On police 'brutality' towards protesters.

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Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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-"OMG! That riot cop hit a protester! Brutality!"

Perhaps it had something to do with this:

-"But in that clip/picture the protesters were being non-violent."

Gee. Hey, did you know that peaceful protests only have unarmed 'watcher' police officers? To make sure that no-one gets hurt? Combat "Riot" Police are only called to the scene when they are needed (or the group has a history of violence). They only forcibly dissolve illegal protests! Shocking, isn't it? But of course, in that obviously biased video that I venture to call propaganda, the officers there to make sure that violence doesn't happen are evil oppressive pigs!

-"The issue was really important."

That justifies breaking the law? Inciting socio-disorder? Blocking traffic?

-"Protesting is a democratic right!"

Correction! Protesting/striking is a right only when it's in the boundaries of the law! But, protesters are above the law, right? Becuase anti-war or the dam is sooooo important, right?

-"you're a fascist!"


-"They were peaceful, but the cops attacked first, causing them to retaliate!"

Wow. So, they somehow chimerically conjured up those 'defensive tools' to use against the police? And wait, how did the protesters retaliate if they were peaceful? Retaliation in itself is not peaceful.

-"They broke his arm!"

They broke his head!

-"The laws couldn't supprot the minoritiees, they had no choice."

Welcome to democracy. A system in which the majorities interests are more valued than the minorities.

-"You're brainwashed!"

And your almost diabolically delusional exclamation that is devoid of a basis somehow invalidates everything I say?

-"The protesters got hurt more, and the police have protection
+ training."

Let's beat them up into a pulp like a pinata because they have protection? Let's not arrest criminals because they don't have helmets?

-"The police knew what they were facing, but the protesters didn't."

:laugh: The protesters must have been retards that didn't even know the consequences for engaging in criminal activities engendering social disorder, right?


There. I've done a few arguements. Let's have a discussion on this.
Finally a rant that makes sense by numbers.

I agree with it all!
Numbers, tell me what point you're trying to make with this.
He could've easily done that in the thread. Now he just wants people to bite him.
I just want him to put, in concise terms, what his point is.

Is it that protestors are evil?
That protesting is inherently bad?
That some protestor step over the line and become legitimate threats?

I'd like to know where he's trying to go with this. Because Numbers says a lot of questionable things, and it would be very easy to hop on an assumption and rip him apart.
My point is that the so called police brutality in protests is at the very least mostly not due to the evil pigs wanting to beat people up. I think my post was clear....

Yeah, it is.

Enough to commit crimes?

He could've easily done that in the thread. Now he just wants people to bite him.

I do not understand you.
No, I'm calling him an instigator. It seems he wants to start things like this even though he definitely knows what most peoples responses are going to be. It's like preaching to the anti-choir...or something.
No, I'm calling him an instigator. It seems he wants to start things like this even though he definitely knows what most peoples responses are going to be. It's like preaching to the anti-choir...or something.

I'm sorry, but did you even read my post?
I've just come to a startling conclusion: 15257 is a troll.
My point is that the so called police brutality in protests is at the very least mostly not due to the evil pigs wanting to beat people up. I think my post was clear....

What is it due to? Evil protestors?
Yeah, I hate looking at shit and it showing how the protesters did NOTHING wrong, even when the truth is they provoked it all.
What I take from it is that there's always people from both sides that are wrong, no ideal is ever perfect. There is no pure right or pure wrong, a lot of people into politics haven't realized this yet.
What I take from it is that there's always people from both sides that are wrong, no ideal is ever perfect. There is no pure right or pure wrong, a lot of people into politics haven't realized this yet.

Right on the money!
What I take from it is that there's always people from both sides that are wrong, no ideal is ever perfect. There is no pure right or pure wrong, a lot of people into politics haven't realized this yet.

Libertarians are always right. ^_^
When i was in school, riot police came and shot at crowds with paintballs, and it worked
Omg, the stuff thoose cops are doing.

I'd flame em anyday.
its almost as if he is protesting against protesting! Quick, someone gas him and beat the **** out of em'. :p
dont forget to step on his face, bash his head in with a baton, kick him in the ribs while he's in the fetal position and then arrest him for assaulting a police officer ...more beatings at jailhouse ftw
Numbers tell me this then? Watching those videos, there are guys sitting on the floor and they drag the people behind their shields and beat them to death, for sitting there. There are people in front of them waving a flag and the police officer tries to behead him with a shield's edge. There are COUNTLESS people laying on the floor bleeding to death, with collapsed lungs and all sorts and they are STILL kicking them. Theres one clip where they are picking up a guy for medical care and an officer clubs him on the head as they pick him up. You support the control methods you support it all. I can't understand you...sorry.




mms://ohmyvod.ohmynews.com/ohmytv/vo...1_1[1].wmv -Video


Like this:


-Getting arrested by Military Police Corps. You'll notice that the protester is not getting beaten up.







If I ever get conscripted into the ROKCP corps, I'd defend myself, too. WHEN YOU USE ****ING FIREBOMBS AT POLICE, YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE A HUMAN ****ING BEING!

What happens in almost all the cases of 'brutality'.




BRUTALITY! :rolleyes:


****em. ****em all.
Numbers, if you notice the vids Stern posted. We can quite see the police officers were using way to much force, excessive to a lethal degree. When a suspect is on the ground bleeding from serious injury, hitting him with your sheild kicking and punching him is highly unjustifiable by the police.

No matter what the provocation the police are NEVER justified to do that?
Now, if the police are doing that, to peaceful people, the next time, these peaceful people are going to bring things to defend themselves. I support them, thoose police officers are plain evil and need a good flaming imo.
Numbers: how does that in any way justify police brutality in the videos I posted? please explain because I'd really like to understand how you can be so completely brainwashed that you cant see the videos for what they are: excessive police brutality. Are you saying those civilians lying on the floor covering their heads while police kick them in the faces deserved it?

you're either an idiot, a fool or are so brainwashed that you cant recognise injustice when you see it ...I suspect it's a little of all 3

Numbers: how does that in any way justify police brutality in the videos I posted? please explain because I'd really like to understand how you can be so completely brainwashed that you cant see the videos for what they are: excessive police brutality. Are you saying those civilians lying on the floor covering their heads while police kick them in the faces deserved it?

you're either an idiot, a fool or are so brainwashed that you cant recognise injustice when you see it ...I suspect it's a little of all 3

Yeah, police aren't even human beings and can be burned to death, but the protesters are so ****ing little angels that should be allowed to keep hitting people. You know what? YOu commie bastard, you are so brainwashed by anarchistic and liberal propaganda that you can't even recognize violent protesting.
Riot police in America do not use lethal weaponary. They use rubber bullets and bean bag shotguns and various other technologies. Why do you think we invented these things?

I believe the Korean police were just a bunch of fast-recruited, non-trained bunch of people, which resulted in their own riot-like behavior. If they were trained properly, they wouldn't of been so amazingly brutal. Nothing justifies such behavior... its horrible for 10 people to beat on one person who is crouching in fear.

They had a man holding a flag and probably killed him with a sheild.
lol! you're soooo blind it's not even funny ...how old are you btw? have you ever been to a protest? in fact have you ever left your cushy little world and talked to some of the people who protest? or are you going solely by what your government tells you?

btw where are you getting these images? why are they hosted on imageshack? why not provide the original link?

Numbers why do you refuse to comment of the videos I posted ..I'd really like to hear you trying to justify the police's use of force
That poor cop though :( Probably deserves it but still...
And lol at that contraption on wheels they built.
Of course I have, didn't I tell you? 2004 Busan, APEC. They were a damn lynch mob.

btw where are you getting these images? why are they hosted on imageshack? why not provide the original link?

Yeah, you can't read korean though...

I believe the Korean police were just a bunch of fast-recruited, non-trained bunch of people, which resulted in their own riot-like behavior. If they were trained properly, they wouldn't of been so amazingly brutal. Nothing justifies such behavior... its horrible for 10 people to beat on one person who is crouching in fear.

Amazingly brutal my ass. They are possibly the most disciplined police force iun the world. They don''t even use tear gas at the mobs commie students.


They had a man holding a flag and probably killed him with a sheild.

He's not dead. Just a broken jaw. In fact, except for that farmer who fell down and died, no protester has been killed since 1987. The police on the other hand......

Of course.

It's wrong to hit someone with 10 people.
still interested in your source

so are you going to comment on the videos I posted or will you ignore that along with the other dozen or so points you've ignored? And no dont use the idiotic defense that in busan they used flame throwers etc ...the videos clearly show flame-throwerless protestors being beaten ...in fact in many of the cases the police attack was completely unprovoked

again have you ever been to a protest? have you ever witnessed first hand what goes on? or are you getting everything you know from what the government spoonfeeds you?
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