omg waste of mula


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
i just bought painkiller, i love it, but noone plays online, what a waste of money, i should have gotten call of duty united offence instead
cant, they dont let u return any pc games, if only people played online
same here, biggest mistake i ever made was buying Painkiller. It was fun...for about an hour.
This is where you sell it to you go sell it to your friend :).

Hitman 2 was fun and dosn't have online.
i cant believe this, i wasted 30 and u have no idea what kind of truble i went through to get it
:thumbs: Sell it at gamespot for used, get $10.
ktimekiller said:
get 10? wow thats alot! i hate my life now


1. Having the excitement and emotional appeal of melodrama: “a melodramatic account of two perilous days spent among the planters” (Frank O. Gatell).
2. Exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental; histrionic: “Accuse me, if you will, of melodramatic embroidery” (Erskine Childers).
3. Characterized by false pathos and sentiment.

Seriously though, it's not the end of the world. Sell it on ebay or something. And next time, read reviews or play the demo before you buy a game you may get bored of.
ktimekiller said:
get 10? wow thats alot! i hate my life now
And you spent 30 bucks on this game....thats not a lot at all. Get a job you waste of oxygen. lol j/k
I bought Painkiller on Monday. Working my way through it (about a level or two per day).

I just finished the first Boss battle (spectacular gaming experience) and made it to the second chapter. Was surprised to find nudity (a rare occurence in games).

Anyway, I haven't given the multiplayer a try yet. I probably won't get a good speed either (I'm in a dorm with a shakey Internet connection). So if it makes you feel any better, I also feel that my purchase of the game was not a right one, especially since the Call Of Duty expansion came out a day later).

I bought Painkiller for the Boss battles only. It will take a long while for those to get old to me. Bigger is better.
ktimekiller said:
i just bought painkiller, i love it, but noone plays online, what a waste of money, i should have gotten call of duty united offence instead

I got really pissed when no one played painkiller online its super fun. I dont return games tho. I liked the single player (last level is INSANE).
ktimekiller said:
get 10? wow thats alot! i hate my life now

1 entry found for drama queen.

Main Entry: drama queen
Function: noun
Definition: any person who overreacts to a minor problem or situation

don't worry about it ktimekiller, its only a game. Find a gullable friend and swap it with their copy of Sims2 :D
30 bucks?

Jesus christ. Someone ****ing help this poor bastard.
I remember playing the demo of PKiller online and it was insanely laggy on even low-ping servers. Not very fun.
first, im too young to get a job, and second im really poor