Once but no more..


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
my school block hl2.net on their systems :( so I couldn't access this wonderfull forums... but no more :O! I've now set up a web proxy ;) (well untill that gets blocked)

So can now access this wonderfull site :),

nice, if it were my school you'd be expelled by now

good work
when I were a lad we dint 'ave t' net at school. We 'ad acorn archimedes A3010's and we lucky if the network worked to print on the ancient and huge laser printer.

http://www.oldcomputers.freeserve.co.uk/acorn3010.jpg they were strange machines

Heck the AV department used a spectrum 128k for visual fx on video.. what chance did we possibly have of getting the internet back then :D
bah, they were new compared to what we had in primary school.

apple 2E's with a big ol' dot matrix printer, and we had to walk 15 miles in the blistering cold to get to it
lol we used to have acorns but a few years they updated out ict deparment :) so we now have fairly ok computers and the internet although most of the sites are banned I mean this site is filtered out as "Games"

But I'm ok with the proxy just need to password protect it stop the people at school from abusing it ;),

Originally posted by RichGuk
lol we used to have acorns but a few years they updated out ict deparment :) so we now have fairly ok computers and the internet although most of the sites are banned I mean this site is filtered out as "Games"

But I'm ok with the proxy just need to password protect it stop the people at school from abusing it ;),


I bet the actual dangerous sites arne't even filtered out are they? It always irk's me that some tech people just haven't a clue, they'll read something Carol Voderman said in her infinite unwisdom take it as the gospel truth and screw everything up along with the parents who think they know it all, yeah real smart people they are. They finally force MS to close its chatrooms, protected area's where there would always be someone in authority around. Way to go protecting the kids, now they'll all head off to those certain seedy IRC networks that nobody goes to unless their upto no good. No protection, full of hackers and far worse individuals. Yup, Carol and the parent army, more dangerous than anything else in the universe lol

ok im done ranting, promise. But yeah, it sucks they block some stuff at schools, they might aswell not have the internet available atall the rate some block stuff. They'll keep the educational sites open though, I mean whats the point, no kid is going to intentionally go to those sites for anything more than taking the piss out of the photo's of people on them. copying them across to some paint package and drawing genitles on their faces

school sucks, I hated it then and I hate it now, whoever said school days are the best days of your life must have been a teacher with nothing else in their life cause its complete tosh. Earning money and doing what the hell you like is way more fun than being told to do things at school and getting grades in subjects you will never once need in the real world (no really, I've never once been asked to show my grades to get a job, not never in over 10 years lol)

damn the slighest mention of school and I start ranting like this, I ain't got issues eh ;)

I agree with some of your points I mean to be honest the amount of sites my school block they might as well just not have the internet.

But now I'm in sixth form (collage for school) I recon they should allow you on more sites, i.e gaming sites
Originally posted by Fenric1138
when I were a lad we dint 'ave t' net at school. We 'ad acorn archimedes A3010's and we lucky if the network worked to print on the ancient and huge laser printer.

http://www.oldcomputers.freeserve.co.uk/acorn3010.jpg they were strange machines

Heck the AV department used a spectrum 128k for visual fx on video.. what chance did we possibly have of getting the internet back then :D

We had these.
We had computers at my school which were peculiarly good at playing games. It sounds wierd, but most lessons in my IT class ended up turning into LAN games of RTCW. No joke. The teacher eventually just stopped giving a stuff. 'Course, I have an interest in programming, so I was almost the only one ever doing any work. I wish I had joined in just once...
My *first* school never even *had* computers. We had Dick and Jane.

<throws up>
Originally posted by RichGuk
my school block hl2.net on their systems :( so I couldn't access this wonderfull forums... but no more :O! I've now set up a web proxy ;) (well untill that gets blocked)

So can now access this wonderfull site :),


same shit, different places;) my boss is stu**:x
my elementry school was funded by a wealthy pta, so we had a bunch of spoiled kids and decent computers, sure they had 5 1/4 drives and a huge library of games, but i swear, oregon trail was never so much fun.
Our school is equiped with DSL and some 200 mhz pcs.
yeah, my hs was piped through a single cable line, so it was very slow durring school hours.

on sept 11. nobody could use the internet it was so slow, it took a teacher 2 class periods to load CNN.
At my first school (which i first attended in 1986) had no computers. We were a small farming community. Then in '88 i moved to the district that I stayed in for the rest of my school years. At first all we had were apple 2c's. Then we moved to the 2e's, I remember thinking that those things were so bad-ass. Carmen Sandiego was the shit back then. I stayed with those until I moved to high school in '95 that's when the big MAC push came. Every room was networked and a nice MAC was put in to replace the old ones. At this point I still knew jack about computers because my mom wouldn't allow one in the house, she had heard in church that computers were the devil and used for nothing but porn. She was afraid that my father would leave her for internet porn (this type of thinking is why i'm not christian anymore). So my first real experinces with a computer came in '99 when I got a 444mhz PII with 96 megs of RAM, and an 8mb ATI pro rage card. That's my history of shitty PC's. :cheers:
I didn't really get into computing untill about 2 years ago, I'm not even sure why i did but I'm glad I did because now I'm hocked :) and I love playing games, making sites, and learning c++ :cool:,

Originally posted by nw909
We had these.

I think my old school probably still uses them :)

Well, actually, they use the computers other schools throw out...no reall they do, i sometimes have mental pictures of the old computer "techy" (quite a fat smelly short guy who honestly was nice but just a bit....mixed up) tumaging through the waste skips of Copley school (the place we got the computers from). We even used Microsoft works through most of the IT course.

Collage has a T1 line i think. My collage is in a place called Hyde and only 50 people can use ADSL at a time because any more and the whole thing collapses shortly after slowing to slower than a 14k modem.
Our school has a failry ok connection well they have a big connection but its not fast becuase a local school also uses it, but it still feels faster than 56k ;) Not all the time tho :afro:,

Originally posted by RichGuk
I didn't really get into computing untill about 2 years ago, I'm not even sure why i did but I'm glad I did because now I'm hocked :) and I love playing games, making sites, and learning c++ :cool:,


Me too :D
kool. I've only just started learning c++ I'm reading "Sams teach yourself c++ in 21 days" on day 8 at the moment, Its atauly quite a good book and I'm finding it usefull, but some of it is very simpler to php so I kind of know some stuff.
