On What Platform Are You Going To Rapture With?

On What Pkatform Are You Going To Rapture With?

  • PC

    Votes: 67 63.8%
  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 37 35.2%
  • Both

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters
I'll be getting it for the PC, depending on how the demo plays when it's released. My PC passes the minimum requirements, and just barely matches the recommended requirements.
How can anyone say their PC won't be able to run it? the demo isn't even out yet. Has it occurred to y'all that the early 360 demo/delayed PC demo might be a blatant Microsoft marketing ploy to get as many 360 orders as possible before everyone realises that the cheaper PC version will run just fine anyway?

OMG... Yes, it all makes sense now! We should start the "Microsoft Conspiracies" groups.

Has it ever occured to you that 2K has CLEARLY stated that they are optimizing the drivers for Bioshock.

Supposely when you install Bioshock it will have to download a patch from 2K to install..
PC, although I wouldn't mind it on PS3 so I could HD it up on my TV. I guess that's not going to happen though D:
Meh. I tried it, and I'm going to go PC. I can't react fast enough with a controller.
Whoa. That achievmant at the end is crazy.. D: Is there an achievment for harvesting all of the little sisters?
How can anyone say their PC won't be able to run it?
My computer can barely run Doom 3 at LOWEST settings.. Lowest resolution, and lowest quality gets me 10-15 FPS.. Although if no ragdolls or NPCs are on screen, I get a cool 25-30... Although it's odd I can run HL2 at full everything and 1025x768, except model detail at medium, and EP1 at full everything at 1024x768 same with the model detail (HDR gives me no FPS drop AT ALL, it's weird...)...

I think I can make a very fair judgment based on that.

Also - There are only spoilers in the secret achievements thing, the normal achievements are what you'd expect, I wouldn't really call them spoilers, only the secret achievements are spoilers..

One exception in the regular achievements

where you can get the achievement of becoming a big daddy - didn't see that one coming.. dammit.
I bought an 8800 last month, and I'll finally put it to use. PC for me.

I just put together my Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 and eVGA 8800GTX system yesterday. I expect this game to run smooth as butter on it. :)
Goddammit, I ordered my pc on 17 juli, when I got it more then 2 weeks ago discovered I had 3 dammed DOA's, and I'm still ****ing waiting for the replacements. But knowing my luck, I'll get atleast a second DOA, and it's probably going to be either the RAM or HDD which will cripple me for another couple of weeks till I get replacements. But hey by that time I will be knee deep in schoolwork, then again I am doing gamedesign so schoolwork should be atleast as fun as playing games =)
PC. I think my PC is fast enough (just upgraded last month) and my 360 is borked.

Unfortunately i probably wont be able to play this game until November, when all my uni work is out of the way :(.
No, you seem you be mistaken, while there is online activation you also quite literally download and install a patch

Yeah I saw that thread awhile ago. I don't tend to believe what everyone sais but that's proof enough.
Jeeze, I'm so undecided...

Is the 360 version any better looking than DX 10 optimized Bioshock?

Controls are better on PC, plus I can use a 360 controller if I need to...

However, I love acheivements, just cause it gives a bit more replay value (even though this game doesnt need it).

EDIT: I'm gonna go with the PC version, for the reasons mentioned above, but also cause its cheaper (With Halo 3 and Orange Box looming, I need all the extra money I can get).
:angry: Im no going for either. 1. My PC only plays the demo at 25fps 2. I dont have a big TV to play it on 360
PC, because I don't have an HDTV and I meet the recommended DX9 requirements.

But now that I think about it, I'll be without achievements... D:
PC, because I don't have an HDTV and I meet the recommended DX9 requirements.

But now that I think about it, I'll be without achievements... D:

I know what you mean. But this activation problem is concerning...

I'm downloading it right now, finger crossed!
I was sure I posted a lengthy crit on the demo I played yesterday but obviously not. Can't be arsed to do it now either.

I win 30 pounds by not buying this overrated, underachieved, generic piece of console fodder. Yay \o/.
I've decided to go with the 360 version. I just can't be arsed installing/downloading/activating and all that other gubbins that comes with the PC.

Buy it tomorrow afternoon, pop it in and play straight away. Also - achievements. \o/
I was sure I posted a lengthy crit on the demo I played yesterday but obviously not. Can't be arsed to do it now either.

I win 30 pounds by not buying this overrated, underachieved, generic piece of console fodder. Yay \o/.

If you really think that, you don't know what you're missing.
He knows what he's missing - the actual game itself.
360 - these days i'm more into sitting back on the sofa and not having to bother installation/settings etc. Plug and play. Being able to play on a 110" screen with the 360 also makes the decision easier :)
360 - these days i'm more into sitting back on the sofa and not having to bother installation/settings etc. Plug and play.

I agree. No fuss, no worries of it crashing or dying on you, no mysterious and inexplicable error zooming into view when you're loading up the menu.
Yep, and after reading a good number of PC Bioshock threads... well, I feel sorry for all the hassle their going through.
I wouldn't buy it for the pc cause my friend said it laggs alot plus since its so high graphics it crashs and takes forever to install. But I already bought for 360 witch it works great.
Got it for the 360 and it looks gorgeous on my 40" HDTV. PC Gaming is getting a little too expensive for my blood, but that doesn't mean I won't upgrade like crazy next year! :naughty:
The one thing that I perfer about PC gaming is that its easier for me to fix problems with games. Even though PC errors are more common, when I have an error with a 360 game, it's much harder to find a solution, so the problem never gets fixed.
Do you get many errors with 360 games? I've had a handful of freezes since launch and that's it.

The pc version of Bioshock doesn't seem to have a walk button. Not tragic, but when compared it to how well analogue movement is implemented on the 360 and how much it can increase immersion it's certainly a minus point.
A little hopeful ;)

A walk key wouldn't have been much to ask, though. It's pretty much standard in every fps.
I rarely get problems with 360. Mostly when im on xbox live then i get server laggs and crashes.