Omg All My Work... Help


Nov 18, 2004
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ok i open up hammer and about %95 of all my textures are gorn.

my whole map is basicaly white and all my entities have turned to crap.


i still have my last compiled map and it works fine.

sugestions please?
ermmm, i avent gt a clue. Actually load up SDK and you know where it comes up with tht menu thing. Click "Refresh SDK Content"
No he probebly choosed another game in the drop down menu in Source SDK by mistake.
What game is your map for? Make sure when you load hammer from the SDK menu, at the bottom of the SDK is the correct game.
If you make a CSS map and then load it up under HL2 then you will be missing lots of content, the same applies for HL2DM.
If all else fails I think you could try to decompile the map you have. You'd have to go through it and fix the errors the decompiler made. I don't have the name of it in my mind right now, I'm sure someone does.
Why decompile when you already have the vmf?
If you open the texture editor for the face it will (should) still have the name path thingy to for the name of the texture, meaning, he loaded the wrong game and hammer isn't looking in the right spot for the textures. Like the other 3 suggested setting the correct game should fix it.
Limpet said:
Why decompile when you already have the vmf?
If you open the texture editor for the face it will (should) still have the name path thingy to for the name of the texture, meaning, he loaded the wrong game and hammer isn't looking in the right spot for the textures. Like the other 3 suggested setting the correct game should fix it.
I said if all else fails. :rolleyes:
Sure, but its still easier to replace everything with something like nodraw and retexture.
hey thanks all.
eariler on in the day i created a new mod just to see if it was easy... it wasent... so i stoped doing it.'
next timw i opened up hammer it opened up under the mod i created.... well didnt create.. thanks all... i love you all besides limbert... jk i love him more