, but younger ones work better with the whole protective thing.
Older women tend to have more knowledge and are more mature..

Older ftw. Older women also tend to have lots of experience in the bed.. :naughty:
BF2slut said:
Older women also tend to have lots of experience in the bed.. :naughty:

ahhh! a sex expert walks amongst us! all bow down to the wisdom!
What about an old nun and a young slut? Would you pick the nun because she might have more experiance? :eek:
I voted younger, but it doesn't really matter to me.