omg dumb

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ailevation said:
:| I dunno... we are from CALI, most likely are sluts... that's how girls get down here man, EVEN ASIAN GIRLS! :eek: !

true true
everybody get down!

and to stay on topic: I think you will be fine, and you will be over it im sure.
if they're "trying to get you in bed" and they haven't already, then they're not trying. they don't feel attracted to you if they're not going after you.
ya they r they tell it rite to my face i jus kinda ignore it or laugh about it like its a joke and as for my ex no i dont think i will ever really get over it
Coudn't you have your cake and candy at the same time? :naughty:
getting spammed, silly posts, childish, and a whole host of other crap.

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