One last post from this Attention Whore.

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The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Half-Life 2 dot net was a wonderful community to begin with, they emphisized loyalty to the game makers, the latest un-biased news, and coverage of all things valve and beyond. Regulars had a blast and outright mod hostility was few and far between if any. Spam was laughed at locked and the un-informed were kindly in informed with no hassle and threats. People promoted a healthy atmosphere and didnt constantly bicker for pages on end. Fun threads that were a tad off color were not sent to hell after two slightly off comments. I made a post long ago called "something special about".

It is to my dismay the only thing special about it anymore is the still closely knit community of early regulars. Mods seem obliged dispite warning to power trip over witty comments snide remarks and outright mocking of people that have been here from the beginning. Before you ask for examples just try to tell anyone that has been here from the beginning that this place hasent changed, i'm pretty sure you will get pretty consistent results. I dont know if some of this is because we want Half-Life 2 so desperately or if it is because of the flood of the mis and un-informed, but I believe this to be no reason by any means to act the way certain people have acted as of late.

Mis-informed people are literally flamed in every thread they post or make, newbies are treated like garbage for posting anything slightly unreasonable, mods sometimes do little to nothing and but add to the flame fest with an authorative "this is over" flame. Nothing about this place is special to me anymore and I have no desire to stay here, theres plenty of gaming communities out there less hostile and totalatarian.

There are decent folks out there even if they have acted less then acceptable on one to many occasions. What seems to have a problem with is that people are human and shit happens even if it makes you mad, this is an online game forum not a shooting range for your anger and power tripping.

I know most of you will scream attention whore and not another good-bye thread but I have been wanting to say this for too long and before I left it had to leave me. An opinion in here is no longer acceptable if it dosent fit the minds of moderators and regulars, the shit flys like never before and people like Timmy are living examples of the reaction to it. Next time you must post a sarcastic mean spirited comment on the message board ask yourself if you dont have something better to be doing outside of the online world.

I'm out,

Noooo! alb! :( ;(

Goodbye.. another oldschool regular bites the dust. :(
I think the ship is sinking :(

you will be missed bhc. time to add another stripe.
its done. I'll miss you bhc, and your wonderful avatar!
they have gone on to bigger and better things..........
Why is everyone leaving? All you people will be back. YOU'RE ADDICTED!!
Wow...once again we lose another!Whats making all these people leave?
McFly said:
they have gone on to bigger and better things..........

Dude, clear your throat. Go get a glass of water.

Bye BHC. I'll always remember you. Why can't you just visit every now and then? You'll have the intarweb, so why not swing by one in a while huh?

kthxbai. :E
sorry if i sound rude/crude whatever...but

good riddence!
don't let the door hit u on the way out!
Wow our Half-Life hero is an asshole.. no wonder he kills so many scientists
Shuzer said:
Freeman, that was uncalled for. :|

no it wasn't least not from my stand point.
and u know im generally a decent guy too..
Damnit, all the good people are leaving.

I'm adding a second black stripe also.
Well this is easily the worst halflife2 community on the net now. Reasons? Fascist moderation (which is unavoidable due to the next point) + retarded noobs + delay of the game + the wait making everyone annoyed and frustrated. It's just a cesspool now. There's no fun and there's no excitement anymore.

I just hang around because of habit. When the game is released there'll be no need to be here anymore.

Cya bhc.
I'm curious how long it'll take befoe my whole ava is black.
nw909, sad thing is that that doesn't seem impossible anymore :(
Another of the old gang leaves. This place is getting worse by the day.

Bye bhc. You'll be missed.
Whats the big deal, old users leave, new users arrive. The cycle of life on the forum continues.

There's tons of users from just October last year that I dont' see around here anymore. And twice as many users who've since joined up.

All forums work like that, people get bored, people leave, people join and it goes on and on. In a few years, if the site is still around, most of us wont be here, they'll be a whole new crop of users and were we to come back, we'd hardly recognise most of them.
I'm not sure I understand this...

Why would anyone state that they're "leaving"? 's not like once you go you can't come back five minutes later... Why not just cut down on the amount that you visit the site?

I just don't see any reason to leave completely... but, then again, maybe that's because I also visit the art, fanfiction, speculation, modding and modelling forums here, which often have new stuff...
Brian Damage said:
I'm not sure I understand this...

Why would anyone state that they're "leaving"? 's not like once you go you can't come back five minutes later... Why not just cut down on the amount that you visit the site?

I just don't see any reason to leave completely... but, then again, maybe that's because I also visit the art, fanfiction, speculation, modding and modelling forums here, which often have new stuff...
He's a self confessed attention whore. He'll be back, probably just logged out and is viewing the site even now, or will sign up in a week or so as someone else and pretend no knowledge of his prior account.
Tr0n said:
Oh yay Dark Elf ruin it all...gfg.
As I recall, your one of the more prolific "I'm leaving" gang, how many times you done that now and come back? :)


Anyhoo, not giving attention whoring the satisfaction, if people are serious about leaving, they'll just leave, not make a thread about it then come back every hour to see how many people miss them, this thread is closed.
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