Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising


Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score

So this game is released in 2 days. Anyone actually thinking about buying it? The more I see of it the better it looks. I realize many hardcore OFP players are put off because it's not quite as realistic, but I think this could be a good thing. One review mentions this is a good thing because they managed to make the game a lot more fun.

There is also a hardcore mode which looks to be quite the challenge.

2 days? oh god that went fast :D

Yes, I think I want it. Never played a realistic war sim but it looks very nice.

But from the gameplay videos i've seen so far, it looked like the gameplay realism got less and less(like ArmA 2).
I really hope the final result won't be another run 'n gun game with a high difficulty but a great sim
I'm torn whether to get this or not. Apparently there wont be any dedicated server files. So any multiplayer games will need to be hosted on peoples PC's. Lag fest right there.
Looks good but I'll wait for some PC reviews and experiences from people. Eventually I will get it though, most likely.

EDIT CVG reviewed it for PC and gave it a 9/10.
ARMA 2 was a pretty big disappointment for me. Hopefully this will be what I thought ARMA 2 was going to be. I'll wait for more reviews and check out player opinions, and ultimately, I'll probably get it.
from the wiki:

''The multiplayer numbers are 16vs16 on PC and 4vs4 + 3 AI per person on consoles''

Pfft never realised the MP was so paltry on console. It seems coop is the best bet for this game, nothing else.
Theres no demo coming yet. Although im not sure if thats just pre-release. Dont know if theyre releasing one after the release date this friday.

I think theyd be pretty stupid not to release a demo. It seems VERY split between the casual and hardcore gamers out there, so I think we need a demo to help make our decision about potential purchase.

Im interested, but the reviews make me seriously want to try it before I buy it.
I'll wait for more reviews and some price drops. $20 sounds better for a game like this tbh. I can't fork down another $40 on a game right now
I'll wait for more reviews and some price drops. $20 sounds better for a game like this tbh. I can't fork down another $40 on a game right now

A game like this probably had more content and replay value than a 60-70 dollar game like the new COD.

Also, i heard that the gameinformer dudes played a near-release build and they said that a lot of the graphics were faked in the trailers. Anyone read the article? I'm betting its just because of the 360 that they had to really drop their sprite resolutions and such.
too many other games to play in the coming months... no time for this
although it looks decent enough
Ordered this with overnight shipping from Gamestop because I couldn't find it in any stores today.
Looks interesting. Would like it but I would to wait for what people say about it first.
Also, i heard that the gameinformer dudes played a near-release build and they said that a lot of the graphics were faked in the trailers. Anyone read the article? I'm betting its just because of the 360 that they had to really drop their sprite resolutions and such.

Codemasters seriously need to be called out on this. They are the kings of releasing bullshots.
Theres no demo coming yet. Although im not sure if thats just pre-release. Dont know if theyre releasing one after the release date this friday.

I think theyd be pretty stupid not to release a demo. It seems VERY split between the casual and hardcore gamers out there, so I think we need a demo to help make our decision about potential purchase.
Unless they know it's bad and are hoping the OFP name will carry enough sales by itself.
I'd love to try a demo, looks fairly interesting to me.
Isn't this game pretty much just the more unrealistic/arcadey/consolized version of ARMA2?
^^ It is yes. For console kiddies but I'll be getting it on 360. My plan is to play it as a new game and not flashpoint, otherwise i'll hate it.
Enter these codes to get 6 bonus missions:

Website minigame codes:

Code 1: Encampment: OFPWEB1
Code 2: Debris field: OFPWEB2

(!!!! Codes ARE case sensitive!!!!)

GAME: Night Raid: RaidT18Z
HMV: Ambush: AmbushU454
Play.com: Coastal Stronghold: StrongM577
Gamestation: Close Quarters: CloseQ8M3

I'm having great fun with this game. If you want to add me my name is Ren in-game.
I am Evo in game (PC). Is pretty fun from my first couple hours, but crap overlay and alt-tab support!
As it has "Operation Flashpoint" in the same, it's a given that I will be getting this game at some point. Though to be honest, I have not followed it's development. I loved the original OFP & spent countless hours playing with the editor. Then with ARMA, the editor was ok, but with the removal of the editors static camera options, the editor quickly lost any enjoyment. I'm much too lazy/impatient to have to type in a bunch of scripts just to get a single camera view.

I liked the game play videos of Dragon Rising. A little more action, with a touch less realism. Curious to see how that unfolds in game. the initial user reviews of the game puts it into the solid, mid 70's, score wise.

Fingers are crossed.

Graphics are a tad shit, but I'm enjoying it. Feels a bit like Battlefield Bad Company, which you can take any way you want.
Yeah, definitely expected the graphics to be better tbh. ARMA2 is actually prettier than this on most fronts.

Only just started the game, the campaign certainly starts off rather weirdly. After a decent intro that introduces the story a bit, you simply start at a seemingly arbitrary location on the map with an objective to kill some shit. Would've been much nicer if it had some sort of mood piece, like a parachute drop from a plane or a beach landing, anything. While the core gameplay (shooting stuff) seems solid, this poor beginning gives a very poor first impression.
Yeah, definitely expected the graphics to be better tbh. ARMA2 is actually prettier than this on most fronts.

I have to agree with you there.

Only just started the game, the campaign certainly starts off rather weirdly. After a decent intro that introduces the story a bit, you simply start at a seemingly arbitrary location on the map with an objective to kill some shit. Would've been much nicer if it had some sort of mood piece, like a parachute drop from a plane or a beach landing, anything. While the core gameplay (shooting stuff) seems solid, this poor beginning gives a very poor first impression.

I have to agree with you there as well. Though I think, they try to make you think you arrived via UH-60, but i'm not sure, as it's a speck in the sky when the mission starts. Got a laugh later on when I realized that the UH-60 flew right over an enemy SAM site & wasn't fired upon. Have you tried to play the game on "Hardcore"? You get nothing. No HUD, no mission markers, no squad re-spawn, no crosshair, no ammo count, no indication what-so-ever that you changed fire modes from full to semi. Nothing. ( You have to shoot to check & that gives away your position. ) Now I liked the fact that there was no HUD, but how the hell are you supposed to know where to go if you have no mission markers?? Wander around all over the place & pray you stumble onto something or someone? I don't mind that there are no mission markers onscreen, but when I pulled out my map, all I saw was the island & my squad. Nothing on the map to indicate where I have to go. Even a simple set of coordinates would have been nice so that I could at least figure out where I needed to go. Perhaps it's just on my end, but I got nothing. Restarted on "Normal" & the game looked great. I knew where I had to go & I still died really fast if I tried to play as John Rambo.

Also, for those of you that rebind your "USE" key, you'll HAVE to have it as "E" & set the Secondary to whatever you choose, otherwise you'll not be able to EXIT ammo crates or searching dead bodies. I learned this the hard way & went looking for a way to fix it. On almost every forum I looked at, others are having the same problem if you rebind the Primary key. Keep it at "E" & change the secondary & all will be ok.

I am only at the start of the first mission, so apart from a single vehicle I stole, I do not have any idea as to how the rest of the game plays. The starting weapon looked pretty good, though I didn't really like that every shot had tracers. Looked more like a Star Wars laser battle than a 21st century ballistics one. I also didn't care for the constant team chatter about every enemy they saw. The voice was too robotic. "Enemy. Five. O'Clock. North. West." Over & over. Though the fact that my shot split my enemies head like a melon went a long ways to making up for that fact. I was at the end of the first mission after having stolen a jeep & simply following the road to see where it ended. ( This was on Hardcore when I had no map markers to know where to go. ) An APC opened fire on us & I only just managed to exit before it blew. The squad mate next to me wasn't fast enough & an APC round hit him in the head, which completely removed it.

I do however, really like the "Command" window, which you can use to tell your squad commands like you could in BF2. I have it bound to my mouse middle key, for fast commands & the selection does cover almost everything, except commands for splitting up your squad, but perhaps that comes later. If you crouch, your squad does, go prone & they do too. I also liked how the closer the enemy was to my position, my squad would whisper. I really liked being able to tell my squad to only fire if I do, or to have them only return fire.

Well, that is all I'll say for now, as it is much too soon to say more, until I have had a chance to play more. I have taken several SS & if they pertain to anything important, i'll post them at a later time.

The heads of people in this game are either made off balloons, attached to their torso with cocktail picks or the rest of their bodies are made of titanium because *every* explosion just removes the head entirely. Seriously. Just tell your team to hold position and frag them with a grenade. Their heads will vanish like magic.

Also: where's the editor?
The heads of people in this game are either made off balloons, attached to their torso with cocktail picks or the rest of their bodies are made of titanium because *every* explosion just removes the head entirely. Seriously. Just tell your team to hold position and frag them with a grenade. Their heads will vanish like magic.

Also: where's the editor?

Off the top of my head I can't think of the game(s) names, but I recall a few other "Tactical" shooters I have, that if I opened fire on a my squad, they would in turn, turn on me & take me out. That feature seems to be absent from OFP:DR. Somewhat frustrated that my squad's AI was unable to notice a wall was between them and an enemy soldier they were engaged with & thus wasting ammo trying to shoot through a solid wall of concrete, I opened up on my squad from behind. They stood there as I shot & naded them. Only saying "Friendly Fire!" I also noticed the balloon like heads, though I think one or two of my boys had missing arms. Though perhaps they were just pinned under their bodies.

Reloading a check point, seemed to fix the AI somewhat & they went around the wall & took out the enemies quickly. Playing on "Normal" seems to provide a limited degree of difficulty. As I have only played the first mission, I really can't be sure, but I feel the damage is the same on hard, just the AI is not as accurate. Can anyone else confirm or disprove this?

I have to go to work in an hour, so I'll play some more once I get home. I'm curious as to how the rest of the game is or even the next mission.

I have only made it through 5 missions and i am already bored.

This game is anything but OPF. It's a cross between Ghost Recon and Battlefield 2.
I Am running the game at its highest settings. It runs flawlessly but the visuals are muddy and dreadful. Especially the textures. Half of the time, i can't even tell what i am shooting at. It's almost impossible to find the dead bodies of the enemies if u need to pick up a new weapon. OPF may have been a military simulator but it sure as **** wasn't this frustrating to play. I thought they would manage to recapture the atmosphere as well as the vast but user friendly complexity of the original after the two buggy messes that the original developers released. I was wrong. This game may be more polished but it's mind numbingly dull.

Save your money for another game, guys.
Im currently on the 3rd of 4th mission and have had to assault an airfield.

Ive really liked that I can flank the field on the right and basically pick the PLA off one by one as theyre focused on the tanks and infantry hitting them from the entrance. I got told to basically clear the tower out quickly or theyll start spotting in mortar rounds. The rounds came in as I was taking my time getting round the buildings and making sure nobody was around to nail me in the open before I ran.

I got another call to basically hurry the ***k up as they were getting casualties from the mortars, so I ordered my unit to assault the tower.

We stacked up and burst in. That felt cool. They swept the room and I was last in. Turned right after entering and heard 'clear!'. Then a bang. Then a black screen. Then a checkpoint reload. Then frustration as it had set me all the way back to outside the airfield and had to do the whole thing over again.

Yeah. You get NO heath regen or anything like that. Get caught in the open and you are seriously ***ked. Hit in the leg and you cant sprint, and youll bleed out. My god is it intense trying to patch yourself up to stop the bleeding when the mud is being kicked up by rounds around you. Basically when youre under fire, youre praying you dont get hit, much like in real life. You cant hang up over a sandbag waiting for perfect shots. Youll get your head blown off. Literally.

Its ridiculously unforgiving. But then again, its definitely a war sim in that respect. You dont get second chances in war in real life so this really is close.

Which is great. But its poorly executed. Definitely rent or wait for the demo. DONT purchase.
Im currently on the 3rd of 4th mission and have had to assault an airfield.

Ive really liked that I can flank the field on the right and basically pick the PLA off one by one as theyre focused on the tanks and infantry hitting them from the entrance. I got told to basically clear the tower out quickly or theyll start spotting in mortar rounds. The rounds came in as I was taking my time getting round the buildings and making sure nobody was around to nail me in the open before I ran.

I got another call to basically hurry the ***k up as they were getting casualties from the mortars, so I ordered my unit to assault the tower.

We stacked up and burst in. That felt cool. They swept the room and I was last in. Turned right after entering and heard 'clear!'. Then a bang. Then a black screen. Then a checkpoint reload. Then frustration as it had set me all the way back to outside the airfield and had to do the whole thing over again.

Yeah. You get NO heath regen or anything like that. Get caught in the open and you are seriously ***ked. Hit in the leg and you cant sprint, and youll bleed out. My god is it intense trying to patch yourself up to stop the bleeding when the mud is being kicked up by rounds around you. Basically when youre under fire, youre praying you dont get hit, much like in real life. You cant hang up over a sandbag waiting for perfect shots. Youll get your head blown off. Literally.

Its ridiculously unforgiving. But then again, its definitely a war sim in that respect. You dont get second chances in war in real life so this really is close.

Which is great. But its poorly executed. Definitely rent or wait for the demo. DONT purchase.

Have you played Flashpoint, Arma or it's sequels? Compared to the games it is following, not only is it more forgiving but it is extremely streamlined in comparison. The way this game plays is the way a decent shooter sim should play. Non of your bullshit cover mechanics here, you've got to edge out from cover yourself and hope that in the second you have to get your bearings on the enemy that they haven't already clocked you and put a bullet in your skull. Love it.

OPF may have been a military simulator but it sure as **** wasn't this frustrating to play.

I found the crappy bugs, awful menu's and unexplained team mate resurrection at the start of new missions extremely frustrating. Also, the point you made about not being able to tell where your shooting I had with OpF and Arma. Yes it happens, but it happened in the original game which you hold so dear as well.

Don't get me wrong, it's by no means perfect, but it plays a lot better and is more user friendly than any of the other games so far.
I am really starting to get annoyed by the lack of quick saves in games nowadays, seems to be a growing problem!
Non of your bullshit cover mechanics here

Not sure if I read that right. If I did, it's obvious you never served in the Military. Would you "Edge Out" or use cover? :sniper:

I am really starting to get annoyed by the lack of quick saves in games nowadays, seems to be a growing problem!

I have noticed that as well. I think game devs try to toot it up as a "Realistic" feature. Though I'm by no means sure of that.

Batman, Resi Evil, Red Faction and now this, pathetic!
Batman, Resi Evil, Red Faction and now this, pathetic!

I found Batman boring & stopped playing it, but you gotta admit, the joker was fantastic. I got & played RE5 for about 10 mins. Looked fun, but I HATED that you could not move AND shoot at the same time. That one feature, kills it for me. Once I start playing it, I hope the rest of the game makes up for that fact. I really like RF:G. Simplistic, but fun.

"Did you bring.. Bat Treats...?"

I lol'ed so hard at that part...
