One thing I don't get...


May 19, 2003
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The Black mesa Research facility was positioned in Arizona, right?

Then what the hell are they doing in a european city now?

It wouldn't have bothered me if it was just Gordon, but they are all there.

Gordon, Barney, Dr Kleiner, Eli and even Eli's daughter.

And was there any talk of seeing familiar places?
What familiar places would there be on the other side of the planet?

Well... then again... alot can happen in a few years... and maybe its not that big a deal... :dozey:
I think its brilliant they have brought it over to Europe, to a new vibrant setting.

I'd say its the G-man's own agenda that your following, but all will be revealed.

Was that story about it being 6 years after Black Mesa,and the G-man calls you in, made up then?
Originally posted by Bennus

Was that story about it being 6 years after Black Mesa,and the G-man calls you in, made up then?

Yeah, I think so.

Its been 15 years since hl1 so alot of things could have happened.
Originally posted by Rascall
Yeah, I think so.

Its been 15 years since hl1 so alot of things could have happened.

15 years!!??


Det är vad?
ARGH.. we dont know if it is 15 years. nobody stated oficially that it is 15 years. in every magazine I read they stated that valve dident wanted to tell the time between the 2 events.
Official statement from Gabe Newell: a few years . No friggin 15 years, Gordon would be 41 and he certainly doesn't look 41 in the renders.

Where did anyone say anything about familiar places? That pratically confirms you're going to Black Mesa because it's also been stated your not leaving Earth this time and Black Mesa+Xen was the whole game of HL1. Do you go anywhere else on Earth in any of the expansions? I didn't buy em.

Nobody said anything about going back to Black Mesa. The only places I know of so far is City 17, the dry sea, and some sort of a cargo ship.
In one of the early interviews, Gabe Newel stated that you would not be returning to Xen, that most of the action would take place in and around City 17, and that there would (re)visit some familiar places. That could mean that you will take a brief trip to Black Mesa (I hope so), but perhaps he meant there will be some familiar real world landmarks?!
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
In one of the early interviews, Gabe Newel stated that you would not be returning to Xen, that most of the action would take place in and around City 17, and that there would (re)visit some familiar places. That could mean that you will take a brief trip to Black Mesa (I hope so), but perhaps he meant there will be some familiar real world landmarks?!

I sure hope it is a first one. Imagine, visit old dirty labs, collapsed tunnels (nuke is a powerful toy), dusty skeletons of aliens and scientists.
yeah yeah yeah...

but then again if the whole planet is infested it wont make much difference where you go now will it?

Of course the nuke thing makes it a somewhat bad spot to be at (for the nearest couple of hundred years atleast...)

but maybe city 17 and its tower is the combine HQ. And they are there to stop them once and for all...

but if I were Eli i still wouldn't bring my daughter...

I'm pretty sure the "Combine HQ" is designed as a defense against the alien invasion. Those walls look like the only structure capable of stopping the Striders.

Still, this doesn't explain why it slowly easts the city and what Gordon is doing there.
Ok i realize that Eli is the black guy but where the **** was he in the first game! As everyone keeps reffering to him as returning. I dont ever remember him being in the first game. Was he suppost to be some generic scientist at Black Mesa? Or was he like the one that was helping the wounded guy after the explosion?
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
Ok i realize that Eli is the black guy but where the **** was he in the first game! As everyone keeps reffering to him as returning. I dont ever remember him being in the first game. Was he suppost to be some generic scientist at Black Mesa? Or was he like the one that was helping the wounded guy after the explosion?

Yeah he was one of the generic scientists.
Theres only one familiar place you CAN revisit on Earth and that's Black Mesa. So it seems pretty sure you will return to BM if both statements are true. Unless you go somewhere else in blue shift or opfor. Do you?

If im correct, Dr. Kleiner was never 'seen' in HL, only heard about in the letter written to Gordan by the 'Office of the Administrator' at the front of the HL owner's manual. Of course all you newbie CS retailers won't know it.

"As you know, Dr. Kleiner, your former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, originally recommended you for contact...."

It would be good for the game to be set in Europe, get away from the whole deserty underground base thing.

Also, it has been confirmed by many people that the algebraic type signs seen on the Combine are very much like the ones on the striders. I am guessing that the striders are some sort of transport vehicle, or a robotic machine created by them.

The big black tower in the centre is eating the city, according to Valve, who I think would know what it does.
I read in one magazine that there might be flashbacks during the game, maybe that's when you'll revisit Black Mesa; although:

I sure hope it is a first one. Imagine, visit old dirty labs, collapsed tunnels (nuke is a powerful toy), dusty skeletons of aliens and scientists.

That would be cool :)
Henrik, i dont why on earth the game should take place in the same place hl took place. Why the ****?

And who said that the entire earth is invaded?? and, if earth is invaded by alien forces, why the **** they should stay in new messico near a nuked research base ???

Come on, few years have passed from hl1, they could have moved to do gman's bidding, or something else.

As for the area we will revisit, uhm, i have no idea.... but it sounds interesting anyway
Originally posted by ShadowJustice
Henrik, i dont why on earth the game should take place in the same place hl took place. Why the ****?

And who said that the entire earth is invaded?? and, if earth is invaded by alien forces, why the **** they should stay in new messico near a nuked research base ???

Come on, few years have passed from hl1, they could have moved to do gman's bidding, or something else.

As for the area we will revisit, uhm, i have no idea.... but it sounds interesting anyway

yeah yeah

lets all be friends now

we're all struggling toward the same goal here;
to make the next 118 days pass quickly. :x

can't you like... artifice a coma or take a really long nap or something...
to bad i've got a couple of exams coming up...
Originally posted by Xenophus
If im correct, Dr. Kleiner was never 'seen' in HL

Uhm... there were four scientist model that I recall.

White balding guy...
Black guy
White younger guy
Albert Einstein.

White Balding Guy is obviously Dr. Kleiner from the HL2 Movies
Black is Eli Vance. He even has a peg leg, a loss from the Black Mesa days.

Due to the technical limits, we obviously witnessed them die repeatedly, just as we saw Barney Calhoun die, but he's back.
There isnt one barney or one scientist, if that was the case u should complain about the same model being everywhere in HL1 even after u killed it

Barney is a security guard
and the scientist is... do I say this... ...a scientist
Now dont tell me u have never seen a security guard nor a professor in Europe, if ur an american get ur facts straight...

besides ppl can travel u know...
well, barney wont be just any security guard in HL2 cause in the video he said "remember when we thought BM was as bad as it could get". So he is on of the barneys that survived the first game.
I've also thought about returning to familiar places. Maybe its the teleporter thats seen in one pic and thats refered to in the video that takes you back to Black Messa
And how could anybody forget Dr. Kleiner and especially his voice :bounce:
Originally posted by baldrik
well, barney wont be just any security guard in HL2 cause in the video he said "remember when we thought BM was as bad as it could get". So he is on of the barneys that survived the first game.
I've also thought about returning to familiar places. Maybe its the teleporter thats seen in one pic and thats refered to in the video that takes you back to Black Messa
And how could anybody forget Dr. Kleiner and especially his voice :bounce:

its not the point if it is or isnt the same barney, its a game...
Im sure they will clear up why black mesa moved form arizona to europe.
Dr kliener is the generic white scientist.

Dr eli is in the first half life. When you first come out of the explosion, he is there injured being comforted by another scientist.

Hes saying something like "why didnt they listen to me"

After playing it again i was looking at how aged the engine is. I mean, sometimes in half life 1 when it first came out i was like "man thats like real, theres no getting better than that, thats real." But then later for some reason it stands out alot more.