Omg Skin

Arrrrrrrrrrgh the eyes! The eyes!
What are you talking about? The skin hasn't changed

Don't tell but i'm full of shit

(btw you can change it.... User Cp -> Options -> Forum Skin -> Previous Skin).
I like it. Takes time to get used to, but it's... good.
I am undecided.

No wait, I'm sticking with blue.
I think it should be less of a brown and more of a light blue...
It's harder to read for me, so many bright colours catch the corner of my eye and put me off.

I'm going to try really hard to stick with it. Reminds me of HL1, Team Fortress and DOD.
This isn't a new skin, it's just the old tan one brought back

And anyone notice the font is bigger?
TAN IS BACK BABY. All the bad things I said about you guys can be erased, I love you all I really do.
Looking at the new skin is like being raped in the eyes.

/switches back to blue.
Well you won't be used to it straight away, give it a few days and you will recognize the sheer brilliance of tan.
I changed the old skin back... and it's still freaking me out. Something is wrong, something isn't right... my eyes are all strained. Make it stop!
Firefox = Hold CTRL + Mousewheel = problem solved.

Yeah, but something is still off. It's like the colors are brighter or something.

Anybody have some old screenshots of this theme before the changes?
Maybe, but who wants to Ctrl+mwheel everytime they visit the forums? Anyway, it's being discussed in the Site Feedback forum and will probably be reverted back.