"O'Neill says war plans account distorted"


Nov 17, 2003
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According to CNN

CNN said:
Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said his account of the Bush administration's early discussions on Iraq has been distorted. "Actually, there was a continuation of work that had been going on in the Clinton administration with the notion that there needed to be regime change in Iraq," O'Neill said.

not to get into another war thread but i just thought it was interesting how overpublicized he was.

edit: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/01/13/oneill.bush/index.html

sorry :)
people who don't understand the whole iraq thing are just naive.

people are somehow shocked by the notion that bush wanted to get rid of saddam before 9/11. please...9/11 was just the excuse the US needed to get rid of saddam....and it would've happened if clinton was still in office, too.

when you lose a war, you're supposed to comply 100% with the terms of surrender...saddam didn't comply, so he got gone...simple to me.

i resent the fact that the administration needed to tell us a bunch of BS in order to have the moral grounds for going to iraq, but it's necessary to do that to get things done in a democracy sometimes.

for the record, i'm not a republican...i think republican economics is retarded and have several other problems with the party...so i'm not saying bush is great or anything.

i'm not surprised one bit by O'Neill's statements in his book...and he was probably surprised that anyone was surprised that bush wanted to get rid of saddam before 9/11...
Of course he was overpublicized. The liberal media jumped on the Bush-Bashing bandwagon as fast as they could when it came to making Bush look bad. What you might not know is that it is not only acceptable for the party in power to make plans to invade other countries before there is reason to but it is supposed to be done. These are called contingency plans. The government makes up these contingency plans so that in case they have to react quickly they already have a solid plan laid out that can be slightly modified to suit its purpose. Hell, there are even contingency plans for Canada. Paul O'Neil had a resentment towared Bush because he was fired and because he could not control himself he now looks like an ass.

The next election I am voting for Bush. All the Democratic hopefuls with the exception of Liberman look phony and a little too extreme left for me, and Dean just seems like a person who would not be good at making decisions in high pressure situations. Also the guy is pretty inconsistant when it comes to his views on various subjects. More to come....
crab, its not like anyone is making you post in this thread.

edit: hey im a manhack.
crabcakes66 said:
ghost... :|

crabcake... :dork: i just posted as an fyi you dont have to be a wanker ALL the time.

besides, bush is... er... using his imagination.
Yet another post stabbed to death by the knife of immaturity....
CokeLite said:
Yet another post stabbed to death by the knife of immaturity....

yes...the immaturity knife certainly makes its way around...
Good find ghost! I'll know not to argue this point in the future :) I'm a little dissapointed in the "liberal media" assertions, but I won't go there. I mean it would be just as easy for me to say "the conservative media is trying to make bush look like a victim, thus gaining sympathy and support" but oh well.... Good fin ghost...
The immaturity knife isn't such a bad thing, it just needs to cut the maturity cake is all...
What? That guy had sex in his office. You can't get worse than that.
gh0st said:
crabcake... :dork: i just posted as an fyi you dont have to be a wanker ALL the time.

YOU...calling me a wanker.....? thats pretty funny. Do you know how to talk without insulting people?
no but youre needlessly pissing on this thread and theres no reason to, so yeah yo uare a wanker.