omg dumb

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Sep 25, 2004
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So dumb, my girlfriend who was super hot and who i liked super much, and even loved, wanted to just be friends all becuz her friend liked me and she didnt want any trouble. I really want her back and of all the gay excuses you can think up that one is the worst. Can you guys believe how stupid that is? :frown:
pics please.

EDIT: ok that was a bad post on my part lol, so is her friend hot?
ya her friend is kinda hot and she likes me more but I liked my ex better cuz shes kool like that and damn sexy and all and i think if her excuse is cuz her friend liked me that is relly dumb
madog said:
So dumb, my girlfriend who was super hot and who i liked super much, and even loved, wanted to just be friends all becuz her friend liked me and she didnt want any trouble. I really want her back and of all the gay excuses you can think up that one is the worst. Can you guys believe how stupid that is? :frown:

In english? :laugh:

But seriously I don't get this part "I really want her back and of all the gay excuses you can think up that one is the worst." What excuses are you talking about?
:) Stop with the girl threads unless you got pics god damn it.
Tell her you feel nothing for her friend, tell her the only person you love is HER, now go take her back, cowboy.
madog said:
So dumb, my girlfriend who was super hot and who i liked super much, and even loved, wanted to just be friends all becuz her friend liked me and she didnt want any trouble. I really want her back and of all the gay excuses you can think up that one is the worst. Can you guys believe how stupid that is? :frown:
Just go out with the girl that likes you...simple as that.
CB | Para said:
In english? :laugh:

But seriously I don't get this part "I really want her back and of all the gay excuses you can think up that one is the worst." What excuses are you talking about?

I meant its a gay reason to break up
madog said:
I meant its a gay reason to break up

Well actually if it was a "gay" reason, then I wouldn't think she'd be dating males in the first place now would she?
CrazyHarij said:
Tell her you feel nothing for her friend, tell her the only person you love is HER, now go take her back, cowboy.

hahaha ya thats wat im tryin to do but its easier said then done but im so ever persistent and slowly but eventually shell give in to it lol
Neutrino said:
Well actually if it was a "gay" reason, then I wouldn't think she'd be dating males in the first place now would she?

heh u kno wat i mean its jus stupid
pics please

come on, you cant bring up a girl on the forums and not post pictures, thats unheard of!!!

thats a terrible excuse to break up, hope all goes well
madog said:
hahaha ya thats wat im tryin to do but its easier said then done but im so ever persistent and slowly but eventually shell give in to it lol
You will screw things up that way, just go with the obvious route that will work...the girl that actually likes you.
sorry, but to me it seems as though she actually has somewhat of a fear of commitment. you say you love her, and i assume she loved you back. if that were the case, i would think it would take a little more than "my friend thinks hes cute" to break up with someone. she could have resolved the situation by sitting down with her friend and discussing the problem, and how it makes her uncomfortable. im sure her friend would understand. that way she could keep the friend and her boyfriend. instead, she chose to break up with you. once again im sorry for having to phrase it that way, but with the info you've provided, thats all ive got. i know its the last thing you want to hear, but take a step back and think about it.
wat y shud i giv u a pic of her out of all the other threads ive seen not 1 has given a pic of the gf or anything
madog said:
wat y shud i giv u a pic of her out of all the other threads ive seen not 1 has given a pic of the gf or anything
But this one is hot...and you type like you are retarded so she probably is.
Foxtrot said:
But this one is hot...and you type like you are retarded so she probably is.

haha. after i read his "response" i started to question why i put so much thought into my advice. i forgot to ask before, how old are you and your girlfriend.
Foxtrot, that wasn't nice to say. :|

And what the f-ck is the matter with you people who scream for pics? At first I thought you were only ironic, but this is getting disturbed.
kaf11 said:
sorry, but to me it seems as though she actually has somewhat of a fear of commitment. you say you love her, and i assume she loved you back. if that were the case, i would think it would take a little more than "my friend thinks hes cute" to break up with someone. she could have resolved the situation by sitting down with her friend and discussing the problem, and how it makes her uncomfortable. im sure her friend would understand. that way she could keep the friend and her boyfriend. instead, she chose to break up with you. once again im sorry for having to phrase it that way, but with the info you've provided, thats all ive got. i know its the last thing you want to hear, but take a step back and think about it.

thnx thats kinda wat its like she just didnt think clearly enough and i kno she still likes me cuz i c it whenever were jus hangin out as friends but i dunno maybe im wrong and she never had feelings for me at all and jus used me but she seems too nice 4 that
madog said:
hahaha ya thats wat im tryin to do but its easier said then done but im so ever persistent and slowly but eventually shell give in to it lol
And when she still doesnt want you back, go date her friend. sexy sexy pimp :afro:
kaf11 said:
haha. after i read his "response" i started to question why i put so much thought into my advice. i forgot to ask before, how old are you and your girlfriend.

my gf is only 14 but she is hott 4 her age and i kno alot of the older guys hav been hitting on her in the past
madog said:
heh u kno wat i mean its jus stupid

Yes, it was "stupid" not "gay". :)

Oh and since it seems that your biggest concern is that you lost her because she was "hot" I don't think it's too much to be concerned about.
madog said:
my gf is only 14 but she is hott 4 her age and i kno alot of the older guys hav been hitting on her in the past
How old are you? I know some really hot 15 year olds, but I would never date
B.Calhoun said:
And when she still doesnt want you back, go date her friend. sexy sexy pimp :afro:

what! lol ya alot of her friends like me but the 1 that i wanted broke up with me dammit! lol but neway im not like that like other guys who jus get another girl like they r a replaceable object cuz my gf relly meant alot to me
madog said:
So dumb, my girlfriend who was super hot and who i liked super much, and even loved, wanted to just be friends all becuz her friend liked me and she didnt want any trouble. I really want her back and of all the gay excuses you can think up that one is the worst. Can you guys believe how stupid that is? :frown:

my g/f is hotter :afro:
Foxtrot said:
How old are you? I know some really hot 15 year olds, but I would never date

ummmm ur a girl rite? lol
madog said:
ummmm ur a girl rite? lol
....NO! Damn my somehow girlish name! But..if you want to cyber I am real cheap, and can be whatever you want me to be.
If you really love her, the 'hotness' thing shouldn't be relevant at all. Not one bit...
RakuraiTenjin said:
If you really love her, the 'hotness' thing shouldn't be relevant at all. Not one bit...
Such wisdom. :cool:

It's all just lust man, bang em all. :thumbs:
what if - and im saying this is a definite "what if" - she doesnt like you and her friend doesnt like you either. Women can lie a lot and lie well. Its all they do to eachother :rolleyes: .
How old are you? 19? Post them pics, I am 16... you live in Huntington Beach, I live in Long Beach... if she really is hot such as your claims, I want proof... then I will pay her a visit. :cheers:
Triggerhappy41 said:
what if - and im saying this is a definite "what if" - she doesnt like you and her friend doesnt like you either. Women can lie a lot and lie well. Its all they do to eachother :rolleyes: .

ha they r not lying if their friends say they relly like me and they r tryin to get me in bed wat does that tell u?
ailevation said:
How old are you? 19? Post them pics, I am 16... you live in Huntington Beach, I live in Long Beach... if she really is hot such as your claims, I want proof... then I will pay her a visit. :cheers:

nah dude forget it u dont want in on the drama. relly u dont
;( Not even a 30 x 30 pic??!?!?

Dude you should post a pic, If you were to ask me to post a pic of a fine chick I know, I would.
it tells me they are sluts. pick one.

"what did you do last night?"
"I ********** madog"
"you go girl!"

EDIT: not saying its a "bad" thing. for clarification.
Triggerhappy41 said:
it tells me they are sluts. pick one.

"what did you do last night?"
"I ********** madog"
"you go girl!"

hahaha thats sumthin theyd problly say but they arent relly sluts dude lol
madog said:
hahaha thats sumthin theyd problly say but they arent relly sluts dude lol

:| I dunno... we are from CALI, most likely are sluts... that's how girls get down here man, EVEN ASIAN GIRLS! :eek: !
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