OMG did you read yet


Main Entry: her·maph·ro·dite
Pronunciation: (")h&r-'ma-fr&-"dIt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English hermofrodite, from Latin hermaphroditus, from Greek hermaphroditos, from Hermaphroditos
Date: 14th century
1 : an animal or plant having both male and female reproductive organs
2 : something that is a combination of diverse elements
- hermaphrodite adjective
- her·maph·ro·dit·ic /(")h&r-"ma-fr&-'di-tik/ adjective
- her·maph·ro·dit·ism /-'ma-fr&-"dI-"ti-z&m/ noun

That kids, is a hermaphrodite
Originally posted by rebb
OMG Another HL2 InGame-Shot has been released, and this time it shows a Boss-Monster !!!


aww they really are cute

oh and I find this funny that site ^^ his link above actually links to this site if you click the picture

On it they are obviously a pro vegetarian origination and they have a banner that says "meat is murder" and that you eat only "poor defenseless creatures, not the mean carnivores."

I didn’t find that funny but then I start to read their list. Elephants, Gorillas, Koalas, Manatees, Parrots, Rabbits (ok yeah), Rhinoceroses, Sheep (yeah), Warthogs, Zebras.

Ok where are the cows, pigs, and chickens? I don’t know anyone that has even tried to eat a rhinoceros, or a parrot. I mean come on. Show me some poor cow or pig not a damn Elephant... since when is a warthog defensless? Funny activist.
Well, the moderators probably dont want anything racist on the forums.

Good on you moderators. :)

I am beggining to think I could be a moderator on these forums. I am here most of the time lol. I dont think I would do that badly either. Meh, maybe i'll ask the next time they do. :)
why dont you read the dictionary some day?

or become a man.. either one would be nice
I didn't say anything racist, I was yelling at the guy who made the racist comment.
I don't want any abuse either way. Now lets get back on topic please.
i know, and mine was an anti racist story.

Then mods will just have wanted to remove all race of the conversation. He may have given the guy a warning or sumthin. Who knows.
Right well, bk on topic then.

I was wondering do you think that tornado thing will be in the game. Or something similar. Because that would be pretty cool dont you think?

Maybe a weapon that does something similar.
Wouldnt the tornado be a particle effect to simulate the dust? although it would have some sort of properties to pick things up?
when gabe points exactly to a hedgehog, maybe there is one in the vids? i'll check it out...
Dunno, do you think that dust in Halflife2 can be affected by the physics. I find this highly doubtfull. Maybe it can. If it can, valve allready said that cloth and hair physics can be affected by wind like forces :D.
Originally posted by Braska
when gabe points exactly to a hedgehog, maybe there is one in the vids? i'll check it out...

when i was reading the new interview I GOT SO EXITED WHEN I HEARD THIS

Hoaxer: As we know manipulator weapon allows us to pick up not to heavy objects. Will it be possible to use it on... birds for example? Or it can't pick up "alive" objects?

Gabe Newell: Sure.

OMG THIS IS SOO COOL. just imagine your trying to destroy a strider and along comes a bird then WHOOSH you pull out the munipulator then grab that sucker and shoot it at the strider... or you can use a head crab
It'd just go splat against the metal, striders arent made of paper you know..

Even though it would be cool to pick up a zombie with the manipulator, then launch it at the other zombies, with the headcrab jumping off mid-air.:p
Yes it would be fun. Lots of fun. I want to know if later on when its upgraded if you could pull one of the legs of the striders out from under it to make it fall over :p.

God that would be fun. Meh, maybe thats how you kill it in the end :)
Yeah we havent. But why on earth would a headgehog be considered an easter egg by valve :p. What has it got to do with anything they have ever done.

meh, I could be wrong.
Anybody ever nocliped thru the bathroom stalls in BShift and seen the face with weird eyes?

that was an easteregg that made no sense.
I thought I read somewhere striders were mutated headcrabs?

besides you can't manufacture organic creatures.
Originally posted by nw909
I thought I read somewhere striders were mutated headcrabs?

besides you can't manufacture organic creatures.
Yea, that would be playing God, and even the Combine know not to cross the line.
Heh, I wasted many an arrow on those because I thought they were evil.
Excellent, I can't wait to pick up a headcrab and shoot it at a combine soldier muhahaha!

Sorry to kill the buzz, but wasn't Gabe's response a little non-specific?
It still looks like it could go either way. :x

I'm glad Icthy's back. Or maybe an even larger monster patrolling the level boundaries?

Also, will the half-of-the-old-creatures-coming-back include Opposing Force's?