
O> M> G> pick up the mirror, it reflects in real time O_O
errm, what is this? something related to hl2?
this is like the technology demo they did at E3 only it doesnt need a top of the line video card to play.

BTW this is V2... some of you might of seen V1. Now they have a dummy in so u can move it around and it also has a water tub.
read my post...I said it is "LIKE" the E3 tech demo.
And calm down, most people haven't seen this.
:bounce: :cheers: :afro:
well, its the source engine that will be used. when i sa this thread i thought it was gonna be a demo like the source engine demo in the beginning of the 25 min hl2 vid :(. but this is good too. here something to try, go over to the dummy and lay a bomb next to him with the B key. now when it explodes the dummy goes flyin!!!
bomb=HL2 grenade
= almost like E3 demo when guy went flying into car :cheese: :eek: :eek:
OMG... go to help F1 then press F8 then click on volutmetric shadows then ok. Now the torch casts realtime shadows on objects.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Actually this engine's demo reveals a shortcoming that Valve got around by not having you pick things up, but instead using the Manipulator.

Things don't have mass. Everything in the room is light as a feather, a large piece of furniture flys around as easily as a basketball. Things have no center of gravity. When you throw a stool in the water it floats and rolls around, as if the leg end had as much mass as the top did. Using the manipulator you create this false anchor on the object and can let it hang from that single point...something rather unnatural since we tend to grab heavy things with two hands.

The torch is the only light that is volumetric. The rest is static, precompiled. Also the torch goes out if you dunk it in water.
yay, more threads like this, I love funny tech demos :bounce:

heres a link to the skeleton ragdoll thing for the people who havent seen it. i really enjoyed it :)

umm actually, this technology demo has nothing to do with Half Life 2 o_0 This is the Math engine, which is used in the Unreal engine.
Half Life 2 uses a heavily modified Havok physics engine

hehe, but this is fun though no doubt bout that.
Is the Math engine better than the Havok engine? Or vice - versa?
I would say Havok is nicer, jus cos of the fact you can use its physics in small web demos. You probably can do that aswell with the Math engine, but i've never seen any web demos by them...
Originally posted by Murray_H
I would say Havok is nicer, jus cos of the fact you can use its physics in small web demos. You probably can do that aswell with the Math engine, but i've never seen any web demos by them...

Oh yeah, lol. We can't judge because (to my knowelege) there havn't been any released games using Havok yet, right?

Did anyone ever play Trespasser? I thought that was pretty good.

It had all the things most people would like to see in a decent FPS, but the overall gameplay was lacking.

Eg - There was a sense of "self". You could look down and see, um, your overly large breasts (but you get the point).

And then there was the "hands". You could pick stuff up with your hand and throw it about, that included little objects like buckets etc. And from what I remember, you had to hold weapons in that fashion, too. So you couldn't have like hundreds of 'em strapped to your back.
I've played trespasser, got it free with my comp (you can tell how old it is ;))

Yeah the first thing that struck me were the physics, but it got f*cking annoying when you looked down or ran past a wall with a shotgun at the wrong angle - and then you proceeded to drop the weapon :flame:
Originally posted by Murray_H
I've played trespasser, got it free with my comp (you can tell how old it is ;))

Yeah the first thing that struck me were the physics, but it got f*cking annoying when you looked down or ran past a wall with a shotgun at the wrong angle - and then you proceeded to drop the weapon :flame:

Yeah, I just started playing it again now.

It's pretty darn old. So old, in fact, that it doesn't seem to like working with my Graphics Card unless it's set on the lowest possible resoloution :eek:

Still, it's something to mess with untill HL2 comes out. :)

I didn't really appreciate the physics until now, looking at them, they seem very advanced considering the age of the game!
that ragdoll seems to be like what is done in the HL2 clip...quite fun throwing him around :p
might also give trespasser a go..
yep, the only thing that botherd me was that it seemd as everything was equal weight. there has to be some way that can be solved in HL2.
Ahh, got it working nicely in 640x480. Doesn't look too bad either, well, considering how old it is. :E

Hehe, if there is one feature I like it's the "realability" of the weapons. They're no longer things you just pick up, get ammo for, use etc.. They really feel just like everything else, like, you pick them up, you can throw them, you can hit things with them, then when it's empty, it's up to you what you do with it, you can use it as a weapon (hit things) or just throw it at something. :D
i played tresspaser too it would have been a great game if they didnt rush it. the game has a lot of bugs but if they were all fixed it would still be a good game even if released now days
the audio was great too
Originally posted by [Hunter]Ridic
well, its the source engine that will be used. when i sa this thread i thought it was gonna be a demo like the source engine demo in the beginning of the 25 min hl2 vid :(. but this is good too. here something to try, go over to the dummy and lay a bomb next to him with the B key. now when it explodes the dummy goes flyin!!!
No $hit. Havoc system powers the engine of the source engine. Right?
no. from what other people have said havok is just something they used to help w/ the physics. Valve built their own engine from scratch
I cant even run it on my ****ing computer! Thats bull:flame:
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
i played tresspaser too it would have been a great game if they didnt rush it. the game has a lot of bugs but if they were all fixed it would still be a good game even if released now days
the audio was great too

Yeah, considering the company wasn't particually well known or anything. We should make a petition for Trespasser 2. Or, we could hope that they've pulled a Valve and have been working on a sequal for a couple of years :E