Operation Flashpoint: Elite = Red Storm Rising FPS

French Ninja

Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Oh yeah. Its going to be released on the XBOX on November 8th for us non Europeans. They made alot of graphic improvements and some gameplay ones too!

Here's the trailer.
As you can see, it's alot more pleasing to the eye now. :)
Discuss the awesome-ness.
I've got the game, since Friday(Sweden), it's great, albeit they've had to dumb down some things that the controls couldn't fit, it overall feels alot better, especially in vehicles such as helicopters etc.

I also got some fun info about the engine out of the Public Relations Manager at Bohemia, he's around on the GameSpot forums.:D

OFP > VBS1 > OFP : E > Armed Assault > Next-Gen Game(Previously known as OFP2).:)
If you compare screenshots of models for this, with the screenshots for Armed Assault, you'll notice the new models in this appear in Armed Assault.

So keep in mind, not only have they added extra graphics stuffs like self-shadowing and bloom, they've remade all the CHARACTERS models.

One warning tho, the voices(Specifically for communication), are awful, atleast when playing as Armstrong, he sounds like a girl.

You see for some reason they found it neccessary to replace all the previous voice recordings with new voice actors, oh well, that's about the only fault I can find in the game.

OFP : E seems to be overall welcomed in the X-Box world of gaming, so I'm hoping they might sooner or later do a port of their Next-Gen Project, to the 360 or PS3, because my current computer sure as hell won't handle it.
now for the xbox port of a pc game back to the pc 0.o
Gargantou said:
One warning tho, the voices(Specifically for communication), are awful, atleast when playing as Armstrong, he sounds like a girl.

You see for some reason they found it neccessary to replace all the previous voice recordings with new voice actors, oh well, that's about the only fault I can find in the game.
What?! The voices were so awesome in the original. Oh no... 4 is down.
Yup, they're alot worse..:\
I really don't know why they replaced'em, they sound like sissys now.
Not the cutscene voice overs atleast, they sound decent, but specifically the command ones that you listed.
Armstrong literally sounds like a 6 year old girl.

Still worth getting tho.

And keep in mind, it does not include the Red Hammer expansion, only OFP and Resistance, seeing as Codemasters were the ones that developed Red Hammer, they weren't allowed to port it me thinks.:)
Man, the radio chatter in OFP was awesome. A lot like HL1's.

Alpha! Go to. Charlie! 8! 9! 7! 0! 1! Engage enemy!

Oh no. 6! Is down.

Bravo! Target! APC!
Gargantou said:
I've got the game, since Friday(Sweden), it's great, albeit they've had to dumb down some things that the controls couldn't fit, it overall feels alot better, especially in vehicles such as helicopters etc.

I also got some fun info about the engine out of the Public Relations Manager at Bohemia, he's around on the GameSpot forums.:D

OFP > VBS1 > OFP : E > Armed Assault > Next-Gen Game(Previously known as OFP2).:)
If you compare screenshots of models for this, with the screenshots for Armed Assault, you'll notice the new models in this appear in Armed Assault.

So keep in mind, not only have they added extra graphics stuffs like self-shadowing and bloom, they've remade all the CHARACTERS models.

One warning tho, the voices(Specifically for communication), are awful, atleast when playing as Armstrong, he sounds like a girl.

You see for some reason they found it neccessary to replace all the previous voice recordings with new voice actors, oh well, that's about the only fault I can find in the game.

OFP : E seems to be overall welcomed in the X-Box world of gaming, so I'm hoping they might sooner or later do a port of their Next-Gen Project, to the 360 or PS3, because my current computer sure as hell won't handle it.

does it have co-op? or offline muliplayer?
No offline multiplayer, the game is strained enough as it is without split screen me thinks.
It does have online co-op, sort off, you can play missions against computer allies, with other people, hell, albeit the mission designer is rather limited, you can create missions in that to play online, complete with slightly "scripted" A.I.(Read, waypoints.:p)
that's too bad ...would have been great to play this with a friend of mine
Gargantou said:
Yup, they're alot worse..:\
I really don't know why they replaced'em, they sound like sissys now.
Not the cutscene voice overs atleast, they sound decent, but specifically the command ones that you listed.
Armstrong literally sounds like a 6 year old girl.

Still worth getting tho.

And keep in mind, it does not include the Red Hammer expansion, only OFP and Resistance, seeing as Codemasters were the ones that developed Red Hammer, they weren't allowed to port it me thinks.:)
I think the change in voices had to do with the split from codemasters.
I miss Gastovski's Dennis Leary-like voice. :(
Some updated info guys, a guy at the official OFP forums or the OFPEC forums(Can't remember), has managed to succesfully import PC-missions and now even ADDONS into the XB vers, ofcourse it seems you have to have a modded box for this, and that's too bad, still this shows it's possible tho, and considering that OFP:E allows downloadable content, perhaps Bohemia'll find some way to let you download selected User-made addons etc to the XB vers.
will they release a pc version with all the xbox improvements i wonder
as in better graphics and MULTIPLAYER!
john3571000 said:
will they release a pc version with all the xbox improvements i wonder
as in better graphics and MULTIPLAYER!
Yes, it's called Armed Assault. OFP had MP, though.
Yes they definitely will, including everything from OFP:E, I'm sure.

As I stated earlier, they're using the engine improvements etc(A.I., collision detections, physics, graphics), when designing the Armed Assault engine, so it'll include all of the improvements from the XB vers, not to mention an entire new campaign on an entire new, MUCH larger island.

Basically, Armed Assault will be a taste of what's to come for their Next-Generation Project(Previously known as Operation Flashpoint 2) :)

I deeply thank Placebo, as the guy in the head of PR at Bohemia for all the info he's been giving out to OFP:E fans.:p
Axyon said:
Yes, it's called Armed Assault. OFP had MP, though.
if you can call that buggy monstrosity multiplayer:cheers:
i'm looking forward to armed assault:imu:
I'm looking forward to ArmA too, I wonder when it'll release, last I heard was Q4 2k5, but I've heard nothing for like half a year on the release date now, hopefully it won't be delayed tho, as that probably means a delay for OFP2 aswell.
I also hope they have joypad support, because I felt far more comfortable playing OFP with a joypad, which is weird considering I usually hate playing shooters with joypads.:)
john3571000 said:
if you can call that buggy monstrosity multiplayer:cheers:
i'm looking forward to armed assault:imu:
Heh, as buggy as it was, some of my greatest MP memories come from OFP. You could do anything you did in SP, except online... Black-Op sneaking around sabotaging vehicles, a grunt formed in a small team performing recon, a sniper that carefully plans his shots from afar and only strikes at the right moment - it wasn't abused either, as sniping was incredibly hard to become good at in OFP. Travel delay, bullet arcing... so good.