OMG! Classic Epyx games on Wii, PSP, DS!!!

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Impossible Mission
California Games (+ Summer Games and Winter Games)
Last Ninja trilogy


Holy crap. I thought the best I could do was to find a crummy C64 emulator to run these things or whip out my old C64C to play them again. Thank goodness for System 3. Here's a quote from System 3 founder Mark Kale:
Kale described the games as "ideally suited" for handhelds, but that doesn't mean TV-tethered gamers are out of luck. Roughly three weeks after the DS and PSP editions of California Games and Impossible Mission hit shelves, Kale said the games will also become available on the Wii.

"The way the controllers work and the whole idea of it actually works a lot better than if it's on the PS3 or 360," Kale said, noting that System 3 will be big supporters of Nintendo's upcoming system.

I am so happy to see devs really excited about the DS and the Wii, especially devs who have a great appreciation for the bygone days of videogaming. Great great news!
Meh, I want Crush, Crumble and Chomp!! That game was soooo fun!:D
Last Ninja 2 is one of the best games to ever rack my brains.
I hear Impossible Mission was literally impossible.