Only 40% of Americans accept evolution

Yeah, get out of here and take your Intelligent Design nonsense with you, Apos!
Wow this thread is long, I read the first few pages but I'd like to comment.

I'm doing some assuming there, in that assumption I'm assuming that America's population is the same as Canada's,in that it goes like this:

Population Growth by decade



Ok, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but you might get the idea.

So just think about how the majority of the population grew up in the 40s 50s 60s when church was a MANDATORY thing, and so was Sunday School, and everyone went or you were dis-owned or beaten. Like my parents who are 50 now, they were taught by Nuns in school. NUNS! Do you think they were taught evolution? I am thinking not.

Those baby-boomers as we call them are more likely to believe in a higher power than us kiddies posting on this internet forum, and we represent the minority.

Like, my parents aren't dumb people. But if they were presented this question in a certain way, they might choose creationism over evolution. It would be possible for it to happen. I'm not saying they don't believe in evolution, but I see how it would be possible for them to answer the question in favour of creationism.
I went to a catholic highschool ..we were taught evolution ..that was 20 years ago ..10 years before that I was at a catholic elementary school where the principle was a nun; we were taught sex education

while the church had some influence it certainly wasnt mandatory nor was it grounds for a physical assualt least not in canada

oh and the immigration influx in the 50's and 60's were mostly european. They were more religious than the protestant majority that were the norm at the time