Opening of game revealed!

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Sweet, it picks up where it left off
Recall that at the end after he jumps into the portal, the screen goes blank and all you can hear is the G-Man talking and Gordon's rather labored-sounding breathing and a slow heartbeat.
Originally posted by uberneko
I remember Flashback. Isn't that the one where you wake up in the jungle or smt? It's a side scroller right?

Right, you wake up in the jungle with no memory, and the story unfolds as you try anfd find out who you are etc. I really worked.
If it is time travel the G-Man has sent Freeman ahead to a time when most of the Earth is a smoking ruin then you've got to presume the task is to learn/discover/collect something with which you can return to the past and correct the mistake that allowed the invasion. This would also account for the G-Man's being everywhere at Black Mesa -- he's from this ruined future and is trying to correct the past with a useful tool (in this case the complete and utter tool that is Gordon Freeman esq.).

I agree with this, that G-Man is from the ruined future, trying to fix some problem. The portal that Gordon entered at the end of HL was a modified teleportation portal which allowed him to go to the future where he was needed most, and collect the information needed by the G-Man. This could have been the test that was interrupted by the Scanners in the movie, some test that helped G-Man thwart these evil no-goodniks(gimme a break, i like corny dialogue:E). Maybe the end of the game will be Gordon trying to get back to his own time, with a struggle somewhat like that at the end of Blue Shift. Who knows where exactly he appeared, but this is why he has his HEV suit on still. This explains the portal and the memory loss. Gordon goes through the portal, made by G-Man, after he agrees to work with him. Then when he gets there, he fights off some baddies and after awhile meets up with G-Man who explains the story more.:dork:
Interesting idea, but i'm still going with the coma idea explored in other threads. It would explaing the health monitor text at the end of the gameplay video, and why gordon is still wearing his hev suit. I think that time travel is pushing it a bit, but we will all find out the truth eventually, so there's no harm in guessing.
oops sorry, the coma theory was in this thread too. I'm just jumping from thread to thread and getting confused.
aw please no temporal bullshit please :(.

Gabe simply said that the last thing gordon remembers is the talk with the gman, this doesnt mean that the last thing he saw before blackingout was the gman.
So, he accept the gman offer, he works for him, then he goes to city 17 to do some stuff for the boss and then somehow he blacks out... then the last thing he remember is the halflife ending....

There is no need of cryogenization, 15 years long comas, etc.

Btw, i seriously hope that there will be NO temporal bullshit and that the gman is not an alien
Originally posted by Draklyne
What is so special about Gordon that he needs to be preserved? I mean, besides the fact that he blew his way out of the Black Mesa? Why would the G-Man keep him under for 15 years to triumph over even more difficult trials? I'm putting on my conspiracy cap and I'm seeing so much more...

there is this theory that Gordon is actually a clone or some sort..