Omg!!! Theif 3 Demo Is Out :d

omg... i just played the demo and i just have to say i am VERY impressed. it might be because i havent played any theif before, but its probally just because the game is class :)

it feels very much like DE:IW in terms of graphics and phisics, but i like the feel of DE:IW, so that is good. I love the way you can loot anything... its so satisfying to walk out with 87% of all the valubles, leaving no-one still awake in the castle. i sneaked, hid, crawled shot and clubbed my way to victory, leaving no stone unturned and walking off with 3 speacial loots. Theif 3 is such a satisfying game... i cant wait to get the full version and actually spend my loot :D

for me the shadows were fine (even though i have a radeon 9800) - but the thing i didnt like were some infrequent irritating glitches. i dont know if its because its a demo or not, but twice in the demo i leaped up in the air and continued to float. in mid air. in a stupid pose. i had to save and reload to get rid of it!!! Mind you, i found nothing too irritating to actually inturrupt the gameplay (except what i just mentioned). One of the good things i found is that (whether intentional by the developers or not) objects can be used to block doors, giving you time to escape.

and the AI is just brilliant. when a peasant sees your recently killed body, she will run off and alert a guard. then i hide the body, and she comes back and says "hmmm... thats strange... its gone.." and the guard says "well... if your sure you saw something ill have a look." All this time i was expecting them to just return to their normal positions, but they actually searched for me intelligently. I cant belive it! its so cool! I still ended up killing the guard and knocking the woman unconcios, though. Hah! no AI is a match for the great Suicide_theif!!!

not only that but the locations are interesting and full of secrets. Whats this... light seeping from behind a crate? ooohhh... a secret passage... :D WOW, thats one big painting... *grabs*
and the characters are good too. i kept hearing hints of things i could do in the city, or find later in the game... plus with the different diffiulty settings, it its possible to set challenges for yourself by cranking up the diffiulty, requiring you to kill less, steal more and find new things.

OOOOhhhh i really cant wait for june 25th. what to do till then... what to do???
Suicide42 said:

OOOOhhhh i really cant wait for june 25th. what to do till then... what to do???

It's out on the 11th of June in the UK. So you won't have that long to wait.
I just finished the demo..and let me say this:

I really had my doubts about this game after the DX:IW disaster, which I thought was horrible(and I wasn't even a big fan of the first one). so of course I was worried about what they've done to this 3rd installment in the series, which I'm a big fan of.

well you need not worry, the game judging by the demo stays true to the series. there is a few things I would have liked to see differently. lets go thru some of the aspects of the game.

Graphics: well that gamespy guy really exagerated how bad this game looks. it doesn't look bad. sure it's no farcry or doom3, but it definitly doesn't look bad(especially compared with the previus games. on top of that it's still the gameplay that is in focus in this game, just like the previous ones. I think the graphics looks better than DX:IW and it also seems to run smoother.

Sound: as with the previous games the sound is topnotch. no complaints there. the guards have even better audible responses to things going on around them.(although their actions doesn't always seem to fit IMO) the ambient sounds are good, I missed the more odd/scary ambient side from the previous games, but then again this was a pretty normal none-scary burglary job...I'm sure it well get better further into the game.

Physics: the physics aren't great, but they're definitly better than DX:IW. materials seems to respond pretty accurately, but the rag-dolls has a tendencie to break their back when you club or stab them from behind, but it's no big deal...just looks a little odd that's all.

Gameplay: judging so far it's pretty close to the two first games, they even have similar confusing key configs :P(theres a "walk-key" and a "creep key" that from the outside does the exact same thing, same speed, stance etc. except when you use the "walk-key" garett makes noises so that guards can hear him... very useful) . the dynamic lightning and shadow system adds a new dimension to the game. the push up against a wall is nice trick. the 3rd person view is usefull(albeit a little cheap, since you can peek around corners without exposing yourself)(and I didn't experience any sound bugs read: gamespy fool)...and Garett seems to have a easier time mantling stuff. but other than that I haven't really seen anything new that actually improves the gameplay drastically over the previous games(save for the lightning system). the way interactive things are highlighted is annoying, and I also felt that the "glint"(or whatever) feature substracted from the game and made it to easy to spot loot.

AI: I played on normal difficulty(I will play later at hard) so far I'm actually not THAT impressed with the AI. the AI have some rather clever audible responses to things that makes them suspicious and it's funny to hear them mumbling about to in the end dismiss it with them being tired etc(the previous games had this aswell, but this time the guards seem to analyze the environment more for what makes them suspicious missing loot, a open door etc.). but the AI still seem to be lacking and I didn't find that the guards was terribly effective at searching the rooms, and also there were occasions where the guards returned to their patrols when they REALLY shouldn't...for example at one point I failed "bonking" someone... ran away and hid, sometime after the person was wandering around doing his normal chores like it had never happened in the best "oh...probably just a cat"-fashion. another example was that the lord ur stealing from at some point noticed that a vital door had been opened and corrctly stated "who has opened this? it shouldn't be open!" but then kept wandering around his room instead of sounding the alarm. I aslo serveral times came across guards(usually when alerted) that were mindlessly walking into obstacles.

but all the nitpicking aside...I think I'm going to buy this game when it gets to Europe(and that says alot).
I love the way people who hated DE:IW immediately are biased against likeing a game with the same engine, I think thats just childish... and its funnier when they get into denial about it :P lol, I thought the demo was neat. ;)
clarky003 said:
I love the way people who hated DE:IW immediately are biased against likeing a game with the same engine, I think thats just childish... and its funnier when they get into denial about it :P lol, I thought the demo was neat. ;)

I think people were more worried that the games had the same developer, rather than them using the same engine.(btw: the engine seems to work better with ThiefIII)
I just played the demo, and I am disappointed. I have a decent gaming machine, but I had to knock down the resolution to 800 x 600 to get decent frame rates. These game developers need to realize that frame rates are just as important as graphical quality.

But the demo did have some nice gameplay. I may go and pick up Thief 1 and 2 so I don't have any framerate issues. :p
I have a P4 3.06 gig, 1024 MB ram and a Radeon 9800 pro and I had no problems and had about 40+ fps through the entire thing at max resolutions (not 1600x1200) with high detail and everything...
I'm running an XP 2500+ @ 2.24GHz, 1GB DDR333 and a Radeon 9700 at max details (didn't check res, default, prolly 800x600), never noticed any slowdown

I do, however, refuse to downgrade my drivers just so the shadows don't glitch like no tomorrow
I have a XP 2800+, 1 GB RAM, and a 9600 Pro and I couldn't find smooth enough settings to play it at 1024 x 768.

I can run the Far Cry demo on high graphic settings and 1024 x 768 res and still run at 30 FPS. It just gets annoying when these companies can't properly optimize their game engines (Cough*Gearbox*Cough, Cough*IonStorm*Cough).
Who gives a shit, this game beats the **** out of all games that came out this year, in gameplay/atmosphere areas.
:dozey: Sorry, but why is Thief 3 such a good game, I am asking this as I downlaod the demo.
ailevation said:
:dozey: Sorry, but why is Thief 3 such a good game, I am asking this as I downlaod the demo.

I never played the demo, but I did buy the game and I have to agree with Mr. Reak.

I was incredibly skeptical at first, but I think it's a great game now. I'm still not happy with the game engine or some of the art assets of the game such as models, but overall I'm enjoying it a lot.
Went through the demo again.

Couldnt find all the loot. But then I am new to this series. 84% i ok right?

Neway I also climbed up the castle wall using a few boxes and some ingenuity...

Unfortunatly instead of something special up there I found part of the wall and floor missing because they had been deleted in the assumption no one could get there..... :(

Meh, was fair enough I suppose... made me take a step back mind.... off the battlements :P.
Shuzer said:
I do, however, refuse to downgrade my drivers just so the shadows don't glitch like no tomorrow

Which Cat version makes it so the shadows dont glitch?
demo was okay.... nothing special. I dont think i will buy this game at all.
I love this game. I've never been a fan of stealth, but this is just too much fun. :D
ApocalypseNow said:
Which Cat version makes it so the shadows dont glitch?

Pretty sure I heard any version EXCEPT Catalyst 4.4 make the shadows glitch
I didn't like the demo, I hate the engine and its slowness and ragdolls were utter crap.