Omg! Stern is at 19,999!

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But He Might Not Have! -____-
vegeta897 said:
What the hell is your problem, Pi? Did he make the thread? No.

I don't even like Stern very much, but this is just retarded.

I know you're just doing it to be an asshole, "oh look at me I'm tough I reset the top poster's count"

Someone needs to stop taking everything so seriously.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Someone needs to stop taking everything so seriously.
You're only funny at het though, this is where you're known for being a jackass
A jackass pirate with powar. SO SHUT YOUR FACE BITCH BANT
Wut ever happened to you moving into the space under my bed :flame:
I just like yelling at Pi. Don't worry, I'm not blowing any fuses. I won anyway. Pi has fallen under my massive attack. Victory is mine.

(Sarcasm, in case you don't know)
Ikerous said:
Wut ever happened to you moving into the space under my bed :flame:

Nevar. Not unless I had my own bed.
I'm gonna form the church of Tr0nism now, anyone care to join?
Actually, come to think of it, Sulkdoddsism might be good too.
I'm still gonna have people worship you two anyway. ^,.^
No offense to stern, he's a cool guy, but is congratulating him on getting 20k posts in under 2 years really...something to congratulate him about :p
DeusExMachina said:
No offense to stern, he's a cool guy, but is congratulating him on getting 20k posts in under 2 years really...something to congratulate him about :p

He doesn't care. Though it does boggle my mind sometimes, considering us frequent posters from 2003 don't even have half his posts.
If I didn't post at hetairia as much if at all, most of my spam would be here and I know I'd be at 20,000 by now. :D
Ikerous said:
You're only funny at het though, this is where you're known for being a jackass

Would you like to know your reputation? :)
The thing that scares me is that all of sterns post have a point, are posted with a reason, make sense and are overall very well written. It scares me how you can have 25 posts per day for 2 years without spamming.
The Brick said:
The thing that scares me is that all of sterns post have a point, are posted with a reason, make sense and are overall very well written. It scares me how you can have 25 posts per day for 2 years without spamming.

What's even MORE amazing... is he does it while balancing a job(presumably), a wife(maybe more like juggling on the side?), and a young child(has something to shoot towards in life).

Maybe he invented free time.
Maybe he is a time traveler?

Seagull said:
Maybe he is a time traveler?

hehe. Glad you're liking the seagull avatar! I thought it looked cool when I found it.
The Brick said:
The thing that scares me is that all of sterns post have a point, are posted with a reason, make sense and are overall very well written. It scares me how you can have 25 posts per day for 2 years without spamming.

Let's say Stern spends about 8 hours at his computer (9-5 job).

At 25 posts per day, that's just over 3 posts an hour or 1 post every 20 minutes.


Of course this doesn't factor in weekends, holidays, hours where he's at home, but it's still quite an achievement.

I wonder if it's possible to find out what Stern's very first post was to see how far he's come since then?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Someone needs to stop taking everything so seriously.

Oh god not the post count! Please anything but the post count!!

and just for the record I have had my post count reset zerimski..he was such a good member of *sniffs*
It's not the size of your postcount, but what you do with it.
*CptStern thwacks Sulkie in the face with his postcount*

"Who then now, bitches!" yells Stern.

"He's gone mad! With postcounts!" yell the forums.
wow all this attention is rather embarrassing ...a few things: I never post from about 5 pm to 10 pm (time with family) and seldom post on the weekends ..all other times are fair game :) job has a lot of down time during the day as I'm waiting for projects to be printed or whathaveyou ...I also post reguarily on at least 3 other forums during the day , I'm easily bored, read excessive amounts of news/articles and have an almost obsessive interest in many areas.

oh btw my wife is pregnant and has been on bead rest for the last 10 weeks on top of a full time job, I've also been taking care of my wife and son. I may not have all that much free time but I do make the best of what little time I have last thing ..I'm married, have a family and have settled into my career ..this isnt wasting time because unlike the majority here my life is established ..some of you are just starting to live as adults, you really shouldnt be spending the bulk of your time on any one thing ..unless it furthers your career/education etc

*burnzie now ponders wether this forum is the reason his life is going nowhere
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