One Million Xbox Live players banned.

Don't think so. It bans the hardware, so the only way to get back online is to buy a new console. :)

Sucks to be bant. :p
Undoing the region-locking of games is the only viable reason for modding one's hardware imho. I am SO glad that games for the PS3 and DS are region-free. It makes my life MUCH happier to not feel so restricted and isolated. It still annoys me to no end that the Wii is not region-free. There are SO MANY games available in Japan that I would dearly love to play. Oh well. Tough shit for these kids though. Live and learn (and don't go online).
+1 to VictimOfScience

I really hope M$ will make the next console region free. But on the other hand I really don't know any games on the xbox that I couldn't get in europe. Different story with PS3, but it's region free.
Of course these guys shouldn't be crying, they knew the risks.

However, the guy bitching about prices does have a point. Games cost way more than they're worth. Seriously, $60 is just absurd. I typically just rent a game, beat it in a weekend, then never think about it again. If game prices were more reasonable, say ~$30 ... I'd probably spend 2-3 times as much a year on games as I do now. I think a lot of these "pirates" are in the same boat.

Seriously, who would risk ruining a large console investment if the rewards weren't so high? Not to mention missing out on key online features that they could enjoy with a reasonable investment.

Games are just colossally overpriced. As it stands now, people pirate game because it can save them hundreds and hundreds of dollars a year and give them more enjoyment. Regardless of your ethical stance, most people just aren't willing to donate that kind of money "for the good of the industry."
The amount of modded Xboxes on Ebay are hilarious.
If only all 1,000,000 of them were on ebay. Could pick one up for $20.
Whiny shitheads aren't smart enough to mod their console.
It's 1 million less elitist ******s.
I was referring more to the Live community as a whole. 1 million less users in mp can't be anything but a step in the right direction.