Omg!!! Theif 3 Demo Is Out :d


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
for those of you living in the UK (where the game isnt out yet) check out for the theif 3 demo. i am exited. i hope you are too.
ya bastids!

need to be revising but....

i'll play it for an hour, maybe two...
I have no money. :( So I will make due with the demo. ;(
hooray! Something to do! thnks mate
edit: shoot their clever server won't let me use a resumable connectin... arg must keep looking...
all those sites listed have full servers, plus those demos are 180mb and the fileplanet demos are 400mb. i dont know if thats good or bad, but im presuming the file must have a lot more to be that much bigger.

*sigh*.... 50 minute wait times. better leave my PC on overnight again...
Probably a stupid question: does anybody have a direct link to the file that a 56ker (like me) can leech off for a day or so?

edit: aww crap you had me excited there. still no direct links?
I am downloading from fileshack right now, I cant wait, I need something new to play!
I got it from gamespot before, and i must say, this game is awesome. The graphics are amazeing, and the AI is good as well. And lets not forget the sound. This is a must buy.
:D mines 15% complete from fileplanet :D

im gonna leave my PC on all night to suck up this juicy offer!
I don't get it. I have a 3Ghz P4 with a Radeon 9800 Pro and it's going about 25Fps!! It should be MUCH smoother! It's "playable" but it isn't smooth.

Oh, the graphics are GREAT when looking far away, but the textures aren't high res when you're close up (estimate 5 feet away). I think I see that er, parallax or is it displacement mapping when textures look like they pop out? It looks awesome.

I'm having fun with it, but I quit to see if anyone else's is SLOW. :(

PS. I'm using the demo.
I made it a bit faster by putting the AA to 4x.

Wow, this is a FUN game...I didn't like Theif: The Dark Project very much, but this is VERY fun! I think I may buy it. :D
Yeah.. they're using the crapass Deus Ex 2 engine again. :|
I hope somebody remakes Deus Ex 2 in the Source Engine, that would rock
its running slow for you? it might be becuase vsync is on. It was running slow for me but once i turned vsync off it ran smooth.
Sparta said:
I hope somebody remakes Deus Ex 2 in the Source Engine, that would rock
Yeah, but I hope they totally change it because Deus Ex 2 sucks. Anyway Thief 3 looks pretty cool and I'm downloading it (the demo) now. I can't help wonder about System Shock 3, though.
Yeah man System Shock 3 would kick ass. I hope Ion Storm create a new engine (one that WORKS) and make System Shock 3 (Since IS seem to be making sequels to one or two Looking Glass Studio games)
Epyon said:
its running slow for you? it might be becuase vsync is on. It was running slow for me but once i turned vsync off it ran smooth.
How do you turn vsync off? I didn't find that option in the demo.
Edit: I found out how but it still runs slow.
I have a GeForce 3 and 2.2 gHz, and at 1280 resolution, I'm getting about 5 fps. With such incredible uglitude, how can it be this slow?
ZoomaCLW said:
I have a GeForce 3 and 2.2 gHz, and at 1280 resolution, I'm getting about 5 fps. With such incredible uglitude, how can it be this slow?
Even a 9800pro would have slowdown at 1280... turn that shizz DOWN! (think 640)

I really like the character models in this engine, but it is in dire need of some bumpmapping... brick walls that are perfectly flat just seem out of place with all the other stuff it has going for it.
Letters said:
Even a 9800pro would have slowdown at 1280... turn that shizz DOWN! (think 640)

I really like the character models in this engine, but it is in dire need of some bumpmapping... brick walls that are perfectly flat just seem out of place with all the other stuff it has going for it.

Flat panel monitor looks ugly at anything less.
Besides, I can run UT2k4 at 1280 at around 30 fps, which is what I'd expect.
Letters said:
... it is in dire need of some bumpmapping... brick walls that are perfectly flat just seem out of place with all the other stuff it has going for it.

You know, every surface in the game has a normal map applied to it :p
Letters said:
Not the walls I was lookin' at...

Well I'm playing the full game. Perhaps in the demo the cut back with textures due to size requirements (that happens quite often). I assure you that in the final game every single surface has a normal map applied to it, and it all looks very nice.
I'm playing the full game as well... and no, it doesn't look nice. It's not like I a give a shit, though! :p I just thought it was funky looking when I noticed it.
Guys, turn Bloom off, and don't use any AA, should run fine.
Letters said:
I'm playing the full game as well... and no, it doesn't look nice. It's not like I a give a shit, though! :p I just thought it was funky looking when I noticed it.

Just curious, but are you having trouble with shadows popping in and out? I was having problems like that. Everything looked really ugly, surfaces were really bright and didn't respond to light, shadows didn't work correctly, it looked quite funky :p
I only ask because a lot of people have had the problems I had, and perhaps things look off because you're having problems like the ones I described, or ones similar to them (I know it seems like a stupid question, but when I first saw the errors I thought they were by design).
wow - you scared me, I thought the thread title was "Doom 3 Demo is Out" - scaaaaaaary....
Thief 3

Wow, I spent all that time downloading that demo and it turned out to be crap. That was fun.
Thief 3 Tweaks


CacheSizeMegs=64 (was=1)
MinDesiredFrameRate=50.0 (was=30)
Use32BitTextures=True (was=False)
CurvedSurfaces=True (was false)

MouseLagThreshold=0 (was 75)
ZoomaCLW said:
Flat panel monitor looks ugly at anything less.
Besides, I can run UT2k4 at 1280 at around 30 fps, which is what I'd expect.

That's because UT2k4 was made to be extremely scalable. You have a very old graphics card, I'm not surprised you're getting such low FPS.
Well, played the demo...

I found it to be great fun!

I might be buying this one....

Now... where to get more money...
It was quite good, but I don't think I'll be buying it.