OO or Procedural Programming?

Objects or Procedures?

  • Object-Orientated

    Votes: 25 75.8%
  • Procedural

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Both!

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I thought, since this is a community of programmers, we could have many interesting and high-brow discussions.... and so I posted this poll:

Object Orientated or Procedural Programming?

which were you reared on... and which do you prefer?

I'm going to say OO, since I find C++ much nicer than C.... :)

anyways... vote! :D
OO all the way!

I'm currently in the process of learning both (C# for uni. and C++ for HL2).

I definatly like C++ more than C.
both..i like c++ for more complex programs but batch files can be powerful ,too ;) at least if you consider them as Procedural P.
I used to primarily do procedural programming, but I've been really getting into OO lately. I think it's a great way to make code, since it much more easily encapsulates functions and variables for logical parts of a program, so it makes it a bit easier to debug or fix problems with.
I started off on web scripts, so it was procedural for me at first, but then I read up on OO once I started C++ and I think its a lot more powerful and easy to follow if your doing anything more complex than a simple web script.
java is completely oo so yes you can.

i'm nearly an oo purist. that's probably no good for my career, but oh well.

i do use procedural when i am optimizing.
Prefer OO, but was reared on procedural.
OOP, certainly if you program much for windows

on the web: no good OOP-languages :p
you can cleverly struct your way out of classes if you're a slippery guy!
Anybody who says OO isn't the way is probably not a programmer.

on the web: no good OOP-languages
php 5
any other object oriented scripting language that can be used through a gateway.

but python takes the cake.
PHP aint that great for classes, or maybe its just cuz I havent done anything worthy of classes with it yet. Im all for OOP though, procedural can be fun sometimes, for simple apps
Well for myself, I'm in hardware & software degrees, the "BI" degree. I learned C++, Assembly and HDL at the same time. So its kinda fun to see how people think that oop is different then procederal programing. Personaly I think of it in terms of - logical orginization of procederal programing. Basicly oop is nothing more then procederal programing, thought of in a different way. There is no big differences, other then it takes longer for oop to execute becuse of the non sequencal order it runs in. But, it makes it easier to program in because you can think of it as an object. All object oriented design really is, is a good compiler that will check to make sure you didn't make syntax errors, ie its a wraper of procedures. heheh ./rant off
Yes, I find myself still using the basics of procedural programming while programming in OOP. Simple things like making sure you have the data you want to use, before you can access it.

IE: I might have to call getData() before I can add it all together with sumData(). Simple things. : )