Omg !!!

Their genetic trait characteristics are different in those two pictures. The hair line is pointed on the G-man and gordens is curved. Those are two contrasting features that don't offten differentiate between father and son.

The eye colour doesn't mean anything. Eye colour is random and not often hereditary. Also another genetic marker is the ears. Gorden's and the G-man's differ. Also when you watch the E3-03 -04 videos you knowtice that the G-man has an overbite. Gorden doesn't seem to share that in his jaw structure.

Not the same person. sorry.
this idea is completely unfounded. not only do the hair color, eye color and general apperance look completly different, valve would have at least have dropped a hint or two. and the same goes for the father-son idea. they would have to look somewhat alike.
They do look alike, however. But the G-man is 20-30 years older.
Are you stoned buddy? Thir physical traits are completely different. Look at the jawlines. Then look at the hair on the g-man, and the hair on gordon.

Lots of people have green eyes dude.
The G-Man can't be Gordon.
Anything that happens to Gordon will affect the G-man then.
0mg teh timtravel OGRDONS SIT TEH GMAN LLOL!L!L!!!!! **** PISS
AJ Rimmer said:
Darth Vader, Homer Simpson, Saddam Hussein, that guy in Return of the King

Ffs, do i have to repeat myself? Like i keep saying, Saddam's just misunderstood.
Maybe not Gordon from an alternative universe, but I suppose its plausible that he's Gordons equivalent from another dimension; a meddling agent controlling or regulating or defending us against... something.

As for the whole Gordon/G-man are each others grandmother thing, I don't see it myself. No real proof either way, I'm just not sure if it would suit (my vision of, at least) the HL story.
how can you even make such a comparison?

hair is wrong color,
eyes are closer together,
face is longer,
hairstyle and texture is different,
ears are larger,
ears are in different places,

oh yeah and John Spencer is really Jack Nicholson
I'm diggin' the screenshot of the G-Man you took from the Beta :-p
Gman has a widow's peak and gordon has no widow's peak therefore they are not the same person, unless gordon had it plucked or something changed his genetics
The hairline on the two characters has no resemblence, the G-man has a widow's peak, while Gordon's hairline is up further on his forehead, and does not come to a point...

Gordon's hairline: )
G-man's hairline: >

gg, i win

OHH, nevermiunds i nsee ikt now!!!!!!!!!11 g0rd0n gets sergery too get teh new face and he is running form teh combinz nd he needz to get a new identeety s0 he g0es back in tiem nd rearanges his 0wn face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w0000000000t0rz
Subatomic said:
The hairline on the two characters has no resemblence, the G-man has a widow's peak, while Gordon's hairline is up further on his forehead, and does not come to a point...

Gordon's hairline: )
G-man's hairline: >

gg, i win

OHH, nevermiunds i nsee ikt now!!!!!!!!!11 g0rd0n gets sergery too get teh new face and he is running form teh combinz nd he needz to get a new identeety s0 he g0es back in tiem nd rearanges his 0wn face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w0000000000t0rz

I don't know if you know this with your superior knowledge but, as you get older, which G-man obviously is more so than Gordan, your hairline can go back in any which way.

hes not that old... he is not going bald...

end of discussion
lol your theory is probly correct but when valve sees this they will change it to something new valve:*damn hl2net forums!!! damn them!!!*
Uh, quick point.
Gabe has stated that "one side is wrong, the other is teeerribly wrong"
If Gordon is the G-Man, maybe G-Man is trying to stop himself from making a terrible mistake?
Subatomic said:
hes not that old... he is not going bald...

end of discussion

Peoples hairlines can start to go back as early as in their 20's. It's all in the genes.

i think it gman would more likely be gordons older brother, hes too young to be his dad, and an older brother would give him the right for cocky superior comments
Does anyone else think that there's a possibility that G-man is the FIRST combine?

Think about it, the way he speaks in the 2004 clip, what he says at the end of Half-Life "My ..eerrrr....employers" as if to say something else entirely? eh?
Sparta said:
Does anyone else think that there's a possibility that G-man is the FIRST combine?

Think about it, the way he speaks in the 2004 clip, what he says at the end of Half-Life "My ..eerrrr....employers" as if to say something else entirely? eh?

I think you're onto something :O
*Skips over all the posts*

No. Just, no. Stop it. Everyone stop already. The G-Man is in no way related to Gordon. He's not Gordon from the future. He's not Gordon's daddy. He isn't Gordon from an alternate dimension where everyone dresses in a clean suit and stutters. He isn't Gordon's father's sister's cousin's boyfriend's friend's roommate twice removed. For God's sakes...just stop. STOP THE MADNESS!!!

Someone sticky this so everyone who comes into Rumors and Speculation to enlighten the rest of us with their brilliant and well thought out theory on how someone who has the same color eyes (which they don't...G-Man's eyes are actually blue, not green), same skin color, and absolutely no other resemblance whatsoever in facial features, bone structure, or hair color is another person from the future can just realize that it's been said already. If you want to cling to this hopelessly flawed theory, y'know, be my guest. But stop making threads on it. Please.

I realize it seems like I'm coming down hard on the original poster. I'm not trying to; I understand you probably didn't bother to use the Search button, Skater, it's cool. I certainly don't blame you 'cause hell if anyone really uses that Search feature before they post...I'm assuming it's just there so you can find your own posts later on or a post in a thread you've already viewed.
Not trying to get pissy at you, mate, just tired of seeing it posted in a new thread 3 times a week, y'know? Anyway...welcome to the forums, keep the rumors and speculations coming...just not this one. :cheers:

And the G-Man is not the first Combine. The Combine are soldiers and metrocops, and possibly aliens; the G-Man is not any of these. Breen is also not a Combine for that matter and if we knew ANYONE was a Combine, it'd be him. Breen has never been referred to as a Combine though, not that I'm aware of, so why would the Administrator's liaison be called a Combine when Dr. Breen himself isn't labeled as such? He stuttered on "employers" because he was looking for something to call them. Maybe they're not so much his employers as they've forced him into service under penalty of death, injury, or imprisonment, like the G-Man did with Gordon and Adrian.

If I'm wrong, when HL2 MP comes out you can weld me to a buggy and rollermine me off a cliff. G-man != relative of Gordon / Combine / both.