Omg !!!


Jun 22, 2004
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:bounce: I think I know the answer to who G-Man is, I started to think, mm why is his name G-man?
I also started to think why is he there? Government or just wierd guy??


g-man is gordan freeman from the future. and what hl1 is (when your playing the game) Is not really happening?

You wonder why The G-man is ALways cocky and seems to know what is always going on? Because it he IS Gordan !!

They have the same face structure .. I swear , SAME green eyes !! (who has green eyes) Everything is just about the same .. but g-man just looks older !!! Here is a pic a made showing hes the same person !


  • gman.JPG
    11.5 KB · Views: 665
G-man and Gordon are the same person?
That's a veeeeeery original theory.
I'm sorry if this has been brought up in the past, but i thought I would just bring it up . :cheers:
I consider it a likely theory. I do see the resemblance, and so it could very well be a possibility. I personally don't have a problem with it, as long as it's pulled off nicely in the games. However, everybody else seems to hate the idea.
skater4evr5 said:
I'm sorry if this has been brought up in the past, but i thought I would just bring it up . :cheers:
Well actually the more common theory is that G-man is gordons daddy. I don't buy either one.
G-man being his daddy would have no reason behind it. I could think of many stories if it where him in the future. Coming back to save him from something or help him out ! could be thousands of possibilities. but G-man being his dad .. i just dont get that! :| I could post a bigger different pic of them two, if you want, damn there the same person...arrrgghh Just look
skater4evr5 said:
G-man being his daddy would have no reason behind it. I could think of many stories if it where him in the future. Coming back to save him from something or help him out ! could be thousands of possibilities. but G-man being his dad .. i just dont get that! :| I could post a bigger different pic of them two, if you want, damn there the same person...arrrgghh Just look
Doesn't make sense. If Gordon had declined Gmans offer in HL he would have died and Gman would have in essence commited suicide.
yah, so this aint true... impossible.

and it can't be his dad! what sick maniac wants to kill his own son?
skater4evr5 said:
:bounce: I think I know the answer to who G-Man is, I started to think, mm why is his name G-man?
I also started to think why is he there? Government or just wierd guy??


g-man is gordan freeman from the future. and what hl1 is (when your playing the game) Is not really happening?

You wonder why The G-man is ALways cocky and seems to know what is always going on? Because it he IS Gordan !!

They have the same face structure .. I swear , SAME green eyes !! (who has green eyes) Everything is just about the same .. but g-man just looks older !!! Here is a pic a made showing hes the same person !

Congratulations, you are the 857th person to suggest this theory (as ludicrous as it is).
{Neoblade} 111 said:
yah, so this aint true... impossible.

and it can't be his dad! what sick maniac wants to kill his own son?
Darth Vader, Homer Simpson, Saddam Hussein, that guy in Return of the King
AJ Rimmer said:
Darth Vader, Homer Simpson, Saddam Hussein, that guy in Return of the King

And that guy in the bible.. Abraham?
{Neoblade} 111 said:
yah, so this aint true... impossible.

and it can't be his dad! what sick maniac wants to kill his own son?

who ever said he wanted to kill him?

and its not impossible.. watch the news

The G-Man recruits himself 10 years earlier while giving Gordon the Choice to live or die, knowing he would accept because he accepted, Gordon now works for himself with himself as the boss only he doesn't know that he works for himself because he hasn't come to that point yet? The G-Man was at key points in the game, even at ground zero, he was watching the Marines in Opposing Force so maybe he got them to go too? That would mean the G-Man sent forces to eliminate Freeman (or Himself) while trying to survive on his own, he knew He (as in Freeman and himself) would make it because he did in the past when he was in the situation in the other dimnsion?

Too many variables, it means The G-Man is Gordon and His Boss, Brother (genetically) himself, mentor, future and past...My head hurts...:(
New Idea:
The G-Man is neither Gordon nor his Dad, but his Son!
A complete new view of the "killing your own grandfather" thing from time travelling ;)
The problem with time travel stories is that there are always people who are annoyed by the paradoxes (I know I am).
Has anybody considered the possibility that the G-Man is perhaps Gordon in an alternate universe? Sort of like a reflection from one of the border worlds?

I've got absolutely no clue as to how this kind of stuff works, so feel free to shoot up this idea as much as you want. I just thought it was kind of interesting.
The letter from the "Office of the Administrator" (on page two of the manual that comes with the original Half-Life) is signed with the initials "L.M." so it is very unlikely that Gordon and the G-Man (Government-Man?) are family (or actually the same person).
This is so dumb. The only reason wh they look similar is because the initial character design was limited by the technology. The character design now is far more advanced but they have to stem from the original still.
RoguePsi said:
This is so dumb. The only reason wh they look similar is because the initial character design was limited by the technology. The character design now is far more advanced but they have to stem from the original still.

I don't think that's the case at all. The scientists all looked different. Barney looked different. It's not a matter of initial character design.
Faithless said:
The letter from the "Office of the Administrator" (on page two of the manual that comes with the original Half-Life) is signed with the initials "L.M." so it is very unlikely that Gordon and the G-Man (Government-Man?) are family (or actually the same person).

It has been stated by Valve that the G-Man is not the Administrator. All signs point to Breen being the admin.
Attention. The G-man and Gordon are not relatives, they are not different time period counterparts, and they are not from parallel dimensions. This is Half-Life 2, not Chrono Trigger. Thank you.
nope, they have slightly different ears. your theory is thus blown out of the water.
SMT said:
Attention. The G-man and Gordon are not relatives, they are not different time period counterparts, and they are not from parallel dimensions. This is Half-Life 2, not Chrono Trigger. Thank you.

*sniff* *sniff*

What's that stench?

Oh, I know what it is. Ignorance.
"L.M" Perhaps "M.L" Perhaps "Marc Laidlaw"? The Scriptwriter/Game designer leaving his mark in cryptic form...he is the administrator!
Absinthe said:
Oh, I know what it is. Ignorance.
You're saying that he's ignorant because he posted the most plausible theory on this thread? Face it, people, while they isn't any evidence to prove that there isn't a Gordon/G-man relation (and why would there be?) there isn't any evidence to imply that there IS, either. You can make up any theory that you want because there's no evidence DISproving it, but until I see something that helps to PROVE it, I won't be impressed.

New theory: G-man is actually an alternate-dimention version of the clone of Gordon's seperated-at-birth evil twin. You can't disprove that, now can you? :hmph:
...plausible theory...

Stop. Stop right there. He didn't post a theory. He essentially said "You're all wrong and I'm not going to bother to explain why". Yeah, we can't prove it. We can't disprove it either though. That's why this is a speculation forum.
G-Man means government man. It's always surprised me how many people did not know the term.
Absinthe said:
Has anybody considered the possibility that the G-Man is perhaps Gordon in an alternate universe? Sort of like a reflection from one of the border worlds?

I've got absolutely no clue as to how this kind of stuff works, so feel free to shoot up this idea as much as you want. I just thought it was kind of interesting.
I think the rule for paralell dimensions are co-existing bodies, two body's who share the same space without knowing it. Xen isn't a paralell dimension, it's more of another plane of reality.
Absinthe said:
He didn't post a theory.
He said that there's no connection between Gordon and the G-man except for the obvious one that we see in-game. That's the theory I was refering to -- because, as you point out, we can't PROVE it.

You're welcome to your theories. Just don't insult someone because they post something that goes against your speculations. And if you DO feel the need to be insulting, at least use an appropriate word, eh? "Ignorant" certainly doesn't describe SMT in this situation.
Every morning when I wake up (before I put on my make-up) I pray to high heaven that Valve and Laidlaw have had the sense to steer away from such a story-line. And that people will stop making jokes about "teh lolz0rz!!!11! godron is teh g-man and the g-man is gordan's father and is time travling from a paralel universe!!!1"
I don't care that that was a petty stab (it was mainly people making the HL2/StarWars tie ins as if they were original or funny) this theory is - in my own opinion - silly. If it comes true then HL2's plot will be - in my own opinion - silly.
Yep, there's only one tiny piece of circumstantial evidence in all of HL and the expansions that time travel is remotely possible.
Obviously this means every single major character is from the past/future. Also, imo HL3 will be set in medieval times due to a teleporter accident!!!1
BraveFencerKirby said:
He said that there's no connection between Gordon and the G-man except for the obvious one that we see in-game. That's the theory I was refering to -- because, as you point out, we can't PROVE it.

You're welcome to your theories. Just don't insult someone because they post something that goes against your speculations. And if you DO feel the need to be insulting, at least use an appropriate word, eh? "Ignorant" certainly doesn't describe SMT in this situation.

He is entitled to believe what he wants. He did not, however, post a theory. His post shot down every other theory in the topic. Read it again. He didn't even bother to explain what was so flawed with anybody else's. Again, the jist of his post was "You're all ridiculously wrong".

Ignorance is a very good description of his post. If he had bothered to explain why he thinks everybody else is wrong and had not assumed his opinion to be fact, then it would be a different case.
Absinthe said:
Stop. Stop right there. He didn't post a theory. He essentially said "You're all wrong and I'm not going to bother to explain why". Yeah, we can't prove it. We can't disprove it either though. That's why this is a speculation forum.

Yeah though, see, the thing is, you're wrong. You're wrong because your speculation is baseless and your avatar is a potato. You want a theory? My theory is that YOU ARE WRONG. Lick my ignorance. LICK IT.
You're wrong because your speculation is baseless

Well, no shit. That's why it's called speculation. Also, it doesn't stop it from possibly being true.

But, very well. I shall lick your ignorance. :x
Absinthe said:
Well, no shit. That's why it's called speculation. Also, it doesn't stop it from possibly being true.

But, very well. I shall lick your ignorance. :x
Most (good) speculation isn't baseless actually.
The man makes a good point.
Although that's precisely why this speculation in particular is not good. Come on: "They look sort of the same sort of..." By George I think he's onto something.